2013-03-05 60 views


There are two stars here. There should only be one.



public void bindView(View v, Context context, Cursor c) { 
    AQuery aq = new AQuery(v); 
    MyDatabaseHelper helper = new MyDatabaseHelper(context); //Used for various bits of text-setting. Is largely unrelated to the question. 
    boolean isDefault = (c.getShort(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MyDatabaseHelper.DEFAULT))==1); 
    Log.d("Binding account to view", "Entry "+currentID+"isDefault: "+isDefault); 
    if (isDefault) { 
     aq.id(R.id.favStar).visible(); //favStar defaults to GONE. 



02-28 10:50:23.381: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 1isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.397: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 2isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.413: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 3isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.420: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 4isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.436: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 5isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.444: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 6isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.459: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 7isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.475: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 8isDefault: true 
02-28 10:50:23.498: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 1isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.506: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 2isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.530: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 3isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.553: D/dalvikvm(20759): GC_CONCURRENT freed 122K, 2% free 11069K/11271K, paused 3ms+15ms, total 43ms 
02-28 10:50:23.553: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 4isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.577: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 5isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.592: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 6isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.600: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 7isDefault: false 
02-28 10:50:23.616: D/Binding account to view(20759): Entry 8isDefault: true 



为了进一步阐述:我也尝试过不使用AQuery(使用FindViewById()setVisible()),结果没有改变为调试日志中显示的预期结果。 被窃听的星星总是出现在第一个位置,并且只有当列表中的其他星星应该出现时才会出现。(在设置ISDEFAULT = 1之前,DatabaseHelper类会将数据库中的所有项目设置为ISDEFAULT = 0)。更奇怪的是,使用ADT为您提供主/细节流的模板,此错误无法在Nexus 7上复制,但可以在我的Galaxy Nexus和模拟器上找到。



如果isDefault为假,您绝不隐藏您的favStar视图。如果您的元素设置为true并显示该视图,则该明星将会显示,直到您再次隐藏它。当视图被回收时,即使没有设想,明星仍会显示。你不会在你的nexus 7上看到它,因为你的屏幕可能没有足够的元素,因为它的屏幕比手机高。无论如何,将您的代码更改为类似的内容应该可以解决它:

if (isDefault) { 
    aq.id(R.id.favStar).visible(); //favStar defaults to GONE. 
} else { 
    //set favStar to View.GONE here 