2011-02-03 259 views

我试图让游戏与Windows游戏资源管理器集成。到目前为止,我已经在我的二进制文件中嵌入了一个游戏定义格式XML文件作为资源,我的实际Inno Setup脚本将DLL集成到安装程序中,如下所示:向游戏资源管理器添加游戏


Source: GameuxInstallHelper.dll;    DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy 
// Given a game instance GUID and path to GDF binary, registers game with Game Explorer 
procedure AddToGameExplorer(GDFBinPath: PChar; GameInstallPath: PChar; InstallScope : integer; GameGUID : GUID); 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Given a game instance GUID, unregisters a game from Game Explorer 
function RemoveFromGameExplorer(GameGUID : GUID) : boolean; 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Given a path to a GDF binary that has already been registered, returns a game instance GUID 
function RetrieveGUIDForApplication(GDFBinPath: PChar; var GameGUID : GUID) : boolean; 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Creates a unique game instance GUID 
function GenerateGUID(var GameGUID : GUID) : boolean; 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Register with Media Center using the data from a GDF binary 
procedure RegisterWithMediaCenter(GDFBinPath : PChar; GameInstallPath : PChar; InstallScope : integer; ExePath : PChar; CommandLineArgs : PChar; UseRegisterMCEApp : boolean); 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Unregister with Media Center 
procedure UnRegisterWithMediaCenter(GameInstallPath : PChar; InstallScope : integer; strExePath : PChar; UseRegisterMCEApp : boolean); 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Given a a game instance GUID, creates a task shortcut in the proper location 
procedure CreateTask(InstallScope : integer; GameInstanceGUID : GUID; SupportTask : boolean; TaskID : integer; TaskName :PChar; LaunchPath : PChar; CommandLineArgs : PChar); 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// This removes all the tasks associated with a game instance GUID 
// Pass in a valid GameInstance GUID that was passed to AddGame() 
procedure RemoveTasks(GameInstanceGUID : GUID); 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Creates the registry keys to enable rich saved games. The game still needs to use 
// the rich saved game header as defined in the documentation and support loading a 
// saved game from the command line. 
procedure SetupRichSavedGames(SavedGameExtension : PChar; LaunchPath : PChar; CommandLineToLaunchSavedGame : PChar); 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 
// Removes the registry keys to enable rich saved games. 
procedure RemoveRichSavedGames(SavedGameExtension : PChar); 
external '[email protected]:GameuxInstallHelper.dll stdcall'; 


Unknown type 'GUID' 

Cannot import dll:C:\Users\my user\AppData\Local\Temp\a random name folder\GameuxInstallHelper.dll 

