2016-11-23 60 views

我有一个问题,当我用我的模型做一些预测时,R显示这条消息Warning message prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading,我该如何解决它?我认为我的模型是正确的是预测失败,我不知道为什么。如何在R中的线性模型上求解“等级缺陷拟合可能是误导误差”?


myModel <- lm(margin~.,data = dataClean[train,c(target,numeric,categoric)]) 

lm(formula = margin ~ ., data = dataClean[train, c(target, numeric, categoric)]) 

    Min  1Q Median  3Q  Max 
-0.220407 -0.035272 -0.003415 0.028227 0.276727 

Coefficients: (2 not defined because of singularities) 
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)       6.061e-01 2.260e-02 26.817 < 2e-16 *** 
price        1.042e-05 8.970e-06 1.162 0.245610  
shipping        1.355e-03 2.741e-04 4.943 9.25e-07 *** 
categoryofficeSupplies    -7.721e-02 2.295e-02 -3.364 0.000802 *** 
categorytechnology     -3.993e-02 2.325e-02 -1.717 0.086249 . 
subCategorybindersAndAccessories -1.650e-01 1.421e-02 -11.612 < 2e-16 *** 
subCategorybookcases     3.337e-04 2.328e-02 0.014 0.988565  
subCategorychairsChairmats   -3.104e-02 2.106e-02 -1.474 0.140831  
subCategorycomputerPeripherals  1.356e-02 1.293e-02 1.049 0.294604  
subCategorycopiersAndFax   -1.943e-01 2.944e-02 -6.598 7.27e-11 *** 
subCategoryenvelopes    -1.648e-01 2.045e-02 -8.057 2.62e-15 *** 
subCategorylabels     -1.534e-01 1.984e-02 -7.730 3.00e-14 *** 
subCategoryofficeFurnishings  -8.827e-02 2.220e-02 -3.976 7.61e-05 *** 
subCategoryofficeMachines   -1.521e-01 1.639e-02 -9.281 < 2e-16 *** 
subCategorypaper     -1.624e-01 1.363e-02 -11.909 < 2e-16 *** 
subCategorypensArtSupplies   -8.484e-04 1.524e-02 -0.056 0.955623  
subCategoryrubberBands    3.174e-02 2.245e-02 1.414 0.157854  
subCategoryscissorsRulersTrimmers 1.092e-01 2.327e-02 4.693 3.13e-06 *** 
subCategorystorageOrganization  1.219e-01 1.575e-02 7.739 2.82e-14 *** 
subCategorytables       NA   NA  NA  NA  
subCategorytelephoneAndComunication   NA   NA  NA  NA  
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Residual standard error: 0.08045 on 858 degrees of freedom 
Multiple R-squared: 0.6512, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6439 
F-statistic: 88.98 on 18 and 858 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 

estimateModel <- predict(myModel, type="response", newdata=dataClean[test, c(numeric,categoric,target)]) 

Warning message: 
In predict.lm(myModel, type = "response", newdata = dataClean[test, : 
prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading 

因此,您需要查找彼此之间具有100%相关性的字段或具有单个值的字段。你可以在这里找到更多的'理论' - http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/35071/what-is-rank-deficiency-and-how-to-deal-with-it – Bulat


你可能会错过所有的训练样本中的“表”和“telephoneAndCommunication”行。 –




with(dataClean , table(category, SubCategory)) 

