2014-10-28 43 views

我正在试图在Flash中创建一个植物大战僵尸类游戏。当我把“A”放在“B”上时,它开始射击子弹。我们被告知,这些物体仍应该被允许转移到“C”。但是,当我尝试在“C”上传输“A”时,子弹仍保留在“B”上。我从“B”中删除“A”后,如何从“B”中删除子弹?我如何从舞台上删除一个对象,如果没有触及b as3


你能给我们更多的细节吗? – akmozo 2014-10-30 21:04:06





创建一个名为'pvz.fla'的Flash文件,将其类设置为'Main'然后保存。 pvz.fla的图书馆内创造500部影片剪辑 bulletMc plantMC selectorMC 的SunMC zombieMC

在每个MC得出适当的图像。 确保所有MC的属性中都有Actionscript Linkage。 使连接名称相同的MC名称,例如。 bulletMc plantMC selectorMC 的SunMC zombieMC

接下来创建一个名为ActionScript文件 'Main.as' 内Main.as把下面的代码。

package { 
import flash.display.Sprite; 
import flash.utils.Timer; 
import flash.events.TimerEvent; 
import flash.events.MouseEvent; 
import flash.events.Event; 
import flash.text.TextField; 
public class Main extends Sprite { 
    // arrays to store game field information 
    private var plantsArray:Array;// plants placed in the game field 
    private var zombiesArray:Array;//zombies placed in the game field 
    // timers 
    private var flowersTimer:Timer=new Timer(10000);// timer to make flowers fall down 
    private var zombieTimer:Timer=new Timer(4000);// timer to make zombies come in 
    // containers 
    private var sunContainer:Sprite=new Sprite();// container for all suns 
    private var plantContainer:Sprite=new Sprite();// container for all plants 
    public var bulletContainer:Sprite=new Sprite();// container for all bullets 
    private var zombieContainer:Sprite=new Sprite();// container for all zombies 
    private var overlayContainer:Sprite=new Sprite();// container of all overlays 
    // actors 
    private var movingPlant:plantMc;// plant the player can drag on game field 
    private var selector:selectorMc;// the selector square to show the playere where he's going to place the plant 
    // other variables 
    private var money:uint=0;// amout of money owned by the player 
    private var moneyText:TextField=new TextField ;// dynamic text field where to show player's money 
    private var playerMoving:Boolean=false;// Boolean variable to tell us if the player is moving a plant (true) or not (false) 
    private var totalZombies:uint=0;//total amount of zombies placed in game 
    public function Main():void { 
     setupField();// initializes the game 
     drawField();// draws the game field 
     fallingSuns();// initializes the falling suns 
     addPlants();// initialized the plants 
     addZombies();// initializes the zombies 
    // game field setup. arrays to store plants and zombies information are created 
    private function setupField():void { 
     plantsArray=new Array(); 
     zombiesArray=new Array(); 
     for (var i:uint=0; i<5; i++) { 
      plantsArray[i]=new Array(); 
      zombiesArray[i]=new Array(); 
      for (var j:uint=0; j<9; j++) { 
    // showing the amount of money 
    private function updateMoney():void { 
     moneyText.text="Money: "+money.toString(); 
    // game field drawing and children hierarchy management 
    private function drawField():void { 
     var fieldSprite:Sprite=new Sprite(); 
     var randomGreen:Number; 
     for (var i:uint=0; i<5; i++) { 
      for (var j:uint=0; j<9; j++) { 
    // zombies initialization 
    private function addZombies():void { 
    // adding a new zombie 
    private function newZombie(e:TimerEvent):void { 
     var zombie:zombieMc=new zombieMc();// constructs the zombie 
     zombieContainer.addChild(zombie);// adds the zombie 
     zombie.zombieRow=Math.floor(Math.random()*5);// chooses a random row where to place the zombie 
     zombie.name="zombie_"+totalZombies;//gives a name to the zombie 
     zombiesArray[zombie.zombieRow].push(zombie.name);// adds the zombie in the row-th row 
     zombie.x=660;// places the zombie on the board, outside the stage to the right 
    // suns initialization 
    private function fallingSuns():void { 
     flowersTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, newSun); 
    // adding a new sun 
    private function newSun(e:TimerEvent):void { 
     var sunRow:uint=Math.floor(Math.random()*5);// random row 
     var sunCol:uint=Math.floor(Math.random()*9);// random column 
     var sun:sunMc = new sunMc();// constructs the sun 
     sun.buttonMode=true;// makes the mouse change shape when over the plant 
     sunContainer.addChild(sun);// adds the sun 
     sun.x=52+sunCol*65;// places the sun in the proper column 
     sun.destinationY=130+sunRow*75;// definines the sun y destination point 
     sun.y=-20;// places the sun out to the upper side of the stage 
     sun.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,sunClicked);// listener to be triggered when the sun is clicked 
    // handling clicks on suns 
    private function sunClicked(e:MouseEvent):void { 
     e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,sunClicked);// removes the CLICK listener 
     money+=5;// makes the player earn money (5) 
     updateMoney();// updates money text 
     var sunToRemove:sunMc=e.currentTarget as sunMc;// defines which sun we need to remove 
     sunContainer.removeChild(sunToRemove);// removes the sun 
    // building the plant toolbar (only 1 plant at the moment) 
    private function addPlants():void { 
     var plant:plantMc=new plantMc();// constructs a new plant 
     overlayContainer.addChild(plant);// adds the plant 
     plant.buttonMode=true;// makes the mouse change shape when over the plant 
     plant.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onPlantClicked);// listener to be triggered once the plant is clicked 
    // handling clicks on plants 
    private function onPlantClicked(e:MouseEvent):void { 
     // let's see if the player has enough money (10) to afford the plant and isn't currently dragging a plant 
     if (money>=10&&! playerMoving) { 
      money-=10;// pays the plant 
      updateMoney();// updates money text 
      selector=new selectorMc();// constructs a new selector 
      selector.visible=false;// makes the selector invisible 
      overlayContainer.addChild(selector);// adds the selector 
      movingPlant=new plantMc();// constructs a new moving plant 
      movingPlant.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,placePlant);// lister to be triggered once the moving plant is clicked 
      overlayContainer.addChild(movingPlant);// adds the moving plant 
      playerMoving=true;// tells the script the player is actually moving a plant 
    // placing the plant on the game field 
    private function placePlant(e:MouseEvent):void { 
     var plantRow:int=Math.floor((mouseY-80)/75); 
     var plantCol:int=Math.floor((mouseX-25)/65); 
     // let's see if the tile is inside the game field and it's free 
     if (plantRow>=0&&plantCol>=0&&plantRow<5&&plantCol<9&&plantsArray[plantRow][plantCol]==0) { 
      var placedPlant:plantMc=new plantMc();// constructs the plant to be placed 
      placedPlant.name="plant_"+plantRow+"_"+plantCol;// gives the plant a name 
      placedPlant.fireRate=75;// plant fire rate, in frames 
      placedPlant.recharge=0;// plant recharge. When recharge is equal to fireRate, the plant is ready to fire 
      placedPlant.isFiring=false;// Boolean value to tell if the plant is firing 
      placedPlant.plantRow=plantRow;// plant row 
      plantContainer.addChild(placedPlant);// adds the plant 
      playerMoving=false;// tells the script the player is no longer moving 
      movingPlant.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,placePlant);// removes the CLICK listener from the draggable plant 
      overlayContainer.removeChild(selector);// removes the selector 
      overlayContainer.removeChild(movingPlant);// removes the plant itself 
      plantsArray[plantRow][plantCol]=1;// updates game array adding the new plant 
    // core function to be executed at every frame. The whole game is managed here 
    private function onEnterFrm(e:Event):void { 
     var i:int; 
     var j:int; 
     // plants management 
     for (i=0; i<plantContainer.numChildren; i++) { 
      var currentPlant:plantMc=plantContainer.getChildAt(i) as plantMc; 
      // let's see if the plant can fire 
      if (currentPlant.recharge==currentPlant.fireRate&&! currentPlant.isFiring) { 
       // let's see if there are zombies in the same row of the plant 
       if (zombiesArray[currentPlant.plantRow].length>0) { 
        // let's scan through all zombies 
        for (j=0; j<zombiesArray[currentPlant.plantRow].length>0; j++) { 
         var targetZombie:zombieMc=zombieContainer.getChildByName(zombiesArray[currentPlant.plantRow][j]) as zombieMc;// gets the j-th zombie 
         // if the zombie is on the right of the plant 
         if (targetZombie.x>currentPlant.x) { 
          var bullet:bulletMc=new bulletMc();// constructs a new bullet 
          bulletContainer.addChild(bullet);// adds the bullet 
          bullet.sonOf=currentPlant;// sets the bullet as a son of the current plant 
          currentPlant.recharge=0;// the plant must recharge 
          currentPlant.isFiring=true;// the plant is firing 
          break;// exits the j for loop 
      // let's see if the plant has to recharge 
      if (currentPlant.recharge<currentPlant.fireRate) { 
       currentPlant.recharge++;// recharges the plant 
     // bullets management 
     for (i=0; i<bulletContainer.numChildren; i++) { 
      var movingBullet:bulletMc=bulletContainer.getChildAt(i) as bulletMc; 
      movingBullet.x+=3;//moves each bullet right by 3 pixels 
      var firingPlant:plantMc=movingBullet.sonOf as plantMc;// finds the plant which shot the bullet 
      // let's see if the bullet flew out of the screen 
      if (movingBullet.x>650) { 
       firingPlant.isFiring=false;// the plant is not longer firing 
       bulletContainer.removeChild(movingBullet);// removes the bullet 
      } else { 
       for (j=0; j<zombieContainer.numChildren; j++) { 
        var movingZombie:zombieMc=zombieContainer.getChildAt(j) as zombieMc; 
        // let's see if a zombie has been hit by a bullet 
        if (movingZombie.hitTestPoint(movingBullet.x,movingBullet.y,true)) { 
         movingZombie.alpha-=0.3;// decreases zombie energy (alpha) 
         firingPlant.isFiring=false;// the plant is not longer firing 
         bulletContainer.removeChild(movingBullet);// removes the bullet 
         // let's see if zombie's energy (alpha) reached zero 
         if (movingZombie.alpha<0) { 
          zombiesArray[movingZombie.zombieRow].splice(zombiesArray[movingZombie.zombieRow].indexOf(movingZombie.name),1);// remove the zombie from the row 
          zombieContainer.removeChild(movingZombie);// removes the zombie 
     // zombies management 
     var zombieColumn:int; 
     for (i=0; i<zombieContainer.numChildren; i++) { 
      movingZombie=zombieContainer.getChildAt(i) as zombieMc; 
      zombieColumn = Math.floor((movingZombie.x-25)/65);// gets zombie column 
      // let's see if there is a plant in the same tile 
      if (zombieColumn<0||zombieColumn>8||plantsArray[movingZombie.zombieRow][zombieColumn]==0) { 
       movingZombie.x-=0.5;// moves each zombie left by 1/2 pixels 
      } else { 
       // the zombie attacks!! 
       var attackedPlant:plantMc=plantContainer.getChildByName("plant_"+movingZombie.zombieRow+"_"+zombieColumn) as plantMc; 
       attackedPlant.alpha-=0.01;// drains plant energy 
       // let's see if the plant died 
       if (attackedPlant.alpha<0) { 
        plantsArray[movingZombie.zombieRow][zombieColumn]=0;//removes the plant from the array 
        plantContainer.removeChild(attackedPlant);//removes the plant Display Object from Display List 
     // suns management 
     for (i=0; i<sunContainer.numChildren; i++) { 
      var fallingSun:sunMc=sunContainer.getChildAt(i) as sunMc; 
      // let's see if the sun is still falling because it did not reach its destination 
      if (fallingSun.y<fallingSun.destinationY) { 
       fallingSun.y++;// moves the sun down by one pixel 
      } else { 
       fallingSun.alpha-=0.01;// makes the sun fade away 
       // let's see if the sun disappeared 
       if (fallingSun.alpha<0) { 
        fallingSun.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,sunClicked);// removes the CLICK listener from the sun 
        sunContainer.removeChild(fallingSun);// removes the sun 
     // placing plant process 
     if (playerMoving) { 
      var plantRow:int=Math.floor((mouseY-80)/75); 
      var plantCol:int=Math.floor((mouseX-25)/65); 
      // let's see if the plant is inside the game field 
      if (plantRow>=0&&plantCol>=0&&plantRow<5&&plantCol<9) { 
       selector.visible=true;// shows the selector 
      } else { 
       selector.visible=false;// hide the selector 


我从一个开源网站大约一年前得到了这个源代码,我很乐意参考原始贡献者和网站,但贡献者没有评论代码中的任何链接或名称。 只是代码。

