2016-04-24 86 views




//Getting the perspective projection using glm::perspective 
glm::mat4 projection = glm::perspective(60.0f, 1024.0f/768.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f); 

//My Camera Position 
glm::vec3 camPos=glm::vec3(3.0, 2.0, 7.0); 

//My View matrix using glm::lookAt 
glm::mat4 view = glm::lookAt(camPos, glm::vec3(0.0, 0.5, 0.0),glm::vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); 

//Calculating inverse of the view*projection 
glm::mat4 inv = glm::inverse(view*projection); 

//Calculating the rays from camera position to the corners of the frustum as detailed in the site. 
glm::vec4 ray00=glm::vec4(-1, -1, 0, 1) * inv; 
ray00 /= ray00.w; 
ray00 -= glm::vec4(camPos,1.0); 

glm::vec4 ray10 = glm::vec4(+1, -1, 0, 1) * inv; 
ray10 /= ray10.w; 
ray10 -= glm::vec4(camPos,1.0); 

glm::vec4 ray01=glm::vec4(-1, 1, 0, 1) * inv; 
ray01 /= ray01.w; 
ray01 -= glm::vec4(camPos,1.0); 

glm::vec4 ray11 = glm::vec4(+1, +1, 0, 1) * inv; 
ray11 /= ray11.w; 
ray11 -= glm::vec4(camPos,1.0); 

上述tranformations的结果:[![此处输入图像的描述] [1]]



//Dispatch Shaders. 
glDispatchCompute ((GLuint)1024.0/16, (GLuint)768.0f/8 , 1); 


//Querying the location for ray00 and assigning the value. Similarly for the rest 
GLuint ray00Id = glGetUniformLocation(computeS, "ray00"); 
glUniform3f(ray00Id, ray00.x, ray00.y, ray00.z); 

GLuint ray01Id = glGetUniformLocation(computeS, "ray01"); 
glUniform3f(ray01Id, ray01.x, ray01.y, ray01.z); 

GLuint ray10Id = glGetUniformLocation(computeS, "ray10"); 
glUniform3f(ray10Id, ray10.x, ray10.y, ray10.z); 

GLuint ray11Id = glGetUniformLocation(computeS, "ray11"); 
glUniform3f(ray11Id, ray11.x, ray11.y, ray11.z); 

GLuint camId = glGetUniformLocation(computeS, "eye"); 
glUniform3f(camId, camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z); 


我的形象现在看起来像: Latest Image


我建议你也运行相应的lwjgl代码并比较矩阵和向量。还要检查统一位置的有效性(!= -1)或使用[显式位置](https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Layout_Qualifier_%28GLSL%29#Explicit_uniform_location) – elect


我已经检查过统一的有效性他们是正确的。根据你的建议,我给了他们明确的位置,但结果保持不变。我将尝试运行lwjl代码并比较矩阵。 – AlexanderTG



GLM的库使用标准的OpenGL矩阵惯例,这意味着矩阵在头脑里的乘法顺序Matrix * Vector创建。所以下面的代码是错误的:

//Calculating inverse of the view*projection 
glm::mat4 inv = glm::inverse(view*projection); 

视图矩阵和投影矩阵(从世界空间到眼睛空间变换)的(从眼睛空间变换到剪裁空间)的组成projection * view,因为你把不view * projection它(它将在视图之前应用投影)。


对不起,延迟回复,我已经添加了您的建议,但似乎没有奏效。我已更新我的问题以包含您的建议。因为,我没有足够的声望,我不能有超过2张图片:)谢谢! – AlexanderTG


嗨,我用glm :: mat4 inv = glm :: transpose(glm :: inverse(projection * view))取代了上面的行。 。我只是换了,它。谢谢你的帮助。 – AlexanderTG