

import numpy as np 

def S(x): 
    return 1/(1+np.exp(-x)) 

win = np.random.randn(2,2) 
wout = np.random.randn(2,1) 
eta = 0.15 

# win = [[1,1], [2,2]] 
# wout = [[1],[2]] 

obj = [[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]] 
target = [0,1,1,0] 

epoch = int(10000) 
emajor = "" 

for r in range(0,epoch): 
    for xy in range(len(target)): 
     tar = target[xy] 
     fdata = obj[xy] 

     fdata = S(np.dot(1,fdata)) 

     hnw = np.dot(fdata,win) 

     hnw = S(np.dot(fdata,win)) 

     out = np.dot(hnw,wout) 

     out = S(out) 

     diff = tar-out 

     E = 0.5 * np.power(diff,2) 
     emajor += str(E[0]) + ",\n" 

     delta_out = (out-tar)*(out*(1-out)) 
     nindelta_out = delta_out * eta 

     wout_change = np.dot(nindelta_out[0], hnw) 

     for x in range(len(wout_change)): 
      change = wout_change[x] 
      wout[x] -= change 

     delta_in = np.dot(hnw,(1-hnw)) * np.dot(delta_out[0], wout) 
     nindelta_in = eta * delta_in 

     for x in range(len(nindelta_in)): 
      midway = np.dot(nindelta_in[x][0], fdata) 
      for y in range(len(win)): 
       win[y][x] -= midway[y] 

f = open('xor.csv','w') 
f.write(emajor) # python will convert \n to os.linesep 
f.close() # you can omit in most cases as the destructor will call it 


enter image description here




您可能会对我的博客文章感兴趣:[XOR tutorial with TensorFlow](https:// martin-thoma .com/tf-xor-tutorial /) –




import numpy as np 
def S(x): 
    return 1/(1+np.exp(-x)) 
win = np.random.randn(2,2) 
wout = np.random.randn(2,1) 
eta = 0.15 
# win = [[1,1], [2,2]] 
# wout = [[1],[2]] 
obj = [[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]] 
target = [0,1,1,0]  
epoch = int(10000) 
emajor = "" 

for r in range(0,epoch): 

    # ***** initialize final error ***** 
    finalError = 0 

    for xy in range(len(target)): 
     tar = target[xy] 
     fdata = obj[xy] 

     fdata = S(np.dot(1,fdata)) 

     hnw = np.dot(fdata,win) 

     hnw = S(np.dot(fdata,win)) 

     out = np.dot(hnw,wout) 

     out = S(out) 

     diff = tar-out 

     E = 0.5 * np.power(diff,2) 

     # ***** sum all errors ***** 
     finalError += E 

     delta_out = (out-tar)*(out*(1-out)) 
     nindelta_out = delta_out * eta 

     wout_change = np.dot(nindelta_out[0], hnw) 

     for x in range(len(wout_change)): 
      change = wout_change[x] 
      wout[x] -= change 

     delta_in = np.dot(hnw,(1-hnw)) * np.dot(delta_out[0], wout) 
     nindelta_in = eta * delta_in 

     for x in range(len(nindelta_in)): 
      midway = np.dot(nindelta_in[x][0], fdata) 
      for y in range(len(win)): 
       win[y][x] -= midway[y] 

    # ***** Save final error ***** 
    emajor += str(finalError[0]) + ",\n" 

f = open('xor.csv','w') 
f.write(emajor) # python will convert \n to os.linesep 
f.close() # you can omit in most cases as the destructor will call it 

嘿,谢谢你的回答,但是当我绘制错误图时,它不同于图与图,为什么?那可能吗? – rksh


是的,那是因为使用了随机初始权重,每次程序启动时初始权重都会改变。欲了解更多信息,这里是一个很好的链接,以更好地了解backprop- https://mattmazur.com/2015/03/17/a-step-by-step-backpropagation-example/ –


谢谢,是的,我已阅读该帖子很多很多时候想知道这件事,你不觉得delta_in = np.dot(hnw,(1-hnw))* np.dot(delta_out [0],wout)行是不正确的吗?我有手动计算,并从这一行不是所需的一个,也许我用错误的方式使用numpy.dot在这里你不觉得吗? – rksh


这里是一个一个隐藏层网络与反向传播可以定制用于运行relu,sigmoid和其他激活的实验。经过多次实验后得出结论,随着relu网络的表现越来越好,并且越早达到收敛,而sigmoid的损失值也会波动。这是因为“the gradient of sigmoids becomes increasingly small as the absolute value of x increases”。

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from operator import xor 

class neuralNetwork(): 
    def __init__(self): 
     # Define hyperparameters 
     self.noOfInputLayers = 2 
     self.noOfOutputLayers = 1 
     self.noOfHiddenLayerNeurons = 2 

     # Define weights 
     self.W1 = np.random.rand(self.noOfInputLayers,self.noOfHiddenLayerNeurons) 
     self.W2 = np.random.rand(self.noOfHiddenLayerNeurons,self.noOfOutputLayers) 

    def relu(self,z): 
     return np.maximum(0,z) 

    def sigmoid(self,z): 
     return 1/(1+np.exp(-z)) 

    def forward (self,X): 
     self.z2 = np.dot(X,self.W1) 
     self.a2 = self.relu(self.z2) 
     self.z3 = np.dot(self.a2,self.W2) 
     yHat = self.relu(self.z3) 
     return yHat 

    def costFunction(self, X, y): 
     #Compute cost for given X,y, use weights already stored in class. 
     self.yHat = self.forward(X) 
     J = 0.5*sum((y-self.yHat)**2) 
     return J 

    def costFunctionPrime(self,X,y): 
     # Compute derivative with respect to W1 and W2 
     delta3 = np.multiply(-(y-self.yHat),self.sigmoid(self.z3)) 
     djw2 = np.dot(self.a2.T, delta3) 
     delta2 = np.dot(delta3,self.W2.T)*self.sigmoid(self.z2) 
     djw1 = np.dot(X.T,delta2) 

     return djw1,djw2 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    EPOCHS = 6000 
    SCALAR = 0.01 

    nn= neuralNetwork()  
    COST_LIST = [] 

    inputs = [ np.array([[0,0]]), np.array([[0,1]]), np.array([[1,0]]), np.array([[1,1]])] 

    for epoch in xrange(1,EPOCHS): 
     cost = 0 
     for i in inputs: 
      X = i #inputs 
      y = xor(X[0][0],X[0][1]) 
      cost += nn.costFunction(X,y)[0] 
      djw1,djw2 = nn.costFunctionPrime(X,y) 
      nn.W1 = nn.W1 - SCALAR*djw1 
      nn.W2 = nn.W2 - SCALAR*djw2 

    plt.title(str('Epochs: '+str(EPOCHS)+', Scalar: '+str(SCALAR))) 

    inputs = [ np.array([[0,0]]), np.array([[0,1]]), np.array([[1,0]]), np.array([[1,1]])] 
    print "X\ty\ty_hat" 
    for inp in inputs: 
     print (inp[0][0],inp[0][1]),"\t",xor(inp[0][0],inp[0][1]),"\t",round(nn.forward(inp)[0][0],4) 


enter image description here

X  y  y_hat 
(0, 0) 0  0.0 
(0, 1) 1  0.9997 
(1, 0) 1  0.9997 
(1, 1) 0  0.0005 



[ [-0.81781753 0.71323677] 
    [ 0.48803631 -0.71286155] ] 


[ [ 2.04849235] 
    [ 1.40170791] ] 

我发现下面的YouTube系列为了解神经网络非常有帮助:Neural networks demystified

只有一点我知道,也可以在这个答案来解释。如果你想更好地了解神经网络,那么我建议你通过以下链接:cs231n: Modelling one neuron