2017-08-28 103 views


import os 
import keras 
import numpy as np 
import tensorflow as tf 
from keras import backend as K 
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, Input 
from keras.models import Model 

# Try to standardize output 

# Building the model 
inputs = Input(shape=(224,224,3)) 
base_model = keras.applications.vgg16.VGG16(include_top=True, weights='imagenet', \ 
            input_tensor=inputs, input_shape=(224, 224, 3)) 
x = base_model.get_layer("fc2").output 
x = Dropout(0.5, name='model_fc_dropout')(x) 
x = Dense(2048, activation='sigmoid', name='final_fc')(x) 
x = Dropout(0.5, name='final_fc_dropout')(x) 
predictions = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='fcout')(x) 
model = Model(outputs=predictions, inputs=inputs) 

      optimizer=tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=5e-4, momentum=0.9), 

image_batch = np.random.random((64,224,224,3)) 

# Outputs predicted by TF 
outs = [predictions] 
feed_dict={inputs:image_batch, K.learning_phase():0} 

init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() 
with tf.Session() as sess: 

    outputs = sess.run(outs, feed_dict)[0] 
    print outputs.flatten() 

# Outputs predicted by Keras 
outputs = model.predict_on_batch(image_batch) 
print outputs.flatten() 


[ 0.26079229 0.26078743 0.26079154 0.26079673 0.26078942 0.26079443 
    0.26078886 0.26079088 0.26078972 0.26078728 0.26079121 0.26079452 
    0.26078513 0.26078424 0.26079014 0.26079312 0.26079521 0.26078743 
    0.26078558 0.26078537 0.26078674 0.26079136 0.26078632 0.26077667 
    0.26079312 0.26078999 0.26079065 0.26078704 0.26078928 0.26078624 
    0.26078892 0.26079202 0.26079065 0.26078689 0.26078963 0.26078749 
    0.26078817 0.2607986 0.26078528 0.26078412 0.26079187 0.26079246 
    0.26079226 0.26078457 0.26078099 0.26078072 0.26078376 0.26078475 
    0.26078326 0.26079389 0.26079792 0.26078579 0.2607882 0.2607961 
    0.26079237 0.26078218 0.26078638 0.26079753 0.2607787 0.26078618 
    0.26078096 0.26078594 0.26078215 0.26079002] 

[ 0.25331706 0.25228402 0.2534174 0.25033095 0.24851511 0.25099936 
    0.25240892 0.25139931 0.24948661 0.25183493 0.25104815 0.25164133 
    0.25214729 0.25265765 0.25128496 0.25249782 0.25247478 0.25314394 
    0.25014618 0.25280923 0.2526398 0.25381723 0.25138992 0.25072744 
    0.25069866 0.25307226 0.25063521 0.25133523 0.25050756 0.2536433 
    0.25164688 0.25054023 0.25117773 0.25352773 0.25157067 0.25173825 
    0.25234801 0.25182116 0.25284401 0.25297374 0.25079012 0.25146705 
    0.25401884 0.25111189 0.25192681 0.25252578 0.25039044 0.2525287 
    0.25165257 0.25357804 0.25001243 0.2495154 0.2531895 0.25270832 
    0.25305843 0.25064403 0.25180396 0.25231308 0.25224048 0.25068772 
    0.25212681 0.24812476 0.25027585 0.25243458] 



[ 0.3302682 0.33054096 0.32677746 0.32830611 0.32972822 0.32807562 
    0.32850873 0.33161065 0.33009702 0.32811245 0.3285495 0.32966742 
    0.33050382 0.33156893 0.3300975 0.3298254 0.33350074 0.32991216 
    0.32990077 0.33203539 0.32692945 0.33036903 0.33102706 0.32648 
    0.32933888 0.33161271 0.32976636 0.33252293 0.32859167 0.33013415 
    0.33080408 0.33102706 0.32994759 0.33150592 0.32881773 0.33048317 
    0.33040857 0.32924038 0.32986534 0.33131596 0.3282761 0.3292698 
    0.32879189 0.33186096 0.32862625 0.33067161 0.329018 0.33022234 
    0.32904804 0.32891914 0.33122411 0.32900628 0.33088413 0.32931429 
    0.3268061 0.32924181 0.32940546 0.32860965 0.32828435 0.3310211 
    0.33098024 0.32997403 0.33025959 0.33133432] 


[ 0.26075357 0.26074868 0.26074538 0.26075155 0.260755 0.26073951 
    0.26074919 0.26073971 0.26074231 0.26075247 0.2607362 0.26075858 
    0.26074955 0.26074123 0.26074299 0.26074946 0.26074076 0.26075014 
    0.26074076 0.26075229 0.26075041 0.26074776 0.26075897 0.26073995 
    0.260746 0.26074466 0.26073912 0.26075709 0.26075712 0.26073799 
    0.2607322 0.26075566 0.26075059 0.26073873 0.26074558 0.26074558 
    0.26074359 0.26073721 0.26074392 0.26074731 0.26074862 0.26074174 
    0.26074126 0.26074588 0.26073804 0.26074919 0.26074269 0.26074606 
    0.26075307 0.2607446 0.26074025 0.26074648 0.26074952 0.26073608 
    0.26073566 0.26073873 0.26074576 0.26074475 0.26074636 0.26073411 
    0.2607542 0.26074755 0.2607449 0.2607407 ] 






