2014-03-25 57 views

Short Version: 是否可以绘制(通过Graphics2D)到自定义缓冲区类('稀疏'栅格图像)?Draw to custom buffer class [Java]

加长版本: 我想将多边形(由闭合路径给出)转换为栅格图像。





这个“稀疏存储”你必须使用什么样子?这是可能的(也如@ Marco13所示),您必须继承的重要类是'DataBuffer',以使其写入稀疏存储。你还需要一个自定义的'WritableRaster'或者直接使用'sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster',因为'BufferedImage'构造函数有些怪异。 – haraldK



一旦我为了不同的目的创建了BufferedImage的一个子类,但稍作修改,它可能已经接近你想要的。它基本上只是一个BufferedImage,其中最基本的方法和相应的帮助类已被覆盖/实现的方式,每个像素最终存储在Map<Integer, Integer>。该图仅存储实际修改的像素。


import java.awt.Color; 
import java.awt.Graphics2D; 
import java.awt.Point; 
import java.awt.Rectangle; 
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; 
import java.awt.image.ColorModel; 
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; 
import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel; 
import java.awt.image.SampleModel; 
import java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel; 
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Hashtable; 
import java.util.Map; 

import javax.swing.ImageIcon; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JLabel; 
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; 

public class SparseBufferedImageTest 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     SparseBufferedImage.PRINT_DATA_SIZE = true; 

     SparseBufferedImage sbi = new SparseBufferedImage(1000, 1000); 

     Graphics2D g = sbi.createGraphics(); 
     g.drawString("Test", 20, 20); 

     g.fillOval(300, 300, 40, 40); 

     g.fillRect(600, 700, 20, 20); 

     g.drawLine(200, 800, 800, 200); 



    private static void show(final BufferedImage b) 
     SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() 
      public void run() 
       JFrame f = new JFrame(); 
       f.getContentPane().add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(b))); 

* A BufferedImage that is backed by a sparse int buffer 
class SparseBufferedImage extends BufferedImage 
    public static boolean PRINT_DATA_SIZE = false; 

    // Constants for the Red, Green and Blue band masks 
    // for the type BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB 
    private static final int MASK_RGB_RED = 0x00ff0000; 
    private static final int MASK_RGB_GREEN = 0x0000ff00; 
    private static final int MASK_RGB_BLUE = 0x000000ff; 

    // Constants for the Red, Green and Blue band masks 
    // for the type BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR 
    private static final int MASK_BGR_RED = 0x000000ff; 
    private static final int MASK_BGR_GREEN = 0x0000ff00; 
    private static final int MASK_BGR_BLUE = 0x00ff0000; 

    // Constants for the Red, Green and Blue band masks 
    // for the type BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB 
    private static final int MASK_ARGB_ALPHA = 0xff000000; 
    private static final int MASK_ARGB_RED = 0x00ff0000; 
    private static final int MASK_ARGB_GREEN = 0x0000ff00; 
    private static final int MASK_ARGB_BLUE = 0x000000ff; 

    * Creates a new SparseBufferedImage with the given size 
    * and the type BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB 
    * @param width The width 
    * @param height The height 
    public SparseBufferedImage(int width, int height) 
     this(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); 

    * Creates a new SparseBufferedImage with the given size. 
    * @param width The width 
    * @param height The height 
    * @param type The type. MUST be BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR or 
    * BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB 
    public SparseBufferedImage(int width, int height, int type) 
       new SparseDataBufferInt(width * height), 
       width, height, createBandmasks(type)), 
       false, new Hashtable<Object, Object>()); 

    * Create the band masks for the R,G and B components 
    * @param type The type. MUST be BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR or 
    * BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB 
    * @return The band masks 
    private static int[] createBandmasks(int type) 
     if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) 
      int bandmasks[] = new int[3]; 
      bandmasks[0] = MASK_RGB_RED; 
      bandmasks[1] = MASK_RGB_GREEN; 
      bandmasks[2] = MASK_RGB_BLUE; 
      return bandmasks; 
     else if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR) 
      int bandmasks[] = new int[3]; 
      bandmasks[0] = MASK_BGR_RED; 
      bandmasks[1] = MASK_BGR_GREEN; 
      bandmasks[2] = MASK_BGR_BLUE; 
      return bandmasks; 
     else if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) 
      int bandmasks[] = new int[4]; 
      bandmasks[0] = MASK_ARGB_RED; 
      bandmasks[1] = MASK_ARGB_GREEN; 
      bandmasks[2] = MASK_ARGB_BLUE; 
      bandmasks[3] = MASK_ARGB_ALPHA; 
      return bandmasks; 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid image type: "+type); 

    * Creates a direct 24bit color model 
    * @param type The type. MUST be BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR or 
    * BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB 
    * @return The color model 
    private static ColorModel createColorModel(int type) 
     if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) 
      ColorModel colorModel = new DirectColorModel(24, 
      return colorModel; 
     else if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR) 
      ColorModel colorModel = new DirectColorModel(24, 
      return colorModel; 
     else if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) 
      ColorModel colorModel = new DirectColorModel(32, 
      return colorModel; 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid image type: "+type); 

    * Creates a new SparseIntegerInterleavedRaster, which is a 
    * simplified WritableRaster backed by the given buffer and 
    * with the given size. 
    * @param dataBuffer The data buffer 
    * @param w The width 
    * @param h The height 
    * @param bandMasks The band masks 
    * @return The WritableRaster 
    private static WritableRaster createPackedRaster(
     SparseDataBufferInt dataBuffer, int w, int h, int bandMasks[]) 
     SinglePixelPackedSampleModel singlePixelPackedSampleModel = 
      new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(
       dataBuffer.getDataType(), w, h, w, bandMasks); 

     return new SparseIntegerInterleavedRaster(
      singlePixelPackedSampleModel, dataBuffer); 

    * A DataBuffer backed by a sparse IntBuffer 
    private static class SparseDataBufferInt extends DataBuffer 
     /** The default data bank. */ 
     private SparseIntBuffer data; 

     * Constructs an integer-based DataBuffer with a single bank 
     * and the specified size. 
     * @param size The size of the DataBuffer. 
     public SparseDataBufferInt(int size) 
      super(TYPE_INT, size); 
      data = new SparseIntBuffer(); 

     SparseIntBuffer getData() 
      return data; 

     public int getElem(int i) 
      return data.get(i + offset); 

     public int getElem(int bank, int i) 
      return data.get(i + offsets[bank]); 

     public void setElem(int i, int val) 
      data.put(i + offset, val); 

     public void setElem(int bank, int i, int val) 
      data.put(i + offsets[bank], val); 


    * A simplified WritableRaster that is backed by a SparseDataBufferInt. 
    * Only for internal usage - some operations are not supported. 
    private static class SparseIntegerInterleavedRaster extends WritableRaster 
     private SparseDataBufferInt data; 

     * Constructs a SparseIntegerInterleavedRaster with the given 
     * SampleModel and SparseDataBufferInt. 
     * @param sampleModel The SampleModel that specifies the layout. 
     * @param dataBuffer The buffer that contains the image data. 
     public SparseIntegerInterleavedRaster(
      SampleModel sampleModel, SparseDataBufferInt dataBuffer) 
       sampleModel, dataBuffer, 
       new Rectangle(
       new Point(0,0), null); 
      this.data = dataBuffer; 

     public Object getDataElements(int x, int y, Object obj) 
      int outData[]; 
      if (obj == null) 
       outData = new int[1]; 
       outData = (int[])obj; 
      int off = y * width + x; 
      outData[0] = data.getData().get(off); 
      return outData; 

     public void setDataElements(int x, int y, Object obj) 
      int inData[] = (int[])obj; 
      int off = y * width + x; 
      data.getData().put(off, inData[0]); 

    * Simple implementation of a sparse int buffer, backed 
    * by a map 
    private static class SparseIntBuffer 
     private final Map<Integer, Integer> map = 
      new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); 

     * Return the value at the given index, or 0 
     * if there is no value stored 
     * @param index The index 
     * @return The value at the given index 
     int get(int index) 
      Integer value = map.get(index); 
      if (value == null) 
       return 0; 
      return value; 

     * Set the value at the given index 
     * @param index The index 
     * @param value The value 
     void put(int index, int value) 
      map.put(index, value); 

      if (PRINT_DATA_SIZE) 
       System.out.println("Put "+value+" at "+index+", size "+map.size()); 

