2017-02-25 55 views


     <meta charset="utf-8"/> 
       border:#999 10px groove; 
      // create a variable for if the game is over, initialize it to false 

      var gameOver = false; 

      // create a variable for the current player, initialize it to 'O' or 'X' 
      // based on who will go first 

      if(confirm("X goes first?")) //Can't figure out how to do Yes or No alert box 
       var player = 'X'; 
       var player = 'O'; 

      // create an array for the squares using the regular methodology 

      var squares = new Array(); 
       squares[0] = 0; 
       squares[1] = 1; 
       squares[2] = 2; 
       squares[3] = 3; 
       squares[4] = 4; 
       squares[5] = 5; 
       squares[6] = 6; 
       squares[7] = 7; 
       squares[8] = 8; 

      // create a 2-d array of the win combinations, the data is as follows: 
       0, 1, 2 
       3, 4, 5 
       6, 7, 8 
       0, 3, 6 
       1, 4, 7 
       2, 5, 8 
       0, 4, 8 
       2, 4, 6 


      var winCombinations = [ 
       [0, 1, 2], 
       [3, 4, 5], 
       [6, 7, 8], 
       [0, 3, 6], 
       [1, 4, 7], 
       [2, 5, 8], 
       [0, 4, 8], 
       [2, 4, 6] 

      // declare function named reset with no parameters 

      function reset() 
       // write a for loop starting at index 1 instead of the 
       // usual 0, that loops through all 9 positions 

       var i; 
       for (var i = 1; i < squares + 1; i++) 
        // create a variable to relate to each HTML button, 
        // set it equal to explicit text "sqr" concatenated 
        // with the looping variable of the for loop 

        var htmlButton = "sqr" + i; 

        // update the associated HTML element with the id 
        // equal to the variable created above, set it equal 
        // to and explicit empty string 

        htmlButton = ""; 


       // reset the global variable for the squares to an 
       // empty array using the literal methodology 

       squares = []; 

       // reset the global variable for the game being over 
       // setting it equal to false 

       gameOver = false; 


      // declare function named squareClick with one parameter called square 

      function squareClick(square) 
       // create a variable that is set equal to the HTML element 
       // with the id of square (i.e. the parameter) and retrieve its value 

       var idElement = document.getElementById(square).value; 

       // this will be used down below as the id to update the HTML element 

       // create a variable that is set equal to the JavaScript method call 
       // parseInt() passing as an argument square.substring(3, 4), 
       // subtract one from the result of the parseInt method call 

       var parseSquare = ((parseInt(square.substring(3, 4))) - 1); 

       // this will represent the index of the array of squares where 
       // the user clicked 

       // write an if statement that evaluates if the variable 
       // value is equal to explicit string "" 

       if(idElement === "") 
        // update the HTML element using the parameter square as 
        // the id, setting its value equal to the global variable 
        // player 

        document.getElementById(square).value = player; 

        // in array of the squares update element stored at 
        // the index retrieved above to the global variable 
        // player 

        squares[parseSquare] = player; 


       // call the function checkForWinner passing as an argument 
       // the explicit value 'X' 


       // call the function checkForWinner passing as an argument 
       // the explicit value 'O' 


       // change the player 
       // write an if statement that checks if the player variable 
       // is equal to O, if true, set player to X 

       if(player == 'O') 
        player = 'X'; 

       // write the else leg that switches player from X to O 

        player = 'O'; 


      // declare function playAgain with no parameters 

      function playAgain() 
       // create a variable that stores the response to a 
       // confirm dialog box with text "Play again?" 

       var response = confirm("Play again?"); 

       // write an if statement that evaluates the user's response 
       // from above compared to true 

       if (response == true) 
        // call function reset 


       // write the else leg 

        // display an alert dialog box that thanks the user 
        // for playing 

        alert("Thanks you for playing!"); 


      // declare function checkForWinner with one parameter called value 

      function checkForWinner(value) 

       // write for loop, start at index 0, loop while 
       // the index less than the length of the array 
       // winCombinations 

       for(var i = 0; i < winCombinations.length; i++) 
        // write an if statement that evaluates 
        // the squares array [] where the index is 
        // array winCombinations[][], with the first index 
        // being the looping variable and the second index 
        // being value 0, 1, or 2, checking if it is 
        // equal to the value parameter; 
        // this if statement should be 
        // three statements using the logical and && 
        // e.g. squares[windCombinations[][]] == value && 

        if(squares[winCombinations[i][0]] == value && squares[winCombinations[i][1]] == value && squares[winCombinations[i][2]] == value) 
         // display an alert dialog box stating which 
         // player won 

         alert(value + " " + "won"); 

         // set the variable gameOver equal to true 

         gameOver == true; 

       // write an if statement checking if gameOver is true 

       if(gameOver == true) 
        // call function playAgain 

       // write the else leg 

        // use the return statement for program control 

       <td><input type="button" id="sqr1" name="sqr1" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr1')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr2" name="sqr2" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr2')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr3" name="sqr3" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr3')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr4" name="sqr4" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr4')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr5" name="sqr5" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr5')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr6" name="sqr6" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr6')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr7" name="sqr7" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr7')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr8" name="sqr8" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr8')" /></td> 
       <td><input type="button" id="sqr9" name="sqr9" class="tictac" onClick="squareClick('sqr9')" /></td> 

OT:我前段时间做的一个小小的tic-tac-toe小提琴https://jsfiddle.net/pg6xpyjo/1/ – Thomas


我可以问,究竟是什么在这段代码中不工作?在他们的问题中,一个好的问题应该更清楚明确。 –



我认为错误是在for循环:它说(var i = 1; i < squares +1; i++),但应该说(var i = 1; i < squares.length + 1; i++)


reset()功能有几个错误 - 您需要使用squares.length而不是squares迭代for for循环,并且您需要使用document.getElementByID()选择按钮元素,然后清除它们的值:

function reset() { 
    //iterate through all sqr buttons and clear their values 
    var buttonId; 
    for (var i = 1; i < squares.length; i++) { 
    buttonId = "sqr" + i; 
    document.getElementById(buttonId).value = ""; 

    //reset squares to empty Array 
    squares = []; 

    // reset the global variable for the game being over 
    gameOver = false; 