2016-01-13 108 views

我需要一个函数来高精度地计算一对WGS 84位置之间的距离,我打算使用boost geometry中的geographic函数。为什么boost :: geometry geographic Vincenty距离在赤道附近不准确?

boost geometry Design Rational状态:



WGS 84 values (metres) 
    Semimajor axis:   6378137.000000 
    Flattening:    0.003353 
    Semiminor axis:   6356752.314245 

    Semimajor distance:  20037508.342789 
    Semiminor distance:  19970326.371123 

Boost geometry near poles 
Andoyer function: 
    Semimajor distance:  20037508.151445 
    Semiminor distance:  20003917.164970 
Vincenty function: 
    Semimajor distance:  **19970326.180419** 
    Semiminor distance:  20003931.266635 

Boost geometry at poles 
Andoyer function: 
    Semimajor distance:  0.000000 
    Semiminor distance:  0.000000 
Vincenty function: 
    Semimajor distance:  **19970326.371122** 
    Semiminor distance:  20003931.458623 



问题出在:Vincenty算法,boost geometry执行它,还是我的测试代码?


/// boost geometry WGS84 distance issue 

// Note: M_PI is not part of the C or C++ standards, _USE_MATH_DEFINES enables it 
#include <boost/geometry.hpp> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <ios> 

// WGS 84 parameters from: Eurocontrol WGS 84 Implementation Manual 
// Version 2.4 Chapter 3, page 14 

/// The Semimajor axis measured in metres. 
/// This is the radius at the equator. 
constexpr double a = 6378137.0; 

/// Flattening, a ratio. 
/// This is the flattening of the ellipse at the poles 
constexpr double f = 1.0/298.257223563; 

/// The Semiminor axis measured in metres. 
/// This is the radius at the poles. 
/// Note: this is derived from the Semimajor axis and the flattening. 
/// See WGS 84 Implementation Manual equation B-2, page 69. 
constexpr double b = a * (1.0 - f); 

int main(int /*argc*/, char ** /*argv*/) 

    std::cout << "WGS 84 values (metres)\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor axis:\t\t" << a << "\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tFlattening:\t\t"  << f << "\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor axis:\t\t" << b << "\n\n"; 

    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << M_PI * a << "\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << M_PI * b << "\n"; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 

    // Min value for delta. 0.000000014 causes Andoyer to fail. 
    const double DELTA(0.000000015); 

    // For boost::geometry: 
    typedef boost::geometry::cs::geographic<boost::geometry::radian> Wgs84Coords; 
    typedef boost::geometry::model::point<double, 2, Wgs84Coords> GeographicPoint; 
    // Note boost points are Long & Lat NOT Lat & Long 
    GeographicPoint near_north_pole (0.0, M_PI_2 - DELTA); 
    GeographicPoint near_south_pole (0.0, -M_PI_2 + DELTA); 

    GeographicPoint near_equator_east (M_PI_2 - DELTA, 0.0); 
    GeographicPoint near_equator_west (-M_PI_2 + DELTA, 0.0); 

    // Note: the default boost geometry spheroid is WGS84 
    // #include <boost/geometry/core/srs.hpp> 
    typedef boost::geometry::srs::spheroid<double> SpheroidType; 
    SpheroidType spheriod; 

    //#include <boost/geometry/strategies/geographic/distance_andoyer.hpp> 
    typedef boost::geometry::strategy::distance::andoyer<SpheroidType> 
    AndoyerStrategy andoyer(spheriod); 

    std::cout << "Boost geometry near poles\n"; 
    std::cout << "Andoyer function:\n"; 
    double andoyer_major(boost::geometry::distance(near_equator_east, near_equator_west, andoyer)); 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << andoyer_major << "\n"; 
    double andoyer_minor(boost::geometry::distance(near_north_pole, near_south_pole, andoyer)); 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << andoyer_minor << "\n"; 

    //#include <boost/geometry/strategies/geographic/distance_vincenty.hpp> 
    typedef boost::geometry::strategy::distance::vincenty<SpheroidType> 
    VincentyStrategy vincenty(spheriod); 

    std::cout << "Vincenty function:\n"; 
    double vincenty_major(boost::geometry::distance(near_equator_east, near_equator_west, vincenty)); 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << vincenty_major << "\n"; 
    double vincenty_minor(boost::geometry::distance(near_north_pole, near_south_pole, vincenty)); 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << vincenty_minor << "\n\n"; 

    // Note boost points are Long & Lat NOT Lat & Long 
    GeographicPoint north_pole (0.0, M_PI_2); 
    GeographicPoint south_pole (0.0, -M_PI_2); 

    GeographicPoint equator_east (M_PI_2, 0.0); 
    GeographicPoint equator_west (-M_PI_2, 0.0); 

    std::cout << "Boost geometry at poles\n"; 
    std::cout << "Andoyer function:\n"; 
    andoyer_major = boost::geometry::distance(equator_east, equator_west, andoyer); 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << andoyer_major << "\n"; 
    andoyer_minor = boost::geometry::distance(north_pole, south_pole, andoyer); 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << andoyer_minor << "\n"; 

    std::cout << "Vincenty function:\n"; 
    vincenty_major = boost::geometry::distance(equator_east, equator_west, vincenty); 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << vincenty_major << "\n"; 
    vincenty_minor = boost::geometry::distance(north_pole, south_pole, vincenty); 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << vincenty_minor << "\n"; 

    return 0; 



作为替代退房查尔斯F. F. Karney的geographiclib。正如文件中所述:“重点在于返回准确的结果,并且误差接近四舍五入(约5-15纳米)。”


谢谢@ jwd630,我正在阅读'Charles FF Karney的[算法测地线](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00190-012-0578-z)paper和geographiclib将是一个优秀的选择。然而,'boost几何体'是一个'boost'库,即......几乎是标准的,所以它**应该**正确工作。 – kenba


对不起@ jwd630但[geographiclib](http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net/)更糟!看到我的回答... – kenba


不,GeographicLib给出了正确答案! – cffk


我按照@ jwd630的建议和检查了geographiclib

WGS 84 values (metres) 
    Semimajor distance: 20037508.342789 
    Semiminor distance: 19970326.371123 

GeographicLib near antipodal 
    Semimajor distance: 20003931.458625 
    Semiminor distance: 20003931.455275 

GeographicLib antipodal 
    Semimajor distance: 20003931.458625 
    Semiminor distance: 20003931.458625 

GeographicLib verify 
    JFK to LHR distance: 5551759.400319 





/// GeographicLib WGS84 distance 

// Note: M_PI is not part of the C or C++ standards, _USE_MATH_DEFINES enables it 
#include <GeographicLib/Geodesic.hpp> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <ios> 

// WGS 84 parameters from: Eurocontrol WGS 84 Implementation Manual 
// Version 2.4 Chapter 3, page 14 

/// The Semimajor axis measured in metres. 
/// This is the radius at the equator. 
constexpr double a = 6378137.0; 

/// Flattening, a ratio. 
/// This is the flattening of the ellipse at the poles 
constexpr double f = 1.0/298.257223563; 

/// The Semiminor axis measured in metres. 
/// This is the radius at the poles. 
/// Note: this is derived from the Semimajor axis and the flattening. 
/// See WGS 84 Implementation Manual equation B-2, page 69. 
constexpr double b = a * (1.0 - f); 

int main(int /*argc*/, char ** /*argv*/) 
    const GeographicLib::Geodesic& geod(GeographicLib::Geodesic::WGS84()); 


    std::cout << "WGS 84 values (metres)\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor axis:\t\t" << a << "\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tFlattening:\t\t"  << f << "\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor axis:\t\t" << b << "\n\n"; 

    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << M_PI * a << "\n"; 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << M_PI * b << "\n"; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 

    // Min value for delta. 0.000000014 causes boost Andoyer to fail. 
    const double DELTA(0.000000015); 

    std::pair<double, double> near_equator_east (0.0, 90.0 - DELTA); 
    std::pair<double, double> near_equator_west (0.0, -90.0 + DELTA); 

    std::cout << "GeographicLib near antipodal\n"; 
    double distance_metres(0.0); 
    geod.Inverse(near_equator_east.first, near_equator_east.second, 
       near_equator_west.first, near_equator_west.second, distance_metres); 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n"; 

    std::pair<double, double> near_north_pole (90.0 - DELTA, 0.0); 
    std::pair<double, double> near_south_pole (-90.0 + DELTA, 0.0); 

    geod.Inverse(near_north_pole.first, near_north_pole.second, 
       near_south_pole.first, near_south_pole.second, distance_metres); 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n\n"; 

    std::pair<double, double> equator_east (0.0, 90.0); 
    std::pair<double, double> equator_west (0.0, -90.0); 

    std::cout << "GeographicLib antipodal\n"; 
    geod.Inverse(equator_east.first, equator_east.second, 
       equator_west.first, equator_west.second, distance_metres); 
    std::cout << "\tSemimajor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n"; 

    std::pair<double, double> north_pole (90.0, 0.0); 
    std::pair<double, double> south_pole (-90.0, 0.0); 

    geod.Inverse(north_pole.first, north_pole.second, 
       south_pole.first, south_pole.second, distance_metres); 
    std::cout << "\tSemiminor distance:\t" << distance_metres << "\n\n"; 

    std::pair<double, double> JFK (40.6, -73.8); 
    std::pair<double, double> LHR (51.6, -0.5); 

    std::cout << "GeographicLib verify distance\n"; 
    geod.Inverse(JFK.first, JFK.second, 
       LHR.first, LHR.second, distance_metres); 
    std::cout << "\tJFK to LHR distance:\t" << distance_metres << std::endl; 

    return 0; 

在他的论文Algorithms for geodesics, 查尔斯F. F. Karney指出:“Vincenty的方法收敛失败了将近径点”。 这可能会回答我的原始问题,即Vincenty算法不适用于反对点。

注:我已经提出boost#11817描述,其中 的Andoyer算法返回零径点和发送拉请求boost与它一个解决这个问题。


非常感谢查尔斯F. F. Karney(@cffk)的礼貌指出我的愚蠢的错误!


你有南极的位置错了!它在纬度= -90不是纬度= 90. – cffk


@cffk请接受我最诚挚的歉意。你说的很对,我在南极拥有南极的纬度。所以零是正确的,我不希望很多算法来处理纬度> 90度!我修改了测试代码并用新的(希望是正确的)结果编辑了答案。两极之间的距离现在看起来是正确的,但是肯定赤道周围的距离应该是Pi * a,即20037508.342789米? – kenba


不,对于扁圆椭圆体来说,它通过极点更短。如果经度差为(1-f)180°或更小,则两个赤道点之间的最短测地线仅在赤道之后。 (在纬度> 90°的问题上,GeographicLib故意将它们转换为NaN,以防止返回时出现可信但不正确的结果。) – cffk
