2015-06-18 21 views

为什么f <$> g <$> x等于(f . g) <$> x,尽管<$>不是正确关联?

(这种等价的是a popular idiom有效使用普通$,但目前$是右结合!)



Prelude Control.Applicative> (show . show) <$> Just 3 
Just "\"3\"" 
Prelude Control.Applicative> show <$> show <$> Just 3 
Just "\"3\"" 
Prelude Control.Applicative> pure show <*> pure show <*> Just 3 

    Couldn't match type `[Char]' with `a0 -> b0' 
    Expected type: (a1 -> String) -> a0 -> b0 
     Actual type: (a1 -> String) -> String 
    In the first argument of `pure', namely `show' 
    In the first argument of `(<*>)', namely `pure show' 
    In the first argument of `(<*>)', namely `pure show <*> pure show' 
Prelude Control.Applicative> 
Prelude Control.Applicative> :i (<$>) 
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b 
    -- Defined in `Data.Functor' 
infixl 4 <$> 
Prelude Control.Applicative> :i (<*>) 
class Functor f => Applicative f where 
    (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b 
    -- Defined in `Control.Applicative' 
infixl 4 <*> 
Prelude Control.Applicative> 

<$>的定义,我希望show <$> show <$> Just 3失败了。



为什么f <$> g <$> x等于(f . g) <$> x


f <$> g其实相同f . g,所以你问的是等价的,而不是f <$> (g <$> x) ≡ f . g <$> x更微不足道。


感谢您的智能观察! –


嗯,_you_观察它,不是吗?我只是解析并敲入它... – leftaroundabout


嗯,我的意思是将其他Functor实例考虑进去。也许,“观察”对此并不好。 –
