2011-02-04 54 views

我想在Python脚本中的图中有两个子图。但我无法根据我的输入单独设置轴。任何人都可以帮助我分别设置每个子图的X轴,Y轴吗? 我包含了我所做的一段代码,它并没有给我结果。如何分别放置两个子图的坐标轴?

fig = plt.figure() 
ax = plt.subplot(121) # To show the ascending order 
plt.xlabel ('RF Input Power (dBm)', fontsize = 'small') 
plt.ylabel ('Gain (dB)', fontsize = 'small') 
tx = plt.title('Gain Vs Ascending RFInputAmpl for ' + str(measuredFrequencyUnderTest) + 'MHz', fontsize = 'small') 
axPlotAxis = plt.axis([rfInputMin, rfInputMax, -20.0, 30.0]) 

# Now, Plot all the gain stages across the RFInput 
ax.plot(rfInput_Plot, lna_Pre_Plot, color = 'r', marker = '+', label = 'lna_Pre') 
ax.plot(rfInput_Plot, lna_Post_Plot, color = 'm', marker = 'x', label = 'lna_Post') 
ax.plot(rfInput_Plot, sampler1_Plot, color = 'k', marker = '*', label = 'Sampler1') 
ax.plot(rfInput_Plot, sampler2_Plot, color = 'c', marker = 's', label = 'Sampler2') 
ax.plot(rfInput_Plot, vga_Plot, color = 'b', marker = 'p', label = 'VGA') 
ax.plot(rfInput_Plot, dagc1_Plot, color = 'g', marker = 'H', label = 'DAGC1') 
ax.plot(rfInput_Plot, dagc2_Plot, color = 'y', marker = 'v', label = 'DAGC2') 

# Put the Legend 
ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor = (1.3, -0.05), shadow=True,numpoints = 1, prop = legend_font_props, ncol = 3) 

# Now, come to the second plot 
ay = plt.subplot(122) # To show the descending order 
plt.xlabel ('RF Input Power (dBm)', fontsize = 'small') 
plt.ylabel ('Gain (dB)', fontsize = 'small', horizontalalignment = 'left') 
ty = plt.title('Gain Vs Descending RF Input for '+ str(measuredFrequencyUnderTest)+ 'MHz', fontsize = 'small') 

# Now, fix the x axis here in descending order 
plt.axis([rfInputMax, rfInputMin, y_Min_Value, y_Max_Value]) 



你可能需要将两个双边坐标同时编程,而且我们都知道,这是不可能的除非你的名字是古斯。 – 2011-02-04 11:42:18




In [8]: ax = plt.subplot(121) 
In [9]: ay = plt.subplot(122) 
In [10]: ax.set_xlim((-1,2)) 
In [11]: ax.set_ylim((10,20)) 
In [12]: ay.set_xlim((-10,4)) 
In [13]: ay.set_ylim((3,5)) 

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