2009-11-11 148 views


SELECT MIN(temp), MAX(temp), AVG(temp) FROM samples GROUP BY time; 




| time | source | temp | 
| 1 | a | 20 | 
| 1 | b | 18 | 
| 1 | c | 23 | 
| 2 | b | 21 | 
| 2 | c | 20 | 
| 2 | a | 18 | 
| 3 | a | 16 | 
| 3 | c | 13 | 
| 4 | c | 15 | 
| 4 | a | 4 | 
| 4 | b | 31 | 
| 5 | b | 10 | 
| 5 | c | 16 | 
| 5 | a | 22 | 
| 6 | a | 18 | 
| 6 | b | 17 | 
| 7 | a | 20 | 
| 7 | b | 19 | 
INSERT INTO samples (time, source, temp) VALUES (1, 'a', 20), (1, 'b', 18), (1, 'c', 23), (2, 'b', 21), (2, 'c', 20), (2, 'a', 18), (3, 'a', 16), (3, 'c', 13), (4, 'c', 15), (4, 'a', 4), (4, 'b', 31), (5, 'b', 10), (5, 'c', 16), (5, 'a', 22), (6, 'a', 18), (6, 'b', 17), (7, 'a', 20), (7, 'b', 19); 


| time | source | temp | 
| 1 | a | 20 | 
| 1 | b | 18 | 
| 1 | c | 23 | 
| 2 | b | 21 | 
| 2 | c | 20 | 
| 2 | a | 18 | 
| 3 | a | 16 | 
| 3 | b | 21 | 
| 3 | c | 13 | 
| 4 | c | 15 | 
| 4 | a | 4 | 
| 4 | b | 31 | 
| 5 | b | 10 | 
| 5 | c | 16 | 
| 5 | a | 22 | 
| 6 | a | 18 | 
| 6 | b | 17 | 
| 6 | c | 16 | 
| 7 | a | 20 | 
| 7 | b | 19 | 
| 7 | c | 16 | 


SELECT s.dt as sdt, s.mac, ss.temp, MAX(ss.dt) as maxdt FROM (SELECT DISTINCT dt FROM samples) AS s CROSS JOIN samples AS ss WHERE s.dt >= ss.dt GROUP BY sdt, mac HAVING maxdt <= s.dt ORDER BY sdt ASC, maxdt ASC; 

| sdt | mac | temp | maxdt | 
| 1 | a | 20 |  1 | 
| 1 | c | 23 |  1 | 
| 1 | b | 18 |  1 | 
| 2 | a | 20 |  2 | 
| 2 | c | 23 |  2 | 
| 2 | b | 18 |  2 | 
| 3 | b | 18 |  2 | 
| 3 | a | 20 |  3 | 
| 3 | c | 23 |  3 | 
| 4 | a | 20 |  4 | 
| 4 | c | 23 |  4 | 
| 4 | b | 18 |  4 | 
| 5 | a | 20 |  5 | 
| 5 | c | 23 |  5 | 
| 5 | b | 18 |  5 | 
| 6 | c | 23 |  5 | 
| 6 | a | 20 |  6 | 
| 6 | b | 18 |  6 | 
| 7 | c | 23 |  5 | 
| 7 | b | 18 |  7 | 
| 7 | a | 20 |  7 | 

更新:(!伟大的名字,顺便说一句) chadhoc给出了一个很好的解决方案,遗憾的是没有在MySQL的工作,因为它不支持他所使用的FULL JOIN。幸运的是,我相信一个简单的UNION是一种有效的替代:

-- Unify the original samples with the missing values that we've calculated 
    SELECT time, source, temp 
    FROM samples 
(-- Pull all the time/source combinations that we are missing from the sample set, along with the temp 
    -- from the last sampled interval for the same time/source combination if we do not have one 
    SELECT a.time, a.source, (SELECT t2.temp FROM samples AS t2 WHERE t2.time < a.time AND t2.source = a.source ORDER BY t2.time DESC LIMIT 1) AS temp 
    (-- All values we want to get should be a cross of time/temp 
    SELECT t1.time, s1.source 
    (SELECT DISTINCT time FROM samples) AS t1 
    (SELECT DISTINCT source FROM samples) AS s1 
) AS a 
    LEFT JOIN samples s 
    ON a.time = s.time 
    AND a.source = s.source 
    WHERE s.source IS NULL 
ORDER BY time, source; 


| id | select_type  | table  | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra      | 
| 1 | PRIMARY   | temp  | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 |        | 
| 2 | UNION    | <derived4> | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 21 |        | 
| 2 | UNION    | s   | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using where     | 
| 4 | DERIVED   | <derived6> | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 3 |        | 
| 4 | DERIVED   | <derived5> | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 7 |        | 
| 6 | DERIVED   | temp  | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using temporary    | 
| 5 | DERIVED   | temp  | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using temporary    | 
| 3 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | t2   | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using where; Using filesort | 
| NULL | UNION RESULT  | <union1,2> | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | Using filesort    | 


SELECT T.time, S.source, 
     SELECT temp FROM samples 
     WHERE source = S.source AND time = (
     SELECT MAX(time) 
     FROM samples 
      source = S.source 
      AND time < T.time 
) AS temp 
    LEFT JOIN samples AS D 
ON D.source = S.source AND D.time = T.time 


| id | select_type  | table  | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra   | 
| 1 | PRIMARY   | <derived5> | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 3 |     | 
| 1 | PRIMARY   | <derived4> | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 7 |     | 
| 1 | PRIMARY   | D   | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 |     | 
| 5 | DERIVED   | temp  | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using temporary | 
| 4 | DERIVED   | temp  | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using temporary | 
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | temp  | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using where  | 
| 3 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | temp  | ALL | NULL   | NULL | NULL | NULL | 18 | Using where  | 




-- Full join across the sample set and anything missing from the sample set, pulling the missing temp first if we do not have one 
select coalesce(c1.[time], c2.[time]) as dt, coalesce(c1.source, c2.source) as source, coalesce(c2.temp, c1.temp) as temp 
from samples c1 
full join (-- Pull all the time/source combinations that we are missing from the sample set, along with the temp 
      -- from the last sampled interval for the same time/source combination if we do not have one 
      select a.time, a.source, 
        (select top 1 t2.temp from samples t2 where t2.time < a.time and t2.source = a.source order by t2.time desc) as temp 
       ( -- All values we want to get should be a cross of time/samples 
        select t1.[time], s1.source 
        (select distinct [time] from samples) as t1 
        cross join 
        (select distinct source from samples) as s1 
       ) a 
      left join samples s 
      on a.[time] = s.time 
      and a.source = s.source 
      where s.source is null 
     ) c2 
on c1.time = c2.time 
and c1.source = c2.source 
order by dt, source 

我知道这看起来很复杂,但它的格式来解释自己...... 它应该工作...希望你只有三个来源...如果你有源比这个任意数量将无法正常工作......在这种情况下,看到第二个查询... 编辑:删除第一次尝试

编辑:如果你不知道来源的时间提前,你必须做,你创建一个中间结果集“填补”缺失值东西.. 这样的事情:


Select T.Time, Max(Temp) MaxTemp, 
    Min(Temp) MinTemp, Avg(Temp) AvgTemp 
    (Select T.TIme, S.Source, D.Temp 
    From (Select Distinct Time From Samples) T 
    Cross Join 
     (Select Distinct Source From Samples) S 
    Left Join Samples D 
     On D.Source = S.Source 
      And D.Time = 
       (Select Max(Time) 
       From Samples 
       Where Source = S.Source 
        And Time <= T.Time)) Z 
Group By T.Time 

谢谢,查尔斯,但您的解决方案假定所有来源都提前知道。当他们不知道时你有什么建议吗? – pr1001 2009-11-11 22:28:29


如果您不知道源文件,则添加另一个sql查询... – 2009-11-12 00:50:57


将IsNull更改为COALESCE后,我能够使查询在我的MySQL数据库上工作。谢谢。 – pr1001 2009-11-12 01:24:02