2012-07-30 91 views



// The name chosen for the following class shell ("Base") is intended to 
// portray that this compareTo() method should be implemented on a base class 
// as opposed to a subclass. 
public class Base 
implements Comparable<Base> 
    * Compares this Base to the specified Object for semantic ordering. 
    * @param other The Object to be compared. 
    * @return An int value representing the semantic relationship between the 
    *   compared objects. The value 0 is returned when the two objects 
    *   are determined to be equal (as defined by the equals method). 
    *   A positive value may be returned if the "other" object is a 
    *   Base and the "exact types" comparison determines this Base to 
    *   have a higher semantic ordering than the "other" object, if the 
    *   "other" object is not a Base, or if the "other" object is a 
    *   subclass of Base who's compareTo method determines itself to 
    *   have a lower semantic ordering than this Base. A negative value 
    *   may be returned if the "other" object is a Base and the 
    *   "exact types" comparison determines this Base to have a lower 
    *   semantic ordering than the "other" object or if the "other" 
    *   object is a subclass of Base who's compareTo method determines 
    *   itself to have a higher semantic ordering than this Base. 
    public int compareTo(Base other) 
     int relationship = 0; 

     if (other == null) 
      throw new NullPointerException("other: Cannot be null."); 

     if (!this.equals(other)) 
      if (this.getClass() == Base.class) 
       if (this.getClass == other.getClass()) 
        relationship = // Perform comparison of exact types; 
        relationship = -1 * other.compareTo(this); 
       relationship = 1; 

     return relationship; 

好吧,我想我已经找到了一种方法来解决泰德提出的问题,同时也允许一些额外的自由。一旦我完成了更多的事情,我会发布一个新的解决方案。 – blf 2012-08-01 01:17:03



这是行不通的。考虑两个类,AB,直接延伸Base,其实例永远不会相等。然后是两个实例Base a = new A();Base b = new B()。由于this.getClass() == Base.class对于ab都将是false,因此a.compareTo(b) == 1b.compareTo(a) == 1将是这种情况。这违反了Comparable的一般合同,即所有xysgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x))都具有可比性。

对于比较对象所涉及的一些微妙之处,特别是测试子类之间的相等性,我推荐this excellent article


特德,谢谢你的出色反应。虽然答案不幸,但它肯定给我一个继续工作的地方。 – blf 2012-07-30 08:03:36


正如主题发起人所述,由于缺乏可用信息,因此缺乏可用的信息,详细说明了建立干净地覆盖的compareTo()方法背后的过程。我希望你会发现以下是这样一个实现。 Ted Hopp补充指出了我最初忽略的一些关键因素。




我希望有足够的时间的人可能愿意提供这些结果的验证。虽然我已尽力考虑所有可能的情况,但获得反馈总是很好的。 (正面或负面)

public abstract class RelationalObject 
implements Comparable<RelationalObject> 
    * Compares two RelationalObjects for semantic ordering. 
    * @param other The RelationalObject to be compared. 
    * @return An int value representing the semantic relationship between the 
    *   two RelationalObjects. A value of 0 is returned if the two 
    *   objects are determined to be equal. A negative value is 
    *   returned if "this" object is determined to have a 
    *   lower semantic ordering than the "other" object. A positive 
    *   value is returned if "this" object is determined to have a 
    *   highter semantic ordering than the "other" object. 
    public final int compareTo(RelationalObject other) 
    throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException 
     if (other == null) 
      throw new NullPointerException("other: Cannot be null."); 

     int relation = 0; 

     if (!this.equals(other)) 
      if (this.getClass().isAssignableFrom(other.getClass())) 
       if (this.getClass() == other.getClass()) 
        relation = this.compareToExactType(other); 
        relation = -1 * other.compareTo(this); 
       if (other.getClass().isInstance(this)) 
        relation = this.compareToSuperType(other); 
        relation = other.compareToForeignType(this); 

     return relation; 

    * Compares two RelationalObjects with the exact same class type for 
    * semantic ordering. The comparison may be based upon any of the class 
    * state elements so long as the compareTo() method contract is not 
    * broken. 
    * @param exact The RelationalObject with exactly matching type to be 
    *    compared. 
    * @return An int value representing the semantic relationship between the 
    *   two RelationalObjects. 
    protected abstract int compareToExactType(RelationalObject exact); 

    * Compares two RelationalObjects not within the same hierarchical branch 
    * for semantic ordering. The comparison may be based upon only those 
    * state elements common to both objects (i.e. A comparison must be made 
    * between each element and the pair's common ancestor). Should the two 
    * results be equal, a ClassCastException must be thrown as the objects do 
    * not contain enough distinct information to be further compared. 
    * @param foreign The RelationalObject from a foreign hierarchical branch 
    *    to be compared. 
    * @return An int value representing the semantic relationship between the 
    *   two RelationalObjects. 
    protected abstract int compareToForeignType(RelationalObject foreign); 

    * Compares two RelationalObjects within the same class hierarchical 
    * branch for semantic ordering. The comparison may be based upon any of 
    * the class state elements so long as the compareTo() method contract is 
    * not broken. 
    * @param upper The RelationalObject within the same heirarchical branch 
    *    and with lesser definition to be compared. 
    * @return An int value representing the semantic relationship between the 
    *   two RelationalObjects. 
    protected abstract int compareToSuperType(RelationalObject upper); 