2013-02-22 51 views

下面的查询工作,但“o.opendate不是null o.orderdate不是null o.closedate是零和o.canceldate为空”的一部分where子句需要仅适用于将订单数(定单计数)。现在它适用于整个结果集,这不是我想要的。我如何更改查询来执行此操作?此外,这些表是非常大的,所以我对指标严重依赖,并尽量不使用性能方面的原因subquerys。任何帮助,将不胜感激添加where子句来算,而不是整个查询,而不使用子查询

select s.ZipCode, count(o.[OrderID]) orderCount, b.Longitude, b.Latitude, b.ordering 
from ZipCodeServiceAvailability s 
left join pdx_orders_view o on s.ZipCode = left(o.[ZipCode], 5) 
left join ZipCodeBoundaries b on s.ZipCode = b.ZipCode 
Where s.state = 'TX' and Ordering % 10 = 0 and 
    o.opendate is not null and o.orderdate is not null and o.closedate is null and o.canceldate is null 
Group By s.ZipCode, IsServiced, b.Longitude, b.Latitude, b.Ordering 
Order by s.ZipCode, b.Ordering 



你需要用SUM case语句:

select sum(case when o.opendate is not null and o.orderdate is not null and o.closedate is null and o.canceldate is null 
      then 1 else 0 
     end) as OrderCount 



我认为你需要SUM()它以及得到计数。虽然很好的答案! – sgeddes 2013-02-22 16:15:41


什么是当时的1否则为0?这笔钱会代替伯爵吗? – 2013-02-22 16:18:23


'Then 1 Else 0'根据'Case'条件为每一行返回一个1或0,'包装'Case'语句的'Sum'添加这些值以获得应用于'案例'标准。 – 2013-02-22 16:24:51



select s.ZipCode, count(o.[OrderID]) orderCount, b.Longitude, b.Latitude, b.ordering 
from ZipCodeServiceAvailability s 
left join pdx_orders_view o on s.ZipCode = left(o.[ZipCode], 5) 
left join ZipCodeBoundaries b on s.ZipCode = b.ZipCode 
Where s.state = 'TX' and Ordering % 10 = 0 and 
    o.opendate is not null 
Group By s.ZipCode, IsServiced, b.Longitude, b.Latitude, b.Ordering 
Having count(o.[OrderID]) is not null 
Order by s.ZipCode, b.Ordering