2017-12-03 70 views


    using namespace std; // program to display the vowels and consonants of a string 

    int countvowels(char a[]) 
    int count =0; 
for(int i =0; a[i]!='\0';i++) 
    if((a[i]>=65 && a[i]<=90) || (a[i]>=97 && a[i]<=122)) // ignores digits,special characters 
     if((a[i]=65) || (a[i]=69) || (a[i]=73) || (a[i]=79) || (a[i]=85) || (a[i]=97) || (a[i]=101) || (a[i]=105) || (a[i]=111) || (a[i]=117) ) //ignores consonants 
      count++; //counts filtered out vowels 
return count; // returns number of vowels which will be captured by x of main function 
    int countconsonants(char a[]) 
    int count =0; 
for(int i =0; a[i]!='\0';i++) 
    if((a[i]>=65 && a[i]<=90) || (a[i]>=97 && a[i]<=122)) // ignores digits,special characters 
     if((a[i]!=65) || (a[i]!=69) || (a[i]!=73) || (a[i]!=79) || (a[i]!=85) || (a[i]!=97) || (a[i]!=101) || (a[i]!=105) || (a[i]!=111) ||(a[i]!=117) ) //ignores vowels 
      count++; //counts filtered out consonants 
return count; // returns number of consonants which will be captured by y of 
main function 

int main() 
char a[100]; 
cout<<"Enter the string"<<endl;cin.get(a,100); 
int x = countvowels(a); 
    int y = countconsonants(a); 

cout<<"Number of vowels is"<<x<<endl;    //nothing much to say about this part of the program. x just displays it and y does the same 
cout<<"Number of consonants is"<<y<<endl; 

return 0; 


  1. A,A = 65,97
  2. E,E = 69,101
  3. I,I = 73,105
  4. O,O = 79111
  5. U,U = 85117

*修复我的代码*问题显式**在SO外的主题**。因此,用所有的警告和调试信息编译你的代码('g ++ -Wall -Wextra -g' with [GCC](http://gcc.gnu.org/)...),改进它不会得到警告,* *使用调试器'gdb' **(也可能使用其他工具,例如'valgrind')。 –


您在if语句之一中使用'='而不是'==',对于一件事 – ThunderStruct


,您应该避免硬编码字母的ASCII编码。今天,[UTF-8无处不在](http://utf8everywhere.org/)。所以写''a'',而不是97.再看一些[C++参考](http://en.cppreference.com/w/)。考虑[isalpha](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/byte/isalpha) –




  1. 在检查EQU先进而精湛。要检查两个值是否相等,您应该使用double等于==而不是一个等于。一个等号表示分配不平等检查
  2. 在count_consonants中的逻辑条件。 a != 1 || a != 2将始终评估为真