2011-05-21 41 views

我用这个可怕而低效的实现来找到可以删除最后连续的最后一个字母并且仍然是单词的单词。例如,Rodeo是一个众所周知的:Rodeo,Rode,Rod,Ro。 该程序发现'作曲家':作曲家,作曲家,撰写,作曲,对比Python-什么单词可以删除最连续的字母,仍然是字典有效的单词?

我想知道如何创建一个程序,找到最长的单词, )移除,它仍然被认为是一个字:

例如:野兽,最好的赌注,是 - 将是一个有效的可能性

这里是我的我的程序,以找到一个去除连续的字母(” m也有兴趣听听如何改进和优化):

#Recursive function that finds how many letters can be removed from a word and 
#it still be valid. 
def wordCheck(word, wordList, counter): 

    if len(word)>=1: 
     if word in wordList: 
      return (wordCheck(word[0:counter-1], wordList, counter-1)) 
      return counter 
    return counter 

def main(): 
    a = open('C:\\Python32\\megalist2.txt', 'r+') 
    wordList = set([line.strip() for line in a]) 
    #megaList contains a sorted list of tuple of 
    #(the word, how many letters can be removed consecutively) 
    megaList = sorted([(i, len(i)-1- wordCheck(i, wordList, len(i))) for i in wordList], key= lambda megaList: megaList[1]) 

    for i in megaList: 
     if i[1] > 3: 
      print (i) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

请注意['r +'也打开了_writing_]的文件(http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#open)。除非你的程序实际上会修改你的字典,否则我建议将'open'模式改为'r'。 – sarnold 2011-05-21 22:23:00


对于你原来的问题,你可以从所有字典中生成一种特殊的[基数树](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree),最长的单词是这棵树中最长的路径。 – 2011-05-21 22:29:16


最近有人问到一个非常类似的问题,因此可能值得尝试几个搜索。这通常与anagrams的特殊情况有关,并且http://stackoverflow.com/questions/880559/algorithm-to-get-a-list-of-all-words-that-are-anagrams-of-all-substrings scrabbl可能是一个好的开始。 – 2011-05-21 22:32:02




# Load the words into a dictionary 
words = dict((x.strip(), set()) for x in open("/usr/share/dict/words")) 

# For each word, remove each letter and see if the remaining word is still 
# in the dictionary. If so, add it to the set of shorter words associated with 
# that word in the dictionary. 
# For example, bear -> {ear, bar, ber} 
for w in words: 
    for i in range(len(w)): 
     shorter = w[:i] + w[i+1:] 
     if shorter in words: 

# Sort the words by length so we process the shortest ones first 
sortedwords = sorted(words, key=len) 

# For each word, the maximum chain length is: 
# - the maximum of the chain lengths of each shorter word, if any 
# - or 0 if there are no shorter words for this word 
# Note that because sortedwords is sorted by length, we will always 
# have maxlength[x] already available for each shorter word x 
maxlength = {} 
for w in sortedwords: 
    if words[w]: 
     maxlength[w] = 1 + max(maxlength[x] for x in words[w]) 
     maxlength[w] = 0 

# Print the words in all chains for each of the top 10 words 
toshow = sorted(words, key=lambda x: maxlength[x], reverse=True)[:10] 
while toshow: 
    w = toshow[0] 
    print(w, [(x, maxlength[x]) for x in words[w]]) 
    toshow = toshow[1:] + list(x for x in words[w] if x not in toshow) 


  • abranchiate
  • branchiate
  • branchi
  • 分支
  • 牧场
  • RACH
  • ACH
  • 一个

嘿,格雷格。我很感谢你写这篇文章,但我对它是如何工作感到困惑。你介意评论它还是解释背后的想法? – Parseltongue 2011-05-21 23:14:13


@Parseltongue:我添加了内嵌评论。让我知道是否还有其他不清楚的东西。 – 2011-05-21 23:19:31


这是问题的[**动态编程**](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_programming)方法。它主要等同于[*其他图搜索解决方案*](http://stackoverflow.com/a/6084856/711085)我写道:字典熊 - > {ear,bar ber}代表指向memoizable子问题相当于节点'W'指向'W's。我忽略了缓存maxlengths的问题,这是一个体面的优化。 – ninjagecko 2012-08-06 14:23:26

for each english word W: 
    for each letter you can remove: 
     remove the letter 
     if the result W' is also word: 
      draw a line W->W' 
for each english word W: 
    connect ROOT-> each english word W 
use a graph search algorithm to find the longest path starting at ROOT 
    (specifically, the words are now in a directed acyclic graph; traverse 
    the graph left-right-top-down, i.e. in a "topological sort", keeping 
    track of the longest candidate path to reach each node; this achieves 
    the result in linear time) 

这个算法只需要线性O(#wordsInEnglish * averageWordLength)时间!基本上只要它需要来读取输入

它可以很容易被修改,以找到连续字母移除:而不是保持每个节点单个候选像(节点(“杆”)的候选= rodeo->rode->rod),保持每个节点的候选人家族以及您为获取每个候选人而删除的字母索引(节点('棒')。candidates = {rodeo->rod|e->rod|,road->ro|d})。这有相同的运行时间。


我认为这是最佳解决方案,但我对图搜索算法或如何以编程方式一无所知在两个字母之间画一条线。你有没有很好的参考资料可以阅读,以了解更多关于此主题的内容?我是一个爱好程序员,喜欢追求有趣的项目来学习更多,但我想开始学习算法。 – Parseltongue 2011-05-21 23:07:48


只要记住,你可以让它只有'O(#wordsInEnglish * averageWordLength)'分摊与一个好集合的话。否则插入和查找单词的时间将会接管。 – viraptor 2011-05-21 23:31:28


@Parseltongue:对不起,我可以澄清。我的意思是:首先获取一个初始化的空图,将所有的单词添加为节点,然后通过“绘制一条线”,其实我的意思是在图中添加一个边节点(W) - >节点(W')'。这个算法可以在http://en.wikipedia上解释。org/wiki/Longest_path_problem#Weighted_directed_acyclic_graphs熟悉DAG(有向无环图)是很好的。一个好的起点可能是一些常见的图算法,称为图搜索算法,包括广度优先搜索,深度优先搜索和Dijkstra's(最短路径)。 – ninjagecko 2011-05-22 05:12:51





# Similar to Greg's. Reads into a dict 
words = dict((x.strip(), None) for x in open("/usr/share/dict/words")) 
# Generates a reverse sorted list from the dict (largest words first) 
sortedwords = sorted(words, key=len, reverse=True) 

# Largest possible reduction is making a longest word into 1 letter 
longestPossible = len(sortedWords[0])-1 

# Function that recursively finds shorter words and keeps count of reductions 
def getMaxLettersRemoved(w, words, alreadyRemovedCount=0): 
    # If you've already calculated the value, return it 
    if words[w] is not None: 
     return words[w] 
    # Recursively calculate how many letters you can remove 
    shorterPossibilities = [w[:i] + w[i+1:] for i in xrange(len(w))] 
    # Calculate how max # of letters you can remove from shortened words 
    totalRemoved = max([getMaxLettersRemoved(w, words, alreadyRemovedCount+1) for shorter in shorterPossibilities if shorter in words]) 
    # Total removed will be the same or will increase due to removals from shorter words 
    totalRemoved = max(totalRemoved, alreadyRemovedCount) 
    # Cache the result and return it 
    words[w] = totalRemoved 
    return totalRemoved 

# Go through words from largest to smallest, so long as they have 'a' or 'i' 
bestNumRemoved = 0 
for w in sortedwords: 
    if 'a' in w or 'i' in w: 
     # Get the number of letters you can remove 
     numRemoved = getMaxLettersRemoved(w, words) 
     # Save the best one found 
     if numRemoved > bestNumRemoved: 
      bestWord = w 
      bestNumRemoved = numRemoved 
     # Stop if you can't do better 
     if bestNumRemoved >= len(w)-1: 

# Need to make sure the best one found is better than any left 
if bestNumRemoved < longestPossible: 
    for w in sortedwords: 
     # Get the number of letters you can remove 
     numRemoved = getMaxLettersRemoved(w, words) 
     # Save the best one found 
     if numRemoved > bestNumRemoved: 
      bestWord = w 
      bestNumRemoved = numRemoved 
     # Stop if you can't do better 
     if bestNumRemoved >= len(w)-2: 




此外,我不完全相信排序键的列表是值得的。虽然python排序算法工作得很快,但它仍然处理一个大列表,并且可能会有相当大的成本。一个理想的算法可能不得不考虑这个成本,并决定它是否值得(或许不)。如果没有对列表进行排序,您可能希望第一遍只考虑具有某个最小长度的单词 - 甚至可能是更大循环的一部分。在计算与解决方案无关的词时,确实没有意义。
