2017-02-14 61 views


    X Month Treatment Block Bee_Richness Bee_Abundance Bare Grass Forb Dead Moss 
1 1 May  DS  1   0    0 23.20 15.72 37.80 17.00 0 
2 2 May  GS  1   0    0 33.52 21.88 33.60 9.88 0 
3 3 May  UB  1   1    1 0.60 18.28 35.00 43.48 0 
4 4 May  DS  2   7   71 11.20 11.20 58.80 16.68 0 
5 5 May  GS  2   5    6 37.00 12.08 43.92 5.12 0 
6 6 May  UB  2   5   16 4.40 14.88 12.32 67.88 0 


    plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness", 
pch = shape, 
col = color, 
las = 1, 
cex = 1.5) 

test graph

这是很好的图我得到的,我认为黑色是DS,红色是GS,绿色是UB治疗。块(四种不同的形状)似乎也是正确的。 然而,当我做一个传奇与这些相同的参数,我得到这个:legend's in the top corner...

    pch = shape, 
    col = color, 
    legend = c("Block 1","Block 2","Block 3","Block 4", NA, "DS","GS","UB")) 






shape <- ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "1", 1,ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "2", 2, ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "3",3,4))) 
color <- ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == "DS", 'red',ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == "GS", 'green', 'black')) 

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
    xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",pch = c(shape), 
    col = c(color),las = 1,cex = 1.5,ylim = c(0,35)) 
legend("topleft", c('1','2','3','4'),pch = c(1,2,3,4),horiz = TRUE,title = "Block") 
legend("topright",c("DS","GS","UB"),horiz = TRUE, text.col = c("red","green","black"),title = "Treatment",title.col = "black") 




shape <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Block)) 
color <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Treatment)) 

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
    main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
    xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness", 
    pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5) 

    legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 1', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 2', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 3'), 
         pch = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), 
         col = c('blue', 'green', 'brown', 
           'blue', 'green', 'brown', 
           'blue', 'green', 'brown')) 

shape <- ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'DS', 3, 
     ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'GS', 6, 9)) 

color <- ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 1, 'red', 
     ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 2, 'blue', 'black')) 

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
    main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
    xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness", 
    pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5) 

    legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 1', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 2', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 3'), 
         pch = c(3,3,3,6,6,6,9,9,9), 
         col = c('red', 'blue', 'black', 
           'red', 'blue', 'black', 
           'red', 'blue', 'black')) 

谢谢!我把一些编辑到我原来​​的职位:) – Brenna