2016-11-09 46 views

我正在使用SQL Server 2012为销售代理提取滚动销售信息。 如果这些代理商在6天或更少的滚动时间内达到15次销售额,则会获得奖金。如果他们成为目标,则滚动计数会重置。 周日应该被忽略。销售目标使用重置的运行总计SQL Server 2012


SELECT 1 AgentID,'2016-10-31' Date,1 Sales 
INTO #Sales 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-01',2 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-02',1 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-03',5 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-04',3 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-05',2 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-07',6 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-08',5 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-09',4 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-10',6 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-11',1 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-12',3 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-14',2 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-15',2 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-16',4 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-17',2 
UNION SELECT 1,'2016-11-18',2 


2016-11-07 (period 2016-11-01 -> 2016-11-07) 
2016-11-10 (period 2016-11-08 -> 2016-11-10) 
2016-11-18 (period 2016-11-12 -> 2016-11-18) 

AgentID Date Sales Qualify 
1 2016-10-31 1 0 
1 2016-11-01 2 0 
1 2016-11-02 1 0 
1 2016-11-03 5 0 
1 2016-11-04 3 0 
1 2016-11-05 2 0 
1 2016-11-07 6 1 
1 2016-11-08 5 0 
1 2016-11-09 4 0 
1 2016-11-10 6 1 
1 2016-11-11 1 0 
1 2016-11-12 3 0 
1 2016-11-14 2 0 
1 2016-11-15 2 0 
1 2016-11-16 4 0 
1 2016-11-17 2 0 
1 2016-11-18 2 1 



裁减员额像 Window Functions - Running Total with reset


更新: 我尝试的第一件事是创建滚动6天的窗口,但我没有看到这在一个基于集合的方法工作。 我可以使用光标来遍历这些行,但我真的不喜欢这个想法。

SELECT DATEADD(DAY,-6,a.Date) StartDate,Date EndDate,a.AgentID,a.Sales, 
(SELECT SUM(b.Sales) 
    FROM cteSales b 
    WHERE b.Date <= a.Date 
    AND b.Date >= DATEADD(DAY,-6,a.Date)) TotalSales 
FROM cteSales a 

然后我试图用在上面的URL中提到的脚本,但我真的不知道它在做什么。 我只是在改变一些东西,希望在解决方案中陷入困境,而这只是不起作用。

WITH c1 as 
    select *, 
    sum(sales) over(order by IDDate rows unbounded preceding) as rt 
    from cteSales 

SELECT date, sales, rt, 
    SalesTarget_rt - lag(SalesTarget_rt, 1, 0) over(order by date) as SalesTarget, 
    rt * SalesTarget_rt as new_rt 

from c1 
    cross apply(values(case when rt >= 15 then 1 else 0 end)) as a1(SalesTarget_rt); 

你有你至今尝试过的脚本? – iamdave


另外,同一天15日之后的销售额是否会计入下一个目标?因此,如果他们在第1天售出14,然后在第2天售出3,那么对第3天的第2个或第2个目标开始计数? – iamdave


哦,还有(!)是否每个代理每天最多只有一条记录? – iamdave



那就好!这是一个有趣的挑战,我非常高兴,因为我破解了它。注释等在代码注释中。如果您想更改可累积奖金的天数,请更改@DaysInBonusPeriod中的值。这也适用于多个AgentID秒和日期的任何序列,假设其中的任何缺少的日期不包括奖金计提时期 - 即:如果你忽视周日周三时段进行计数:

Day  Period Day 
Monday 1 
Tuesday 2 
Thursday 3 
Friday 4 
Saturday 5 
Monday 6 


declare @t table(AgentID int 
       ,DateValue Date 
       ,Sales int 
insert into @t     
select 1,'2016-10-31',1 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-01',2 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-02',1 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-03',5 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-04',3 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-05',2 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-07',6 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-08',5 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-09',4 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-10',6 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-11',1 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-12',3 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-14',2 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-15',2 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-16',4 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-17',2 union all 
select 1,'2016-11-18',2 union all 

select 2,'2016-10-31',1 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-01',7 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-02',0 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-03',0 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-04',0 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-05',0 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-07',0 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-08',0 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-09',1 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-10',3 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-11',2 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-12',3 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-14',7 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-15',6 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-16',3 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-17',5 union all 
select 2,'2016-11-18',3; 

-- Set the number of days that sales can accrue towards a Bonus. 
declare @DaysInBonusPeriod int = 6; 

with rn -- Derived table to get incremental ordering for recursice cte. This is useful as Sundays are ignored. 
    select t.AgentID 
      ,row_number() over (order by t.AgentID, t.DateValue) as rn 
    from @t t 
,prev -- Using the row numbering above, find the number of sales in the day before the bonus accrual period. We have to use the row numbers as Sundays are ignored. 
     select t.AgentID 
       ,isnull(tp.Sales,0) as SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod 
     from rn t 
      left join rn tp 
       on(t.AgentID = tp.AgentID 
        and tp.rn = t.rn - @DaysInBonusPeriod  -- Get number of sales on the day before the max Bonus period. 
,cte -- Use a recursive cte to calculate running totals based on sales, whether the bonus was achieved the previous day and if the previous bonus was more than 5 days ago. 
    select rn 
      ,Sales as TotalSales 
      ,case when Sales >= 15 then 1 else 0 end as Bonus 
      ,1 as DaysSinceLastBonus 

    from prev 
    where rn = 1 -- Select just the first row in the dataset. 

    union all 

    select t.rn 

      -- If the previous row was for the same agent and not a bonus, add the day's sales to the total, subtracting the sales from the day before the 6 day bonus period if it has been more than 6 days since the last bonus. 
      ,case when t.AgentID = c.AgentID 
       then case when c.Bonus = 0 
         then t.Sales + c.TotalSales - case when c.DaysSinceLastBonus >= @DaysInBonusPeriod then t.SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod else 0 end 
         else t.Sales 
       else t.Sales 
       end as TotalSales 

      -- If the value in the TotalSales field above is 15 or more, flag a bonus. 
      ,case when 
        case when t.AgentID = c.AgentID                            --\ 
        then case when c.Bonus = 0                             -- \ 
          then t.Sales + c.TotalSales - case when c.DaysSinceLastBonus >= @DaysInBonusPeriod then t.SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod else 0 end -- \ Same statement 
          else t.Sales                              --/as TotalSales 
          end                                 --/
        else t.Sales                                --/ 
        end >= 15 
       then 1 
       else 0 
       end as Bonus 

      -- If there is no flag in Bonus field above, increment the number of days since the last bonus. 
      ,case when 
       case when                                   --\ 
         case when t.AgentID = c.AgentID                            -- \ 
         then case when c.Bonus = 0                             -- | 
           then t.Sales + c.TotalSales - case when c.DaysSinceLastBonus >= @DaysInBonusPeriod then t.SalesOnDayBeforeCurrentPeriod else 0 end -- | 
           else t.Sales                              -- \ Same statement 
           end                                 --/as Bonus 
         else t.Sales                                -- | 
         end >= 15                                 -- | 
        then 1                                   --/
        else 0                                   --/ 
        end = 0 
       then c.DaysSinceLastBonus + 1 
       else 0 
       end as DaysSinceLastBonus 

    from prev t 
     inner join cte c 
      on(t.rn = c.rn+1) 
select AgentID 
from cte 
order by rn 
option (maxrecursion 0); 

伟大的工作iamdave。 我认为这很复杂,看代码,甚至比我意识到更多 我得到了CTE的递归限制,但我相信我可以解决这个问题,无论是通过增加限制还是将其分解为更小卡盘。 我会对我的实时数据做更多的测试,但它看起来会起作用。 – Bob


@Bob不用担心:)只需在最后添加'maxrecursion'选项,根据我的更新脚本。 “0”让它运行直到数据结束,并且任何非零值让它运行,直到递归的数量,如果它被命中则抛出一个错误。 – iamdave