2016-08-16 55 views

我写了一个程序(下面列出),它用Tkinter GUI来玩井字游戏。如果我调用它是这样的:重复使用Tkinter窗口进行游戏的井字棋

root = tk.Tk() 
root.title("Tic Tac Toe") 

player1 = QPlayer(mark="X") 
player2 = QPlayer(mark="O") 

human_player = HumanPlayer(mark="X") 
player2.epsilon = 0   # For playing the actual match, disable exploratory moves 

game = Game(root, player1=human_player, player2=player2) 


enter image description here


root = tk.Tk() 
root.title("Tic Tac Toe") 

player1 = QPlayer(mark="X") 
player2 = QPlayer(mark="O") 

for _ in range(1):    # Play a couple of training games 
    training_game = Game(root, player1, player2) 

human_player = HumanPlayer(mark="X") 
player2.epsilon = 0   # For playing the actual match, disable exploratory moves 

game = Game(root, player1=human_player, player2=player2) 


enter image description here



import numpy as np 
import Tkinter as tk 
import copy 

class Game: 
    def __init__(self, master, player1, player2, Q_learn=None, Q={}, alpha=0.3, gamma=0.9): 
     frame = tk.Frame() 
     self.master = master 
     self.player1 = player1 
     self.player2 = player2 
     self.current_player = player1 
     self.other_player = player2 
     self.empty_text = "" 
     self.board = Board() 

     self.buttons = [[None for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)] 
     for i in range(3): 
      for j in range(3): 
       self.buttons[i][j] = tk.Button(frame, height=3, width=3, text=self.empty_text, command=lambda i=i, j=j: self.callback(self.buttons[i][j])) 
       self.buttons[i][j].grid(row=i, column=j) 

     self.reset_button = tk.Button(text="Reset", command=self.reset) 

     self.Q_learn = Q_learn 
     if self.Q_learn: 
      self.Q = Q 
      self.alpha = alpha   # Learning rate 
      self.gamma = gamma   # Discount rate 

    def Q_learn_or_not(self):  # If either player is a QPlayer, turn on Q-learning 
     if self.Q_learn is None: 
      if isinstance(self.player1, QPlayer) or isinstance(self.player2, QPlayer): 
       self.Q_learn = True 

    def share_Q_with_players(self):    # The action value table Q is shared with the QPlayers to help them make their move decisions 
     if isinstance(self.player1, QPlayer): 
      self.player1.Q = self.Q 
     if isinstance(self.player2, QPlayer): 
      self.player2.Q = self.Q 

    def callback(self, button): 
     if self.board.over(): 
      pass    # Do nothing if the game is already over 
      if isinstance(self.current_player, HumanPlayer) and isinstance(self.other_player, HumanPlayer): 
       if self.empty(button): 
        move = self.get_move(button) 
      elif isinstance(self.current_player, HumanPlayer) and isinstance(self.other_player, ComputerPlayer): 
       computer_player = self.other_player 
       if self.empty(button): 
        human_move = self.get_move(button) 
        if not self.board.over():    # Trigger the computer's next move 
         computer_move = computer_player.get_move(self.board) 

    def empty(self, button): 
     return button["text"] == self.empty_text 

    def get_move(self, button): 
     info = button.grid_info() 
     move = (info["row"], info["column"])    # Get move coordinates from the button's metadata 
     return move 

    def handle_move(self, move): 
      if self.Q_learn: 
      i, j = move   # Get row and column number of the corresponding button 
      self.buttons[i][j].configure(text=self.current_player.mark)  # Change the label on the button to the current player's mark 
      self.board.place_mark(move, self.current_player.mark)   # Update the board 
      if self.board.over(): 
      print "There was an error handling the move." 
      pass  # This might occur if no moves are available and the game is already over 

    def declare_outcome(self): 
     if self.board.winner() is None: 
      print "Cat's game." 
      print "The game is over. The player with mark %s won!" % self.current_player.mark 

    def reset(self): 
     print "Resetting..." 
     for i in range(3): 
      for j in range(3): 
     self.board = Board(grid=np.ones((3,3))*np.nan) 
     self.current_player = self.player1 
     self.other_player = self.player2 
     # np.random.seed(seed=0)  # Set the random seed to zero to see the Q-learning 'in action' or for debugging purposes 

    def switch_players(self): 
     if self.current_player == self.player1: 
      self.current_player = self.player2 
      self.other_player = self.player1 
      self.current_player = self.player1 
      self.other_player = self.player2 

    def play(self): 
     if isinstance(self.player1, HumanPlayer) and isinstance(self.player2, HumanPlayer): 
      pass  # For human vs. human, play relies on the callback from button presses 
     elif isinstance(self.player1, HumanPlayer) and isinstance(self.player2, ComputerPlayer): 
     elif isinstance(self.player1, ComputerPlayer) and isinstance(self.player2, HumanPlayer): 
      first_computer_move = player1.get_move(self.board)  # If player 1 is a computer, it needs to be triggered to make the first move. 
     elif isinstance(self.player1, ComputerPlayer) and isinstance(self.player2, ComputerPlayer): 
      while not self.board.over():  # Make the two computer players play against each other without button presses 
       move = self.current_player.get_move(self.board) 

    def learn_Q(self, move):      # If Q-learning is toggled on, "learn_Q" should be called after receiving a move from an instance of Player and before implementing the move (using Board's "place_mark" method) 
     state_key = QPlayer.make_and_maybe_add_key(self.board, self.current_player.mark, self.Q) 
     next_board = self.board.get_next_board(move, self.current_player.mark) 
     reward = next_board.give_reward() 
     next_state_key = QPlayer.make_and_maybe_add_key(next_board, self.other_player.mark, self.Q) 
     if next_board.over(): 
      expected = reward 
      next_Qs = self.Q[next_state_key]    # The Q values represent the expected future reward for player X for each available move in the next state (after the move has been made) 
      if self.current_player.mark == "X": 
       expected = reward + (self.gamma * min(next_Qs.values()))  # If the current player is X, the next player is O, and the move with the minimum Q value should be chosen according to our "sign convention" 
      elif self.current_player.mark == "O": 
       expected = reward + (self.gamma * max(next_Qs.values()))  # If the current player is O, the next player is X, and the move with the maximum Q vlue should be chosen 
     change = self.alpha * (expected - self.Q[state_key][move]) 
     self.Q[state_key][move] += change 

class Board: 
    def __init__(self, grid=np.ones((3,3))*np.nan): 
     self.grid = grid 

    def winner(self): 
     rows = [self.grid[i,:] for i in range(3)] 
     cols = [self.grid[:,j] for j in range(3)] 
     diag = [np.array([self.grid[i,i] for i in range(3)])] 
     cross_diag = [np.array([self.grid[2-i,i] for i in range(3)])] 
     lanes = np.concatenate((rows, cols, diag, cross_diag))  # A "lane" is defined as a row, column, diagonal, or cross-diagonal 

     any_lane = lambda x: any([np.array_equal(lane, x) for lane in lanes]) # Returns true if any lane is equal to the input argument "x" 
     if any_lane(np.ones(3)): 
      return "X" 
     elif any_lane(np.zeros(3)): 
      return "O" 

    def over(self):    # The game is over if there is a winner or if no squares remain empty (cat's game) 
     return (not np.any(np.isnan(self.grid))) or (self.winner() is not None) 

    def place_mark(self, move, mark):  # Place a mark on the board 
     num = Board.mark2num(mark) 
     self.grid[tuple(move)] = num 

    def mark2num(mark):   # Convert's a player's mark to a number to be inserted in the Numpy array representing the board. The mark must be either "X" or "O". 
     d = {"X": 1, "O": 0} 
     return d[mark] 

    def available_moves(self): 
     return [(i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(3) if np.isnan(self.grid[i][j])] 

    def get_next_board(self, move, mark): 
     next_board = copy.deepcopy(self) 
     next_board.place_mark(move, mark) 
     return next_board 

    def make_key(self, mark):   # For Q-learning, returns a 10-character string representing the state of the board and the player whose turn it is 
     fill_value = 9 
     filled_grid = copy.deepcopy(self.grid) 
     np.place(filled_grid, np.isnan(filled_grid), fill_value) 
     return "".join(map(str, (map(int, filled_grid.flatten())))) + mark 

    def give_reward(self):       # Assign a reward for the player with mark X in the current board position. 
     if self.over(): 
      if self.winner() is not None: 
       if self.winner() == "X": 
        return 1.0      # Player X won -> positive reward 
       elif self.winner() == "O": 
        return -1.0      # Player O won -> negative reward 
       return 0.5       # A smaller positive reward for cat's game 
      return 0.0        # No reward if the game is not yet finished 

class Player(object): 
    def __init__(self, mark): 
     self.mark = mark 

    def get_opponent_mark(self): 
     if self.mark == 'X': 
      self.opponent_mark = 'O' 
     elif self.mark == 'O': 
      self.opponent_mark = 'X' 
      print "The player's mark must be either 'X' or 'O'." 

class HumanPlayer(Player): 
    def __init__(self, mark): 
     super(HumanPlayer, self).__init__(mark=mark) 

class ComputerPlayer(Player): 
    def __init__(self, mark): 
     super(ComputerPlayer, self).__init__(mark=mark) 

class RandomPlayer(ComputerPlayer): 
    def __init__(self, mark): 
     super(RandomPlayer, self).__init__(mark=mark) 

    def get_move(board): 
     moves = board.available_moves() 
     if moves: # If "moves" is not an empty list (as it would be if cat's game were reached) 
      return moves[np.random.choice(len(moves))] # Apply random selection to the index, as otherwise it will be seen as a 2D array 

class THandPlayer(ComputerPlayer): 
    def __init__(self, mark): 
     super(THandPlayer, self).__init__(mark=mark) 

    def get_move(self, board): 
     moves = board.available_moves() 
     if moves: 
      for move in moves: 
       if THandPlayer.next_move_winner(board, move, self.mark): 
        return move 
       elif THandPlayer.next_move_winner(board, move, self.opponent_mark): 
        return move 
       return RandomPlayer.get_move(board) 

    def next_move_winner(board, move, mark): 
     return board.get_next_board(move, mark).winner() == mark 

class QPlayer(ComputerPlayer): 
    def __init__(self, mark, Q={}, epsilon=0.2): 
     super(QPlayer, self).__init__(mark=mark) 
     self.Q = Q 
     self.epsilon = epsilon 

    def get_move(self, board): 
     if np.random.uniform() < self.epsilon:    # With probability epsilon, choose a move at random ("epsilon-greedy" exploration) 
      return RandomPlayer.get_move(board) 
      state_key = QPlayer.make_and_maybe_add_key(board, self.mark, self.Q) 
      Qs = self.Q[state_key] 

      if self.mark == "X": 
       return QPlayer.stochastic_argminmax(Qs, max) 
      elif self.mark == "O": 
       return QPlayer.stochastic_argminmax(Qs, min) 

    def make_and_maybe_add_key(board, mark, Q):  # Make a dictionary key for the current state (board + player turn) and if Q does not yet have it, add it to Q 
     state_key = board.make_key(mark) 
     if Q.get(state_key) is None: 
      moves = board.available_moves() 
      Q[state_key] = {move: 0.0 for move in moves} # The available moves in each state are initially given a default value of zero 
     return state_key 

    def stochastic_argminmax(Qs, min_or_max):  # Determines either the argmin or argmax of the array Qs such that if there are 'ties', one is chosen at random 
     min_or_maxQ = min_or_max(Qs.values()) 
     if Qs.values().count(min_or_maxQ) > 1:  # If there is more than one move corresponding to the maximum Q-value, choose one at random 
      best_options = [move for move in Qs.keys() if Qs[move] == min_or_maxQ] 
      move = best_options[np.random.choice(len(best_options))] 
      move = min_or_max(Qs, key=Qs.get) 
     return move 

root = tk.Tk() 
root.title("Tic Tac Toe") 

player1 = QPlayer(mark="X") 
player2 = QPlayer(mark="O") 

# for _ in range(1):    # Play a couple of training games 
#  training_game = Game(root, player1, player2) 
#  training_game.play() 
#  training_game.reset() 

human_player = HumanPlayer(mark="X") 
player2.epsilon = 0   # For playing the actual match, disable exploratory moves 

game = Game(root, player1=human_player, player2=player2) 

培训本身?哇! –





player1 = QPlayer(mark="X") 
player2 = QPlayer(mark="O") 

game = Game(root, player1, player2) 
for _ in range(1):    # Play a couple of training games 

human_player = HumanPlayer(mark="X") 
player2.epsilon = 0   # For playing the actual match, disable exploratory moves 

game.player1 = human_player 
game.player2 = player2 


我还在底部包含'root.mainloop()',因为否则似乎关闭窗口不会将用户返回到iPython输入提示符(其中我使用'execfile'运行脚本)。 –


我注意到在此代码,如果你是在Python 3.2.3或类似使用版本的所有打印语句都需要用括号括起来,并且您需要通过导入它来在程序中添加tkinter。