2011-05-10 92 views


module Genetics where 

import Data.List (sortBy) 
import Random (randomRIO) 
import Control.Monad (foldM) 

class Gene g where 
    -- How ideal is the gene from 0.0 to 1.0? 
    fitness :: g -> Float 

    -- How does a gene mutate? 
    mutate :: g -> IO g 

    -- How many species will be explored? 
    species :: [g] -> Int 

orderFitness :: (Gene g) => [g] -> [g] 
orderFitness = reverse . sortBy (\a b -> compare (fitness a) (fitness b)) 

compete :: (Gene g) => [g] -> IO [g] 
compete pool = do 
    let s = species pool 
    variants <- (mapM (mapM mutate) . map (replicate s)) pool 
    let pool' = (map head . map orderFitness) variants 
    return pool' 

evolve :: (Gene g) => Int -> [g] -> IO [g] 
evolve 0 pool = return pool 
evolve n pool = do 
    pool' <- compete pool 
    evolve (n - 1) pool' 

随着species pool = 8,8个基因池复制到8组。每组进行变异,并选择适合每个组进行进一步进化(回到8个基因)。



假设你正在使用'GHC -O2'为你的编译器,你的第一个版本没有在'evolve'功能的堆栈溢出。由于我们看不到“竞争”的实施,这就是可以说的。 – 2011-05-10 21:25:19


上面提供的GitHub链接(https://github.com/mcandre/genetics)指定了“竞争”以及确实使用'ghc -O2'的Makefile。我认为第一个例子中的<-'足以防止堆栈溢出。我不确定问题出在哪里。 – mcandre 2011-05-10 21:32:37


>> =应该等于符号,那里没有区别。 – alternative 2011-05-10 21:36:12



感谢唐的deepseq的建议,我能够将问题缩小到mapM mutate这使得太多thunk。新版本有mutate',它使用seq来防止thunking。

module Genetics where 

import Data.List (maximumBy) 
import Random (randomRIO) 

class Gene g where 
    -- How ideal is the gene from 0.0 to 1.0? 
    fitness :: g -> Float 

    -- How does a gene mutate? 
    mutate :: g -> IO g 

    -- How many species will be explored in each round? 
    species :: [g] -> Int 

best :: (Gene g) => [g] -> g 
best = maximumBy (\a b -> compare (fitness a) (fitness b)) 

-- Prevents stack overflow 
mutate' :: (Gene g) => g -> IO g 
mutate' gene = do 
    gene' <- mutate gene 
    gene' `seq` return gene' 

drift :: (Gene g) => [[g]] -> IO [[g]] 
drift = mapM (mapM mutate') 

compete :: (Gene g) => [g] -> IO [g] 
compete pool = do 
    let islands = map (replicate (species pool)) pool 
    islands' <- drift islands 
    let representatives = map best islands' 
    return representatives 

evolve :: (Gene g) => Int -> [g] -> IO [g] 
evolve 0 pool = return pool 
evolve n pool = compete pool >>= evolve (n - 1) 





import Control.DeepSeq  

compete :: (Gene g, NFData g) => [g] -> IO [g] 
compete pool = do 
    let s = species pool 
    variants <- (mapM (mapM mutate) . map (replicate s)) pool 
    let pool' = (map head . map orderFitness) variants 
    pool' `deepseq` return pool' 

这个东西没有需要在IO,不过,(单独的问题)。像Rand单子可能是more appropriate


@Don'deepseq'锤解决了问题(upvote)。但它感觉就像在作弊。我想知道在哪里竞争堆栈溢出发生。 – mcandre 2011-05-10 22:53:21


可能的候选者是使用嵌套'mapM'。但是,可以肯定:简介。像这样:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5939630/best-way-of-looping-over-a-2-d-array-using-repa/5940537#5940537 – 2011-05-10 23:06:56


@mcandre你可能感兴趣[RWH #空间剖析](http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/profiling-and-optimization.html#id678078) – 2011-05-10 23:07:58


而不是使用(map head . map orderFitness)其中orderFitnesssortBy你可以使用maximumBy和单一map的。这并不会节省太多(因为你从O(n log n)到O(n),并且可能从消除双映射中获得另一个因子2),但是至少可以更简单和更高效。你也可以摆脱呼叫来撤消。


编辑:如果标准库和GHC是完美的,那么head . sortBy会产生相同的代码maximumBymap head . map sortBy会产生对map (head . sortBy)相同的代码黯然没有这些东西很可能在实践中是真实的。 sortBy将倾向于做一堆额外的内存分配,因为它是一个分而治之的算法。结合地图是你有时得到的一种优化,但不应该依靠。



谢谢!它不能解决问题,但我会在解决方案中包含您的建议。 – mcandre 2011-05-10 23:40:09