2012-03-10 150 views


1) select pin, officeNum, isVeteran from table18 where pin = 123; 

2) select streetAddress, apartmentAddress, cityAddress, stateAddress from table1 where case = (select case from table18 where pin = 123); 

3) select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress from table5 where pin = 123; 

4) select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress from table55 where seqNum = 0 and rfa = (select rfa from table18 where pin = 123); 

5) select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress from table103 where histCode = 0 and case = (select case from table18 where pin = 123); 

6) select phone, email from table715 where histSeqNum in (select max(histSeqNum from table715)) 
     and histCode in (select max(histCode) from table715) 
     and case = (select case from table18 where pin = 123); 



-Table18(引脚(PK)的情况下, officeNum,isVeteran)



-Table55(RFA(CompositeKey ),SEQNUM(CompositeKey),rfaAddress,的StreetAddress,apartmentAddress,cityAddress,stateAddress)


-Table715(情况(CompositeKey),histSeqNum(CompositeKey) ,histCode(CompositeKey),电话,电子邮件)


你准确的问题是什么? – 2012-03-10 20:56:44


@juergend。这是一些其他问题...... – gdoron 2012-03-10 20:58:31


没有看到一个模式有点困难,但它看起来像我使用子查询来执行连接。如果您可以提供更多信息,则应该可以重写,而不必有人需要首先对您的模式进行逆向工程。 – 2012-03-10 20:58:49



这里有一组可以联合在一起...... (3,4,5)

select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress 
from table5 where pin = 123 
select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress 
from table55 where seqNum = 0 and rfa = (select rfa from table18 where pin = 123) 
select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress 
from table103 where histCode = 0 and case = (select case from table18 where pin = 123); 

你可以把(2)上也有,如果你不介意这些空白状态.. 。


select null unitAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress, cityAddress, stateAddress 
from table1 
where case = (select case from table18 where pin = 123); 
select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress, null 
from table5 where pin = 123 
select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress, null 
from table55 where seqNum = 0 and rfa = (select rfa from table18 where pin = 123) 
select unitAddress, cityAddress, streetAddress, apartmentAddress, null 
from table103 where histCode = 0 and case = (select case from table18 where pin = 123); 

还考虑重组你对加入嵌套的选择 - 与此类似:(我敢打赌,优化这些查询会表现不同ence你正在寻找)

select streetAddress, apartmentAddress, cityAddress, stateAddress 
from table1 t1, table18 t18 
where t1.case = t18.case 
and t18.123; 





我不明白为什么它不能完成 - 所有人之间显然有可能的联接的表格。 – 2012-03-11 01:52:43


@DavidFaber现在有,没有更早。 – 2012-03-11 07:00:48