2009-09-03 100 views



一般来说,铸造指的是一个明确的转换,无论它是由C样式转换(T(v)(T)v)或C++做 - 格调铸(static_castconst_castdynamic_cast,或reinterpret_cast)。转换通常是用于任何时间的变量转换为另一种更通用的术语:

std::string s = "foo"; // Conversion from char[] to char* to std::string 
int i = 4.3; // Conversion from float to int 
float *f = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&i); // (illegal) conversion from int* to float* 

所以没有区别 – 2009-09-04 08:51:00


不同之处在于cast是* explicit *。 C++关键字可以被grep化。 C和C++都演示了转换是有目的地完成的,并且得到程序员的同意。隐含的转换可能是有意的,或者是错误的。 – DevSolar 2009-09-08 10:52:15






int x=65; 
char c=(char) x; 
char* s=(char*) x; 

C现在将包含字符“A”,因为如果我重新诠释十进制数65为一个字符,我得到的字母“A”。 s现在将成为一个指向驻留在内存位置65的字符串的指针。这几乎肯定是无用的事情,因为我不知道该内存位置处的内容。

itoa(x, s, 10); 




所以你说,'reinterpret_cast'执行转换,但'static_cast'(尽管它的名字)执行转换?我会发现最令人困惑的。 – jogojapan 2012-11-22 05:37:01



signed char Schar; // 1 byte (8 bits) to hold 256 values: -128 to 127 
unsigned char Uchar; // 1 byte (8 bits) to hold 256 values: 0 to 255 
if (Schar < -10 ) ... // compiler uses SIGNED comparision 
Uchar = Schar; // implicit conversion only copies the 8 bits 
Uchar = (char) Schar; // explicit conversion may be required by compiler 
if (Uchar > 200) ... // compiler uses UNSIGNED comparision 
if ((unsigned char) Schar > 200) ... // explicit conversion for UNSIGNED comparision 

short Sshort; // 2 bytes (16 bits) to hold 65536 values: -32768 to 32767 
unsigned short Ushort; // 2 bytes (16 bits) to hold 65536 values: 0 to 65536 
// when moving 8 bits into 16 bit variables, what to do with other 8 bits ? 
Sshort = (signed short) Uchar; // move 8 bits over and use 0s for other 8 bits 
Sshort = (signed short) Schar; // same, but use 1s if negative to make Sshort negative 


float dbl; // 4 bytes to store floating number in IEEE format 
long lng; // 4 bytes to store 32 bit integer value in 2's complement format 
dbl = lng; // convert from 2's comp to IEEE format - all bits change ! 
dbl = (float) lng; // explicit form 

注:int通常是一样的依赖于编译器shortlong/CPU 注意:signed通常是可选的,因为这通常是默认的


typedef union MYUNION // all members occupy same space (memory bytes) 
    signed char Schar; // usual default for char 
    unsigned char Uchar; 
    signed short Sshort; // usual default for short 
    unsigned short Ushort; 
    signed long Slong; // usual default for long 
    unsigned long Ulong; 
    float flt; 
    double dbl; 

MYUNION myunion; 

myunion.Schar = ... // set variable (memory byte) to value 

if ((unsigned char) myunion.Schar > 200) ... // unsigned compare works ok 
... is same as (also without moving any data around) ... 
if (myunion.Uchar > 200) ... // unsigned compare works ok 

... myunion.Sshort ... // other 8 bits are UNASSIGNED GARBAGE ! 

myunion.Sshort = myunion.Schar; // provide all 16 bits from Schar 
... myunion.Sshort ... // Sshort of valid now 

myunion.dbl = 12345.0; 
... myunion.Ulong ... // has weird value from odd IEEE bit format 

myunion.Ulong = (unsigned long) myunion.dbl; // do explicit conversion 
... myunion.Ulong ... // has CONVERTED 12345 value 

注:*(unsigned long*)&dbl也产生怪异的值。它确实: a)获取double dbl的地址(位的位置和字节) b)将地址视为无符号长地址 c)从该位置获得无符号long 当然,有一些实际的应用程序这种技术。例子:解析一个复杂的外部二进制文件或在512字节内存的CPU上,等等。