2015-11-19 34 views


SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes WHERE player_id = $1); 




请编辑您的问题,并添加定义('create table')所涉及的表格。 –


此外,它往往有助于理解这个问题,如果这个问题了一个例子 - 数据的几行,什么查询的结果应基于此样本数据。 –


A **表定义**就是你'在psql的\ d game.phone_hashes'得到。或完整的CREATE TABLE脚本。 –




with recursive tc as(
select $1 as player_id, 1 as level 
select ph2.player_id, level+1 
    from tc, phone_hashes ph1, phone_hashes ph2 
    where tc.player_id=ph1.player_id 
    and ph1.hash=ph2.hash 
    and tc.level < 6 
select distinct player_id from tc 


-- 6 degrees of separation 
SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
     WHERE player_id = $1)))))); 


-- 1 degree of separation 
SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes WHERE player_id = $1); 

-- 2 degrees of separation 
SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE player_id = $1)); 

-- 3 degrees of separation 
SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE player_id = $1))); 

-- 4 degrees of separation 
SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE player_id = $1)))); 

-- 5 degrees of separation 
SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE player_id = $1))))); 

-- 6 degrees of separation 
SELECT player_id, ps.player_state, ps.email, ph.create_date 
FROM game.phone_hashes ph 
INNER JOIN game.customer_settings cs ON cs.id = ph.player_id 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
WHERE hash IN 
(SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
    WHERE hash IN 
    (SELECT hash FROM game.phone_hashes 
     WHERE player_id = $1))))));