2017-07-04 269 views

我遇到一个更多的困难,同时将fifo代码实例化到我的顶级模块。我想从我的串行端口(接收子系统)存储一些数据集,例如“欢迎来到FPGA的世界”,然后我想要找回它说按下fpga板上的按钮或FIFO已满时。我写了我的fifo代码和串行通信代码。想法是从键盘 - >接收子系统 - > FIFO - >传输子系统 - >超级终端发送的数据。目前我正在使用8位宽的fifo,并说28深,只是为了存储一些小数据。请在这方面帮助我,我该如何实现它。我有来自保存在register_save中的接收器的字节。 fifo codeFIFO实现 - VHDL

inst_bit8_recieve_unit : entity work.byte_recieve_8N1 
port map (ck => ck, 
     reset => reset, 
     new_byte_in_buffer => new_byte_in_buffer, 
     byte_read_from_buffer => byte_read_from_buffer, 
     recieve_buffer => register_save, 
     JA_2 => JA(2)); 

---------------------FIFO instantiate------------------------------- 
inst_of_fifo_Recieve_unit : entity work.fifo 
generic map (B => data_bits, W => fifo_width) 
port map (ck => ck, 
      reset => reset, 
      rd => rd_rx, 
      wr => wr_rx, 
      write_data => num_recieved, 
      read_data => num_recieved_fifo, 
      empty => empty_rx, 
      full => full_rx); 

inst_bit8_transmit_unit : entity work.byte_transmit_8N1 
port map (ck => ck, 
      reset => reset, 
      send_byte_ready => send_byte_ready, 
      send_byte_done => send_byte_done , 
      send_buffer => num_send, 
      JAOUT_0 => JAOUT); 
proc_send5byte: process(ck, reset, state_byte5, send_byte_done, num_send, state_button_0, num_recieved_fifo, rd_rx) 


if reset = '1' THEN 
      state_byte5 <= idle; 
      send_byte_ready <='0'; 
      num_send <= "00000000" ; 

    if rising_edge(ck) then 

    case state_byte5 is 

     when idle =>   ---- in this, if btn(0) is high i.e pressed then only state_byte5 will go to next state 
       if state_button_0 = transit_pressed then 
        state_byte5 <= byte; 
        end if; 
      when byte => 
        if (not empty_rx = '1') then 

          if send_byte_ready ='0' and send_byte_done = '0' then ----here if condition is satified the send_byte_ready will be set 
            send_byte_ready <='1'; --------- shows next byte is ready 
            num_send <= num_recieved_fifo; 
            rd_rx <='1'; 

         end if; 
          end if; 

         if send_byte_ready = '1' and send_byte_done = '1' then --- during load state send_byte will be resets 
         send_byte_ready <='0'; 
         rd_rx <= '0';        
           state_byte5 <= idle;   ----------- go back to idle 
         end if; 
       --end if; 

     when others => 
         state_byte5 <= idle;  ------------- for other cases state state _byte5 will be in idle 
         send_byte_ready <= '0'; 
          rd_rx <= '0'; 
     end case; 

    end if; 
end if; 
end process; 
proc_recieving_byte : process (ck, reset, register_save, new_byte_in_buffer, full_rx, num_recieved, wr_rx) 

if reset = '1' then 
    byte_read_from_buffer <= '0'; 

     if rising_edge(ck) then 
        if full_rx = '0' then  
         if new_byte_in_buffer = '1' and byte_read_from_buffer = '0' then 
           byte_read_from_buffer <= '1'; 
         wr_rx <= '1';      
          num_recieved(7 downto 0) <= register_save(7 downto 0); 

        end if; 
         end if; 
          if new_byte_in_buffer = '0' then 
           byte_read_from_buffer <= '0'; 
           wr_rx <= '0'; 
         end if;      
        --end if; 
    end if; 
end if; 
end process;  

现在只是补充更正后的代码,这似乎是工作。问题araises增加fifo的深度时。当深度> 2时,则每三个字节都丢失。 请帮忙,为什么我丢失数据。


如果您有关于某些特定代码的具体问题,请询问并且有人会很乐意回答。但这不是一个代码写入服务。 –


嗨。我理解你的话。但我需要帮助增加或追加收到的字节,直到fifo充满。这一部分让我感到困惑,我是否应该每次检查FIFO的深度,同时保存字节,否则它会自行保存,直到它已满。 – skale


这个问题完全不可理解。请阅读[我如何问一个好问题](https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask)。 – JHBonarius




  1. 你把你的数据在FIFO的输入
  2. 你设置写使能位为“1”
  3. 你等待一个时钟周期
  4. 你设置写使能位为“0”





if rising_edge(ck)then if counts skale


在这个我试图写我收到fifo的每个字节(num_received)。我是否也应该检查FIFO。 – skale


要小心,因为当'count> count_max'时,它会返回到0,并且在时钟周期之后,它将在第一个if条件中重新输入,并且它会尝试写入FIFO并且计数会递增。你应该使用一个使能信号来控制它。 – Nathanael

--- process for recieving bytes and sent to fifo input with write enable signal------------ 

proc_recieving_byte : process (ck, reset, register_save, new_byte_in_buffer, full_rx, num_recieved, wr_rx) 

if reset = '1' then 
    byte_read_from_buffer <= '0'; 

    if rising_edge(ck) then 
      if full_rx = '0' then  
       if new_byte_in_buffer = '1' and byte_read_from_buffer = '0' then 
        byte_read_from_buffer <= '1'; 
       wr_rx <= '1';      
        num_recieved(7 downto 0) <= register_save(7 downto 0); 
         wr_rx <= '0'; 
      end if;  
      end if; 
      if new_byte_in_buffer = '0' then 
       byte_read_from_buffer <= '0'; 
       wr_rx <= '0'; 
      end if;      
    end if; 
end if; 
end process;  

---- this process checks first button state and then transmission occurs from fifo untill empty------ 

proc_send5byte: process(ck, reset, state_byte5, send_byte_done, num_send, state_button_0, num_recieved_fifo, rd_rx) 


if reset = '1' THEN 
      state_byte5 <= idle; 
      send_byte_ready <='0'; 
      num_send <= "00000000" ; 

    if rising_edge(ck) then 
    case state_byte5 is 
     when idle =>   ---- in this, if btn(0) is high i.e pressed then only state_byte5 will go to next state 
       if state_button_0 = transit_pressed then 
        state_byte5 <= byte; 
        end if; 
      when byte => 
       if (not empty_rx = '1') then 
         if send_byte_ready ='0' and send_byte_done = '0' then ----here if condition is satified the send_byte_ready will be set 
          send_byte_ready <='1'; --------- shows next byte is ready 
          num_send <= num_recieved_fifo; 
          rd_rx <='1'; 
         rd_rx <='0'; 
        end if; 
        end if; 

       if send_byte_ready = '1' and send_byte_done = '1' then --- during load state send_byte will be resets 
        send_byte_ready <='0'; 
        rd_rx <= '0';        
         state_byte5 <= idle;   ----------- go back to idle 
        end if; 

     when others => 
        state_byte5 <= idle;  
        send_byte_ready <= '0'; 
        rd_rx <= '0'; 
    end case; 

    end if; 
end if; 

end process; 



这不是一个答案。这只是一大块不可用/不完整的代码。 – JHBonarius