2016-04-22 60 views

我有一个下拉列表,我想读取某个文件夹中的所有文件,然后将它们作为下拉选项。 Unity UI下拉选项从文件夹

if (obj.name.Contains("AudioSphere")) 
    // Finding the dropdown menu with tag "audioDropdown" 
    Dropdown dropdown = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("audioDropdown"); 

    // Finding all the music files 
    FileInfo[] options = getAudioFiles(); 

    // add Options to the dropdown from list 
    for (FileInfo data : options) { 
     dropdown.AddOptions(new Dropdown.OptionData(data.Name)); 



private FileInfo[] getAudioFiles() 
    String path = Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Audiofiles"; 

    // How to check if exists? 

    DirectoryInfo audioFolder = new DirectoryInfo(@path); 
    FileInfo[] audioFiles = audioFolder.GetFiles(); 

    throw new NotImplementedException(); 
