2017-02-20 85 views


private func imageFromPixels(pixels: [PixelData], width: Int, height: Int) -> UIImage? { 

    let bitsPerComponent = 8 
    let bitsPerPixel = bitsPerComponent * 4 
    let bytesPerRow = bitsPerPixel * width/8 

    let providerRef = CGDataProvider(
     data: NSData(bytes: pixels, length: height * width * 4) 

    let cgimage = CGImage(
     width: width, 
     height: height, 
     bitsPerComponent: bitsPerComponent, 
     bitsPerPixel: bitsPerPixel, 
     bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow, 
     space: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), 
     bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst.rawValue), 
     provider: providerRef!, 
     decode: nil, 
     shouldInterpolate: true, 
     intent: .defaultIntent 

    if cgimage == nil { 
     print("CGImage is not supposed to be nil") 
     return nil 
    return UIImage(cgImage: cgimage!) 


func fromData(pair: AllocationPair) -> UIImage? { 

    let table = pair.table 
    let data = pair.data 

    prepareColors(allocations: table.allocations) 

    let height = data.count 
    let width = data[0].count 

    var colors = [PixelData]() 

    for row in data { 
     for val in row { 

      if (val == 0.0) { 
       colors.append(PixelData(a: 0, r: 0, g: 0, b: 0)) 

      if let interval = findInterval(table: table, value: val) { 
       if let color = intervalColorDict[interval] { 
        colors.append(PixelData(a: color.a, r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b)) 

    return imageFromPixels(pixels: colors, width: width, height: height) 


enter image description here


基本上我只是显示与混合起来是绿色,红色或黄色像素的图片 – Recusiwe


你确定问题这里,而不是在创建'[PixelData取出]'数组的?在调试版本中,操作大型数组非常慢。如果您在开启优化功能的情况下进行版本构建,则使用大型数组要快得多。确保问题出现在这里,而不是创建该数组。然后,当然,确保当你在主队列中显示你正在做的图像时。 – Rob


@Recusiwe,您是否尝试过使用仪器来确定所有CPU的使用位置?你可以尝试从这个教程开始:https://www.raywenderlich.com/97886/instruments-tutorial-with-swift-getting-started –






public struct PixelData { 
    var a: UInt8 
    var r: UInt8 
    var g: UInt8 
    var b: UInt8 

func imageFromPixels(pixels: [PixelData], width: Int, height: Int) -> NSImage? { 

    let bitsPerComponent = 8 
    let bitsPerPixel = bitsPerComponent * 4 
    let bytesPerRow = bitsPerPixel * width/8 

    let providerRef = CGDataProvider(
     data: NSData(bytes: pixels, length: height * width * 4) 

    let cgimage = CGImage(
     width: width, 
     height: height, 
     bitsPerComponent: bitsPerComponent, 
     bitsPerPixel: bitsPerPixel, 
     bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow, 
     space: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), 
     bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst.rawValue), 
     provider: providerRef!, 
     decode: nil, 
     shouldInterpolate: true, 
     intent: .defaultIntent 

    if cgimage == nil { 
     print("CGImage is not supposed to be nil") 
     return nil 
    return NSImage(cgImage: cgimage!, size: NSSize(width: width, height: height)) 

var img = [PixelData]() 

for i: UInt8 in 0 ..< 20 { 
    for j: UInt8 in 0 ..< 20 { 
     // Creating a red 20x20 image. 
     img.append(PixelData(a: 255, r: 255, g: 0, b: 0)) 

var ns = imageFromPixels(pixels: img, width: 20, height: 20) 


enter image description here



我不会采取NSImage和NSSize?它看起来如果它使用UIKit而不是AppKit? – Recusiwe


@Recusiwe你可以使用'UIImage(cgImage:cgimage!)'并返回'UIImage'而不是'NSImage',如果你使用的是UIKit,那么把'NSData'改成'Data'。这里是[文档](https://developer.apple.com/reference/uikit/uiimage/1624090-init)。其他指示几乎相同... – Cristian



这里有一个文章,解释什么是什么:UIImage vs. CIImage vs. CGImage

核心图像实际上并不渲染图像,直到它被告知这样做。这种“懒惰评估”方法允许Core Image尽可能高效地运行。

CIImage page in Apple Developer Documentation