2016-08-18 67 views





的字符串是“k8emKaWRSiTa9A0bPSsRoVysvx00EleLD + A8khtH8VVX2tDlI6/DVnLMYUdXWX9MZZKgPJohzpNN6s8bBzzDSzxDXuzx30w7NErpCiaw5zEKQ6Q5pYadG/KMsZ6KwVuRqfEfmKuFP9QWHZS4Bp36lw ==”关键是一个16字符串我一直在考虑。


// Decrypt a string into a string using a password 
// Uses Decrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[]) 

public static string Decrypt(string cipherText, string Password) 
    // First we need to turn the input string into a byte array. 
    // We presume that Base64 encoding was used 
    byte[] cipherBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText); 

    // Then, we need to turn the password into Key and IV 
    // We are using salt to make it harder to guess our key 
    // using a dictionary attack - 
    // trying to guess a password by enumerating all possible words. 
    PasswordDeriveBytes pdb = new PasswordDeriveBytes(Password, 
     new byte[] {0x49, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65, 
     0x64, 0x76, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76}); 

    // Now get the key/IV and do the decryption using 
    // the function that accepts byte arrays. 
    // Using PasswordDeriveBytes object we are first 
    // getting 32 bytes for the Key 
    // (the default Rijndael key length is 256bit = 32bytes) 
    // and then 16 bytes for the IV. 
    // IV should always be the block size, which is by 
    // default 16 bytes (128 bit) for Rijndael. 
    // If you are using DES/TripleDES/RC2 the block size is 
    // 8 bytes and so should be the IV size. 
    // You can also read KeySize/BlockSize properties off 
    // the algorithm to find out the sizes. 
    byte[] decryptedData = Decrypt(cipherBytes, 
     pdb.GetBytes(16), pdb.GetBytes(16)); 

    // Now we need to turn the resulting byte array into a string. 
    // A common mistake would be to use an Encoding class for that. 
    // It does not work 
    // because not all byte values can be represented by characters. 
    // We are going to be using Base64 encoding that is 
    // designed exactly for what we are trying to do. 
    return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedData); 

    // Decrypt a byte array into a byte array using a key and an IV 
public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cipherData, 
          byte[] Key, byte[] IV) 
    // Create a MemoryStream that is going to accept the 
    // decrypted bytes 
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 

    // Create a symmetric algorithm. 
    // We are going to use Rijndael because it is strong and 
    // available on all platforms. 
    // You can use other algorithms, to do so substitute the next 
    // line with something like 
    //  TripleDES alg = TripleDES.Create(); 
    Rijndael alg = Rijndael.Create(); 

    // Now set the key and the IV. 
    // We need the IV (Initialization Vector) because the algorithm 
    // is operating in its default 
    // mode called CBC (Cipher Block Chaining). The IV is XORed with 
    // the first block (8 byte) 
    // of the data after it is decrypted, and then each decrypted 
    // block is XORed with the previous 
    // cipher block. This is done to make encryption more secure. 
    // There is also a mode called ECB which does not need an IV, 
    // but it is much less secure. 
    alg.Key = Key; 
    alg.IV = IV; 

    // Create a CryptoStream through which we are going to be 
    // pumping our data. 
    // CryptoStreamMode.Write means that we are going to be 
    // writing data to the stream 
    // and the output will be written in the MemoryStream 
    // we have provided. 
    CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, 
     alg.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); 

    // Write the data and make it do the decryption 
    cs.Write(cipherData, 0, cipherData.Length); 

    // Close the crypto stream (or do FlushFinalBlock). 
    // This will tell it that we have done our decryption 
    // and there is no more data coming in, 
    // and it is now a good time to remove the padding 
    // and finalize the decryption process. 

    // Now get the decrypted data from the MemoryStream. 
    // Some people make a mistake of using GetBuffer() here, 
    // which is not the right way. 
    byte[] decryptedData = ms.ToArray(); 

    return decryptedData; 

显示你到目前为止尝试过的代码。 –


添加样例代码 –


这是一个糟糕的在线工具!它传播不安全的代码,甚至不会在Java和PHP的同一站点上提供兼容的代码。只是那么糟糕。如果你只是想要一个兼容的代码,使用[RNCryptor](https://github.com/RNCryptor) –




 public string AES_DEC(string text, string password) 
     RijndaelManaged aes256 = new RijndaelManaged(); 

     aes256.KeySize = 128; 
     aes256.BlockSize = 128; 
     aes256.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; 
     aes256.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; 
     aes256.Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password); 

     byte[] encryptedData = Convert.FromBase64String(text); 
     ICryptoTransform transform = aes256.CreateDecryptor(); 
     byte[] plainText = transform.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length); 

     return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plainText); 
