2011-12-24 65 views


red: RGB: 255, 0, 0 
pink: RGB: 255, 192, 203 
violet: RGB: 36, 10, 64 
blue: RGB: 0, 0, 255 
green: RGB: 0, 255, 0 
yellow: RGB: 255, 255, 0 
orange: RGB: 255, 104, 31 
white: RGB: 255, 255, 255 
black: RGB: 0, 0, 0 
gray: RGB: 128, 128, 128 
tea: RGB: 193, 186, 176 
cream: RGB: 255, 253, 208 


int picw = mBitmap.getWidth(); 
    int pich = mBitmap.getHeight(); 
    int[] pix = new int[picw * pich]; 
    float[] HSV = new float[3]; 

    // get pixel array from source 
    mBitmap.getPixels(pix, 0, picw, 0, 0, picw, pich); 

    int index = 0; 
    // iteration through pixels 
    for(int y = 0; y < pich; ++y) { 
     for(int x = 0; x < picw; ++x) { 
      // get current index in 2D-matrix 
      index = y * picw + x;    
      // convert to HSV 
      Color.colorToHSV(pix[index], HSV); 
      // increase Saturation level 
      //HSV[0] = Hue 
      Log.i(getCallingPackage(), String.valueOf(HSV[0])); 


我使用HSV来查看颜色的范围。当我有一个不在此列表中的颜色时,我想在列表中将其命名为类似颜色 我该怎么做?



要获得最接近你的12种颜色之一的颜色,你必须基本上限定一些RGB值与每个颜色相匹配的程度。最直接的方法可能是计算三个颜色分量中的每一个的绝对差值并将它们相加。具有最小差异的颜色将是您最好的搭配。尽管这样做可能会变得相当昂贵,因为尽管一些优化是绝对有可能的,但你必须做这个'width * height * 12'次。 – 2011-12-24 02:38:30


我必须将RBG转换为HSV吗? – 2011-12-24 02:54:58


我不确定你的意思。据我可以告诉你有12种颜色的RGB值,Rajdeep的答案显示了如何获得特定像素的三种颜色分量。你需要什么HSV值? – 2011-12-24 03:21:21




我还是不明白为什么你需要HSV值,因为它只是RGB组件的不同表示 - 它实际上并没有改变问题或解决方案。



Map<String, Integer> mColors = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); 
mColors.put("red", Color.rgb(255, 0, 0)); 
mColors.put("pink", Color.rgb(255, 192, 203)); 
mColors.put("voilet", Color.rgb(36, 10, 64)); 
mColors.put("blue", Color.rgb(0, 0, 255)); 
mColors.put("green", Color.rgb(0, 255, 0)); 
mColors.put("yellow", Color.rgb(255, 255, 0)); 
mColors.put("orange", Color.rgb(255, 104, 31)); 
mColors.put("white", Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)); 
mColors.put("black", Color.rgb(0, 0, 0)); 
mColors.put("gray", Color.rgb(128, 128, 128)); 
mColors.put("tea", Color.rgb(193, 186, 176)); 
mColors.put("cream", Color.rgb(255, 253, 208)); 


private String getBestMatchingColorName(int pixelColor) { 
    // largest difference is 255 for every colour component 
    int currentDifference = 3 * 255; 
    // name of the best matching colour 
    String closestColorName = null; 
    // get int values for all three colour components of the pixel 
    int pixelColorR = Color.red(pixelColor); 
    int pixelColorG = Color.green(pixelColor); 
    int pixelColorB = Color.blue(pixelColor); 

    Iterator<String> colorNameIterator = mColors.keySet().iterator(); 
    // continue iterating if the map contains a next colour and the difference is greater than zero. 
    // a difference of zero means we've found an exact match, so there's no point in iterating further. 
    while (colorNameIterator.hasNext() && currentDifference > 0) { 
     // this colour's name 
     String currentColorName = colorNameIterator.next(); 
     // this colour's int value 
     int color = mColors.get(currentColorName); 
     // get int values for all three colour components of this colour 
     int colorR = Color.red(color); 
     int colorG = Color.green(color); 
     int colorB = Color.blue(color); 
     // calculate sum of absolute differences that indicates how good this match is 
     int difference = Math.abs(pixelColorR - colorR) + Math.abs(pixelColorG - colorG) + Math.abs(pixelColorB - colorB); 
     // a smaller difference means a better match, so keep track of it 
     if (currentDifference > difference) { 
      currentDifference = difference; 
      closestColorName = currentColorName; 
    return closestColorName; 


Color.RED (-65536) -> red (-65536) 
Color.GREEN (-16711936) -> green (-16711936) 
Color.BLUE (-16776961) -> blue (-16776961) 
Color.BLACK (-16777216) -> black (-16777216) 
Color.WHITE (-1) -> white (-1) 
Color.GRAY (-7829368) -> gray (-8355712) 
Color.YELLOW (-256) -> yellow (-256) 
Color.MAGENTA (-65281) -> pink (-16181) 



颜色表示为包装整数,由4个字节:alpha,红色, 绿,蓝。 (...)组件存储如下(alpha < < 24) | (红色< < 16)| (绿色< < 8)|蓝色。

Source: android.graphics.Color reference.


private String getBestMatchingHsvColor(int pixelColor) { 
    // largest difference is 360(H), 1(S), 1(V) 
    float currentDifference = 360 + 1 + 1; 
    // name of the best matching colour 
    String closestColorName = null; 
    // get HSV values for the pixel's colour 
    float[] pixelColorHsv = new float[3]; 
    Color.colorToHSV(pixelColor, pixelColorHsv); 

    Iterator<String> colorNameIterator = mColors.keySet().iterator(); 
    // continue iterating if the map contains a next colour and the difference is greater than zero. 
    // a difference of zero means we've found an exact match, so there's not point in iterating further. 
    while (colorNameIterator.hasNext() && currentDifference > 0) { 
     // this colour's name 
     String currentColorName = colorNameIterator.next(); 
     // this colour's int value 
     int color = mColors.get(currentColorName); 
     // get HSV values for this colour 
     float[] colorHsv = new float[3]; 
     Color.colorToHSV(color, colorHsv); 
     // calculate sum of absolute differences that indicates how good this match is 
     float difference = Math.abs(pixelColorHsv[0] - colorHsv[0]) + Math.abs(pixelColorHsv[1] - colorHsv[1]) + Math.abs(pixelColorHsv[2] - colorHsv[2]); 
     // a smaller difference means a better match, so store it 
     if (currentDifference > difference) { 
      currentDifference = difference; 
      closestColorName = currentColorName; 
    return closestColorName; 

嗨,感谢您的回答,但我必须使用HSV模式 – 2011-12-25 15:14:38


您能否告诉我使用HSV的解决方案,我必须使用HSV。谢谢 – 2011-12-27 05:27:13


你有没有试过HSV值的上述方法? – 2011-12-28 18:07:39


因为你已经有int像素颜色值。 您可以通过以下方法

int green = Color.green(pix[i]); 
int red = Color.red(pix[i]); 
int blue = Color.blue(pix[i]); 



当我有一种颜色不在我的列表中时,我想在列表中使用类似的颜色,以便将它转换为HSV。例如:红:0 - > 18,306-> 359 橙:19 - > 41 黄色:42 - > 69 绿色:70 - > 166 蓝:167 - > 251 紫:252 - > 305 – 2011-12-24 02:06:59


问题不是很清楚,你能不能详细说一下 – 2011-12-24 02:09:10


我的意思是,当我有一个像素时,我想知道颜色的名称。当我有一些类型的红色:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors#Red我想标记他们只有红色 – 2011-12-24 02:22:56