2010-12-05 99 views

所以,我想读取一个随机数的文本文件,并使用这些数字创建后缀列表。它基本上需要使用算法重现“alice30.txt”中给出的文本。我现在的代码看起来像这样。它编译得很好,但不会为我创建输出文件。我需要反转后缀的数组,以便输出正确。任何帮助将不胜感激。我已经在eprint f头文件中声明了所有必要的函数,如emalloc。马尔可夫链测试和实现

#include <string.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include "eprintf.h" 

    enum { 
NPREF = 2, /* number of prefix words */ 
NHASH = 4093, /* size of state hash table array */ 
MAXGEN = 10000 /* maximum words generated */ 

typedef struct State State; 
typedef struct Suffix Suffix; 

    struct State { /* prefix + suffix list */ 
char *pref[NPREF]; /* prefix words */ 
Suffix *suf;   /* list of suffixes */ 
State *next;   /* next in hash table */ 

    struct Suffix { /* list of suffixes */ 
char *word;   /* suffix */ 
Suffix *next;   /* next in list of suffixes */ 

State *lookup(char *prefix[], int create); 
void build(char *prefix[], FILE* myfile); /*assing the input stream*/ 
void  generate(int nwords, int random_num[], FILE* outfile); 
    /* passing the array and the output stream*/ 
void add(char *prefix[], char *word); 

State *statetab[NHASH]; /* hash table of states */ 

char NONWORD[] = "\n"; /* cannot appear as real word */ 

    /* markov main: markov-chain random text generation */ 
int main(void) 
int i, nwords = MAXGEN; 
char *prefix[NPREF];  /* current input prefix */ 

FILE* random_reader; 
FILE* myfile; 
FILE* outfile; 

int c; 
int element; 
int random_num[10000]; 
char* line; 
int j=0; 
random_reader = fopen("../random_num.txt","r"); 
myfile = fopen("../alice30.txt","r"); 
outfile = fopen("../output/markov_c_out.txt","w"); 
    random_num[j]= element; 


for (i = 0; i < NPREF; i++) /* set up initial prefix */ 
    prefix[i] = NONWORD; 
build(prefix, myfile); 
add(prefix, NONWORD); 
generate(nwords, random_num, outfile); // calling the updated function 
return 0; 

    const int MULTIPLIER = 31; /* for hash() */ 

    /* hash: compute hash value for array of NPREF strings */ 
    unsigned int hash(char *s[NPREF]) 
unsigned int h; 
unsigned char *p; 
int i; 

h = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < NPREF; i++) 
    for (p = (unsigned char *) s[i]; *p != '\0'; p++) 
     h = MULTIPLIER * h + *p; 
return h % NHASH; 

    /* lookup: search for prefix; create if requested. */ 
    /* returns pointer if present or created; NULL if not. */ 
    /* creation doesn't strdup so strings mustn't change later. */ 
    State* lookup(char *prefix[NPREF], int create) 
int i, h; 
State *sp; 

h = hash(prefix); 
for (sp = statetab[h]; sp != NULL; sp = sp->next) { 
    for (i = 0; i < NPREF; i++) 
     if (strcmp(prefix[i], sp->pref[i]) != 0) 
    if (i == NPREF)  /* found it */ 
     return sp; 
if (create) { 
    sp = (State *) emalloc(sizeof(State)); 
    for (i = 0; i < NPREF; i++) 
     sp->pref[i] = prefix[i]; 
    sp->suf = NULL; 
    sp->next = statetab[h]; 
    statetab[h] = sp; 
return sp; 

    /* addsuffix: add to state. suffix must not change later */ 
     void addsuffix(State *sp, char *suffix) 
Suffix *suf; 

suf = (Suffix *) emalloc(sizeof(Suffix)); 
suf->word = suffix; 
suf->next = sp->suf; 
sp->suf = suf; 

    /* add: add word to suffix list, update prefix */ 
    void add(char *prefix[NPREF], char *suffix) 
State *sp; 

sp = lookup(prefix, 1); /* create if not found */ 
addsuffix(sp, suffix); 
/* move the words down the prefix */ 
memmove(prefix, prefix+1, (NPREF-1)*sizeof(prefix[0])); 
prefix[NPREF-1] = suffix; 

     /* build: read input, build prefix table */ 
     void build(char *prefix[NPREF], FILE *myfile) 
char buf[100], fmt[10]; 

/* create a format string; %s could overflow buf */ 
sprintf(fmt, "%%%ds", sizeof(buf)-1); 
while (fscanf(myfile, fmt, buf) != EOF) 
    add(prefix, estrdup(buf)); 

     /* generate: produce output, one word per line */ 
    void generate(int nwords, int random_num[], FILE* outfile) 
State *sp; 
Suffix *suf; 
char *prefix[NPREF], *w; 
int i, nmatch; 

for (i = 0; i < NPREF; i++) /* reset initial prefix */ 
    prefix[i] = NONWORD; 

for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++) { 
    sp = lookup(prefix, 0); 
    if (sp == NULL) 
     eprintf("internal error: lookup failed"); 
    nmatch = 0; 
    for (suf = sp->suf; suf != NULL; suf = suf->next) 
     if (random_num[i] % ++nmatch == 0) /*using the elements of the array */ 
      w = suf->word; 
    if (nmatch == 0) 
     eprintf("internal error: no suffix %d %s", i, prefix[0]); 
    if (strcmp(w, NONWORD) == 0) 

    fprintf(outfile, w); 
    memmove(prefix, prefix+1, (NPREF-1)*sizeof(prefix[0])); 
    prefix[NPREF-1] = w; 




这是家庭作业。你应该这样标记它。 – 2010-12-05 19:47:22


@Amir现在不鼓励使用作业标签。见http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/10811/how-to-ask-and-answer-homework-questions和http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/08/the-death-of-meta -tags/ – 2010-12-05 21:21:15









char* line; 


