2017-10-10 51 views


事情是这样的: -

Image showing this task

var input = [[0,0,9],[0,9,9]]; var carryover = []; var result = [];



请提供你的努力的[MCVE到此为止。 StackOverflow不是一种代码编写服务,如果你不告诉我们你已经尝试了什么,我们不能帮你。 – evolutionxbox




result [diget] = t % 10; 

% 10部分就是所谓的模数,在这里我做了10的模数,这样就可以得到10的单位值。

carryover [diget] = Math.trunc(t/10); 


var input = [[0,0,0,9],[0,9,9]]; 
var carryover = []; 
var result = []; 

var digetlength = Math.max(input[0].length, input[1].length); 

//lets padd inputs to be same size 
    ...new Array(digetlength - input[0].length).fill(0)); 
    ...new Array(digetlength - input[1].length).fill(0)); 

for (var diget = digetlength - 1; diget >= 0; diget -= 1) { 
    var t = input[0][diget] + input[1][diget]; 
    if (diget < digetlength - 1) 
    t += carryover[diget + 1]; 
    result [diget] = t % 10; 
    carryover [diget] = Math.trunc(t/10); 

console.log('result: ' + result.join(', ')); 
console.log('carry: ' + carryover.join(', '));


如果可能存在两个以上不同长度的数组,那将是很好的,例如'104 + 24 + 2048'会很有用。对于这种情况使用我的答案,否则这是非常好的! –


@GuyWhoKnowsStuff我的确想到了这一点,但试图尽可能缩短答案,但我已经更新了用0填充输入,而不是抛出错误。 – Keith



function add(...arrs /* gather arguments */) { 
    let result = []; // the result array 
    arrs.forEach(function(arr) { // loop through it and get inner arrays 
    // reverse the inner array so that it is easier to manipulate, and if the arrays are different lengths the indexes work 
    arr.reverse().forEach(function(number, i) { 
     if (!result[i]) { 
     result[i] = 0; // if the array is not big enought, make it big enough 
     result[i] += number; // add to the index 
    return carry(result); // carry the result 

function carry(numbers) { // note: numbers[] is reversed 
    let changed = false; // did it change? 
    numbers.forEach(function(number, i) { // loop through numbers 
    if (number >= 10) { // if needs to carry 
     if (!numbers[i + 1]) { 
     numbers[i + 1] = 0; // if the array is not big enought, make it big 
     changed = true; // it changed! 
     numbers[i + 1] += 1; // carry over 
     numbers[i] -= 10; // carry over 
    if (changed) return carry(numbers); // if changed, recursively check untill no more carrying 
    return numbers.reverse(); // unreverse the array 

console.log(add([2, 3, 5], [3, 9], [2, 0, 0, 1])); // whoop!



  • 任意数量的输入阵列
  • 输入数组并不都需要有相同数量的


    input = [ 
function getMaxArrayLength(values) { 
    // Determine the number of items in the longest array. Initialize the reduce with 0. 
    return values.reduce((maxLength, array) => { 
     // Return the largets number between the last largest number and the 
     // length of the current array. 
     return Math.max(maxLength, array.length); 
    }, 0); 
function sumValues(values) { 
    // Determine the number of items in the longest array. 
    maxLength = getMaxArrayLength(values), 
    result = [], 
    carry = []; 

    // Loop over the length of the longest array. The value of index will be substracted from 
    // the length of the input arrays. Therefore it is easier to start at 1 as this will 
    // return a proper array index without needing to correct it. 
    for (let index = 1; index <= maxLength; index++) { 
     // Get the carryover value from the last sum or 0 in case there is no previous value. 
     carryValue = (carry.length === 0) ? 0 : carry[carry.length-1], 
     // Sum up all the values at the current index of all the input arrays. After summing up 
     // all the values, also add the carry over from the last sum. 
     sum = values.reduce((sum, array) => { 
     // Determine the index for the current array. Start at the end and substract the 
     // current index. This way the values in the array are processed last to first. 
      arrayIndex = array.length - index; 
     // It could be the current array doesn't have as many items as the longest array, 
     // when the arrayIndex is less than 0 just return the current result. 
     if (arrayIndex < 0) { 
      return sum; 
     // Return the accumulated value plus the value at the current index of the 
     // current source array. 
     return sum + array[arrayIndex]; 
     }, 0) + carryValue; 
    // The carry over value is the number of times 10 fits into the sum. This should be rounded 
    // down so for instance 5/10=.5 becomes 0. 
    // Push the remainder of the sum divided by 10 into the result so 15 % 10 = 5. 
    result.push(sum % 10); 
    // Return the carry over and the result, reverse the arrays before returning them. 
    return { 
    carryOver: carry.reverse(), 
    result: result.reverse() 

    result = sumValues(input); 

console.log(`Carry over: ${result.carryOver}`); 
console.log(`Result: ${result.result}`);


我得知downvotes是StackOverflow的一部分,是什么使其工作。我只是为了解答为什么这个答案被拒绝投了赞成票。它的工作原理和记录,我相信它回答了这个问题。评论会非常感激,告诉我我错过了什么。 – Thijs
