2017-02-20 44 views

我在Scala编程的第20.7章(Martin Odersky,Lex Spoon和Bill Venners)中有关于抽象类型主题的基本示例。下面的代码是从清单20.10,除了我添加了似乎表面上通过在前面的例子中隐含的最后两行:为什么要避免被Scala的抽象类型细化困住?

class Food 
abstract class Animal { 
    type SuitableFood <: Food 
    def eat(food: SuitableFood) 
class Grass extends Food 
class Cow extends Animal { 
    type SuitableFood = Grass 
    override def eat(food: Grass) {} 
class Fish extends Food 
val bossy: Animal = new Cow // If the compiler were helpful, this would error. 
bossy.eat(new Grass) // error! 
// type mismatch; found: Grass, required: bossy.SuitableFood 



val bessy: Cow = new Cow 
bessy.eat(new Grass) // happy-happy 

鉴于有什么我可以把在'吃()方法调用的霸道(声明为动物)以满足编译器,为什么编译器甚至允许bossy被声明为Animal /实例化为Cow?换句话说,允许对象声明/实例化,但不包括方法调用,有什么可能的用途?




好吧。这不是编译错误。你仍然可以在你的bossy val上匹配模式,以便能够获得正确的子类型并在其上调用正确的方法。 – Falmarri


这已被问到[这里](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20070998/abstract-type-in​​-scala),[here](http:// stackoverflow。com/questions/20754143/no-dynamic-binding-when-abstract-type-in​​volved-in-scala),[here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32161100/scala-types-class-a-is不等于这里t是is型ta),和[这里](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37756383/path-dependent-types-example-doesnt-work )。 – jwvh



鉴于没有任何东西可以放在为了满足编译器而在'eat()'方法中调用bossy(声明为动物),为什么编译器甚至允许bossy被声明为Animal /实例化为牛?

  1. 有:bossy.eat((new Grass).asInstanceOf[bossy.SuitableFood])。当然,这并不意味着你应该像这样写代码。

  2. 即使有没有,有很多的事情可以做bossy没有调用eat方法:把它变成一个List,得到其哈希码,等等,等等


你仍然可以做其他有用的事情。如果你能证明它是SuitableFood,你可以制作一个AnimalFood。 当你可以让一个Animal呕吐时,你知道他抛出的所有东西都是他可以吃的东西,因为他以前吃过。即使您不确定它是否是GrassFish,也知道它是Food。所以你可以对它进行操作,对于每种类型的Food都是可能的。

scala> :paste 
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish) 

abstract class Food { def name: String } 
class Grass extends Food { def name = "Grass" } 
abstract class Animal { 
    type SuitableFood <: Food 
    def eat(food: SuitableFood): Unit 
    def throwUp: Option[SuitableFood] 

class Cow extends Animal { 
    type SuitableFood = Grass 
    private[this] var digesting: List[Grass] = Nil 
    def eat(food: Grass) { 
    digesting = food :: digesting 
    def throwUp = digesting match { 
    case Nil => None 
    case food :: rest => 
     digesting = rest 

def dispose(food: Food) = println(s"Disposing of some ${food.name}.") 

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting. 

scala> val animal: Animal = { val cow = new Cow; cow.eat(new Grass); cow } 
animal: Animal = [email protected] 

scala> animal.throwUp foreach animal.eat // can eat his own vomit :s 

scala> animal.throwUp foreach dispose // I can dispose of all food 
Disposing of some Grass.