2013-11-22 78 views



你有什么是2D在屏幕上的位置。要做的第一件事是将该点从像素转换为标准化的设备坐标 - -1为1.然后,您需要找到该点代表的3D空间中的线条。为此,您需要3D应用程序用于创建投影和相机的转换矩阵/ ces。


要将剪辑空间中的鼠标坐标移至世界空间,请添加Z分量并乘以逆投影矩阵,然后乘以逆摄像机/视图矩阵。要创建一条线,将计算沿着Z的两个点 - fromto

enter image description here


vec2f mouse = (vec2f(mousePosition)/vec2f(windowSize)) * 2.0f - 1.0f; 
mouse.y = -mouse.y; //origin is top-left and +y mouse is down 

mat44 toWorld = (camera.projection * camera.transform).inverse(); 
//equivalent to camera.transform.inverse() * camera.projection.inverse() but faster 

vec4f from = toWorld * vec4f(mouse, -1.0f, 1.0f); 
vec4f to = toWorld * vec4f(mouse, 1.0f, 1.0f); 

from /= from.w; //perspective divide ("normalize" homogeneous coordinates) 
to /= to.w; 

int clickedObject = -1; 
float minDist = 99999.0f; 

for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) 
    float t1, t2; 
    vec3f direction = to.xyz() - from.xyz(); 
    if (intersectSphere(from.xyz(), direction, objects[i].position, objects[i].radius, t1, t2)) 
     //object i has been clicked. probably best to find the minimum t1 (front-most object) 
     if (t1 < minDist) 
      minDist = t1; 
      clickedObject = (int)i; 

//clicked object is objects[clickedObject] 


这里是line/sphere intersect的实现(基于上面的链接)。它假设球体位于原点,因此不要将from.xyz()作为p传递给from.xyz() - objects[i].position

//ray at position p with direction d intersects sphere at (0,0,0) with radius r. returns intersection times along ray t1 and t2 
bool intersectSphere(const vec3f& p, const vec3f& d, float r, float& t1, float& t2) 
    float A = d.dot(d); 
    float B = 2.0f * d.dot(p); 
    float C = p.dot(p) - r * r; 

    float dis = B * B - 4.0f * A * C; 

    if (dis < 0.0f) 
     return false; 

    float S = sqrt(dis);  

    t1 = (-B - S)/(2.0f * A); 
    t2 = (-B + S)/(2.0f * A); 
    return true; 

这是一个很好的解释,谢谢你告诉了这么久。我会尝试这种方法。你能否也请分享函数的实现:'intersectSphere()'? –


@ibrahimdemir谢谢!完成。祝你好运:) – jozxyqk


'mat44 toWorld =(camera.projection * camera.transform).inverse();' 我不明白camera.projection和camera.transform矩阵是什么。你能解释一下还是在ninevehgl框架中写出等价矩阵? –