2016-04-22 70 views

过去一周一直在处理此项目。 一切,但初始化/ mallocing和步功能是由我的教授事先提供给我...回溯迷宫算法在C中出现错误

目标不是创造迷宫,而是解决它。 我第一次得到它编译它似乎运行良好,并会有所通过它...然后,它会开始做一些时髦的东西,并跳过墙壁,然后在那里停止...

试图修复它和经历它。结束了它没有第一步,现在它应该。试图了解我做错了,或者为什么我不能做正确的第一步,现在 在我maze_client ... //提供,但如果需要的话

#include <stdio.h> 
#include "maze.h" 

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); 
    Maze maze = initializeMaze(fp); 
    findPath(maze);// first step.. It was provided to me. It basically calls step() 
    return 0; 


static int step(Maze maze, int row, int column) 
    int i,j; 
    //int st; 
    int successful; 
//maze->maze[row][column] = st; 

if(getVisit(maze, row, column) == maze->maze[maze->finishX][maze->finishY]) 
    return 1; 

// getVisit(maze, row, column);//gets pos 
for(i = -2; i <= 2; ++i) 
    for(j = -2; j <= 2; ++j) 
    //i*i != j*j dont move in diagonal 
    //row+i >= 0 && row + i < n, bounds checking 
    //col+j >= 0 && col+j < n, bounds checking 
    if(i*i != j*j && row+i >= 0 && column+j >= 0) 
     getVisit(maze, row, column);//Gets position 
     if(getCellHasTop(maze, row, column + 1) != 1)//Wall check, Zero meaning NO WALL 
       //gets that position and sees if it is unvisited... 
       //need a test if it is visited.. if it has been visited before.. Set current spot as BAD_PATH 
       if(getVisit(maze,row,column+j) == UNVISITED) 
        setVisit(maze, row, column+1, GOOD_PATH); 
        successful = step(maze, row, column + 1); 
       // if(getVisit(maze, row, column+j) == GOOD_PATH) 
       // { 
       // setVisit(maze, row-i, column, BAD_PATH); 
      // successful = step(maze, row, column+j); 
      //  } 
        return 1; 
     if(getCellHasLeft(maze,row - 1,column) != 1) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row-1, column) == UNVISITED) 
       setVisit(maze, row-1, column, GOOD_PATH); 
       successful = step(maze, row-1, column); 

       // if(getVisit(maze, row-i, column) == GOOD_PATH) 
       // { 
       //setVisit(maze, row-i, column, BAD_PATH); 
       // successful = step(maze, row-i, column); 
       // } 
       return 1; 
     if(getCellHasRight(maze,row + 1, column) != 1) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row+1, column) == UNVISITED) 
        setVisit(maze, row+1, column, GOOD_PATH); 
        successful = step(maze, row+1, column); 

       // if(getVisit(maze, row+i, column) == GOOD_PATH) 
    //    { 
    //   setVisit(maze, row+i, column, BAD_PATH); 
     //   successful = step(maze, row+i, column); 
     //  } 
       return 1; 
     if(getCellHasBottom(maze, row, column - 1) != 1) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row, column-1) == UNVISITED) 
        setVisit(maze, row, column-1, GOOD_PATH); 
        successful = step(maze, row, column-1); 

     //   if(getVisit(maze, row, column-j) == GOOD_PATH) 
     //  { 
      //  setVisit(maze, row, column-j, BAD_PATH); 
      // successful = step(maze, row, column-j); 
       // } 
       return 1; 
     //PART 2 
     //Do not do else if because then each one would require... That is last resort 
    if(getCellHasTop(maze, row, column + 1) == 0)//Wall check 
       //a test if it is visited.. if it has been visited before.. Set current spot as BAD_PATH 
       if(getVisit(maze,row, column+1) == GOOD_PATH) 
        setVisit(maze, row, column, BAD_PATH); 
        successful = step(maze, row, column + 1); 
       return 1; 
     if(getCellHasLeft(maze,row - 1,column) == 0) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row-1, column) == GOOD_PATH) 
       setVisit(maze, row, column, BAD_PATH); 
       successful = step(maze, row-1, column); 
      return 1; 
if(getCellHasRight(maze,row + 1, column) == 0) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row+1, column) == GOOD_PATH) 
       setVisit(maze, row, column, BAD_PATH); 
       successful = step(maze, row+1, column); 
    return 1; 
     if(getCellHasBottom(maze, row, column - 1) == 0) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row, column-1) == GOOD_PATH) 
        setVisit(maze, row, column, BAD_PATH); 
        successful = step(maze, row, column-1); 
       return 1; 
     //Part 3 
     if(getCellHasRight(maze, row + 1, column) != 0 && getCellHasLeft(maze,row - 1, column) != 0)// If there is a wall at those locationsZZ 
       if(getVisit(maze,row, column+1) == BAD_PATH) 
       setVisit(maze, row, column, BAD_PATH); 
     successful = step(maze, row, column-1); 
       return 1; 
     if(getCellHasTop(maze, row, column + 1) != 0 && getCellHasBottom(maze, row, column - 1) != 0) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row-1, column) == BAD_PATH) 
       setVisit(maze, row, column, BAD_PATH); 
        successful = step(maze, row+1, column); 
       return 1; 
     if(getCellHasTop(maze, row, column +1) != 0 && getCellHasBottom(maze, row, column - 1) != 0) 
       if(getVisit(maze, row+1, column) == BAD_PATH) 
     setVisit(maze, row, column, BAD_PATH); 
      successful = step(maze, row-1, column); 
     return 1; 
    return 0; 

看着你的代码,你有几个问题。最明显的是从-2到+2行和列循环。为什么你会做任何循环,如果你有谓词表示一个单元格是否有顶,左,右等?如果您可以从单元中获取这些信息,则根本无需进行任何偏移计算 - 它们已经为您完成。 –


另外,我讨厌你的函数名称。真的,'getCellHasTop'?我得到的印象是你学校里有人有一个严肃的Java恋物癖。为什么不'has_wall_above()'或'has_top()'?如果你坚持要求甚至'hasTop()'?我并不是说这只是为了滥用 - 函数名称应该是不言自明的,而你的名称不是。我不知道'getVisit'是什么意思,或者'getCellHasTop'。我必须阅读代码才能找出应该立即显而易见的内容。 –


下一个:当你有一个函数是一个*谓词* - 也就是说,它存在回答一个问题 - 你不应该把它与任何东西进行比较。 **它是一个谓词!**谓词本质上是布尔型的,所以你只需在条件语句中使用它们的返回值:或者if(getCellHasTop(maze,row,col)){'或'if(!getCellHasTop(maze,行,列)){' –




if(getCellHasTop(maze, row, column + 1) != 1)//Wall check, Zero meaning NO WALL 
      //gets that position and sees if it is unvisited... 
      //need a test if it is visited.. if it has been visited before.. Set current spot as BAD_PATH 
      if(getVisit(maze,row,column+j) == UNVISITED) 
       setVisit(maze, row, column+1, GOOD_PATH); 
       successful = step(maze, row, column + 1); 
      // if(getVisit(maze, row, column+j) == GOOD_PATH) 
      // { 
      // setVisit(maze, row-i, column, BAD_PATH); 
     // successful = step(maze, row, column+j); 
     //  } 
       return 1; 

首先,你迭代从-2到+2。但我认为迷宫细胞是连续的,所以你不应该那样做。相反,做这样的事情: 首先,测试行,列确定它们在迷宫中的有效位置。接下来,测试当前单元格的位数,看看您是否被允许上升或任何方向。然后测试以查看目标单元格是否有效。然后测试目标单元格是否已被您的路径阻挡。然后跳入。

enum { 
    TOP_BLOCKED = 0x01, 
    RIGHT_BLOCKED = 0x02, 
    BOTTOM_BLOCKED = 0x04, 
    LEFT_BLOCKED = 0x08, 

#define ABOVE(r,c)  (r),((c)+1) 
#define BELOW(r,c)  (r),((c)-1) 
#define LEFT_OF(r,c) ((r)-1),(c) 
#define RIGHT_OF(r,c) ((r)+1),(c) 

#define IN_MAZE(m,r,c) ((r)>=0 && (c)>=0 && (r)<(m)->rows && (c)<(m)->cols) 
#define CELL(m,r,c) ((m)->maze[(r)][(c)]) 
#define TOP_OPEN(m,r,c) (in_maze(m, r, c) \ 
         && !(CELL(m,r,c) & TOP_BLOCKED) 
         && in_maze(m,ABOVE(r,c))) 
#define VISITED(m,r,c) (getVisit(m,r,c) != UNVISITED) 

// ... later, in your step function ... 

#define POS row,column 

setVisit(maze, POS, GOOD_PATH); 

if (TOP_OPEN(maze, POS) && !VISITED(maze, ABOVE(POS)) && step(maze, ABOVE(POS))) { 
    // We found a successful path! Stop looking. 
    return 1; 

if (RIGHT_OPEN(maze, POS) ... && step(maze, RIGHT_OF(POS))) { 
    return 1; 

if (BOTTOM_OPEN ... 

if (LEFT_OPEN ... 
    return 1; 

// There is no path from here that solves the maze. 
setVisit(maze, POS, UNVISITED); 
#undef POS 

return 0;