2012-03-16 74 views

我正在创建一个Visio图表,但需要检查现有形状是否连接。我用三种不同的方法来编写一个方法来确定这一点。我无法找到任何形状方法直接做到这一点。这是我想出来的。我比第三种方法更可取,因为它不涉及迭代。还有什么建议?Visio - 检查如果形状连接

private bool ShapesAreConnected(Visio.Shape shape1, Visio.Shape shape2) 
    // in Visio our 2 shapes will each be connected to a connector, not to each other 
    // so we need to see if theyare both connected to the same connector 

     bool Connected = false; 
     // since we are pinning the connector to each shape, we only need to check 
     // the fromshapes attribute on each shape 
     Visio.Connects shape1FromConnects = shape1.FromConnects; 
     Visio.Connects shape2FromConnects = shape2.FromConnects; 

     foreach (Visio.Shape connect in shape1FromConnects) 
      // first method 
      // for each shape shape 1 is connected to, see if shape2 is connected 
      var shape = from Visio.Shape cs in shape2FromConnects where cs == connect select cs; 
      if (shape.FirstOrDefault() != null) Connected = true; 

      // second method, convert shape2's connected shapes to an IEnumerable and 
      // see if it contains any shape1 shapes 
      IEnumerable<Visio.Shape> shapesasie = (IEnumerable<Visio.Shape>)shape2FromConnects; 

      if (shapesasie.Contains(connect)) 
       return true; 

     return Connected; 

     //third method 
     //convert both to IEnumerable and check if they intersect 
     IEnumerable<Visio.Shape> shapes1asie = (IEnumerable<Visio.Shape>)shape1FromConnects; 
     IEnumerable<Visio.Shape> shapes2asie = (IEnumerable<Visio.Shape>)shape2FromConnects; 
     var shapes = shapes1asie.Intersect(shapes2asie); 
     if (shapes.Count() > 0) { return true; } 
     else { return false; } 

