我正在开发一个android应用程序,其中我每5分钟记录一次设备的点数。现在我想用这些点来计算道路所覆盖的总距离。有没有办法做到这一点。在google apis中,我看到有一个起点和终点使用它计算距离,但可能有多条路线相同。我需要找到这条特定路线的距离。我怎么做?使用一系列点计算道路距离




origins — One or more locations to use as the starting point for calculating travel distance and time. 
You can supply one or more locations separated by the pipe (|) character, in the form of an address or latitude/longitude coordinates. If you pass an address as a string, the service will geocode the string and convert it to a latitude/longitude coordinate to calculate distances. If you pass coordinates, ensure that no space exists between the latitude and longitude values. 
Alternatively, you can supply an encoded set of coordinates using the Encoded Polyline Algorithm. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of origin points, because the URL is significantly shorter when using an encoded polyline. Encoded polylines must be prefixed with enc: and followed by a colon (:). For example: origins=enc:gfo}EtohhU: 
destinations — One or more locations to use as the finishing point for calculating travel distance and time. 
You can supply one or more locations separated by the pipe (|) character, in the form of an address or latitude/longitude coordinates. If you pass an address as a string, the service will geocode the string and convert it to a latitude/longitude coordinate to calculate distances. If you pass coordinates, ensure that no space exists between the latitude and longitude values. 
Alternatively, you can supply an encoded set of coordinates using the Encoded Polyline Algorithm. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of destination points, because the URL is significantly shorter when using an encoded polyline. Encoded polylines must be prefixed with enc: and followed by a colon (:). For example: destinations=enc:gfo}EtohhU: 

您可以使用这些路标以及起点和终点,也可以使用“距离=速度*时间”来计算总距离。你必须找到你记录的每个2分的平均速度,并乘以时间乘以 –


@NakulSudhakar“你可以使用这些路标,以及起点和终点”你能告诉我怎么做吗? –


http://wptrafficanalyzer.in/blog/driving-distance-and-travel-time-duration-between-two-locations-in-google-map-android-api-v2/ http://wptrafficanalyzer.in/blog/route-between-two-locations-with-way-in-google-map-android-api-v2/ 请看看这个。 –



我认为你可以使用的Google Maps Direction API的航点,以表明你要计算的具体道路/点。



当Google Maps Directions API返回结果时,它将它们放入(JSON)路由数组中。 routes数组的每个元素都包含来自指定原点和目的地的单个结果。这条路线可能由一条或多条路线组成,具体取决于是否指定了任何路标。


routes字段中的每个路由都包含了leg []。

legs[] - 包含一个数组,其中包含关于给定路线内两个位置之间的路线腿的信息。对于指定的每个航点或目的地,将出现单独的支线。


  • distance下列字段指示由该腿所覆盖的总距离,作为一个字段包含下列元素
  • steps[]包含的步骤表示信息的数组关于行程的每个单独步骤

steps数组中的每个元素都定义了计算方向的单个步骤。一个步骤是方向路线中最原子的单位,包含描述旅程中特定单一指令的单个步骤。例如。 “在W. 4th St.左转”该步骤不仅描述指令,而且还包含与本步骤如何与后续步骤相关的距离和持续时间信息。例如,表示为“合并到I-80 West”的步骤可以包含“37英里”和“40分钟”的持续时间,表示下一步距此步骤37英里/ 40分钟。
