2017-04-12 75 views


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      <h1 id="annoyingtitle">Examples of Work</h1> 
      <p id="p0">This is an example of a paper I wrote while I attended Frankline Pierce University. In this paper I look at the lenses at which mental illness is viewed in different parts of the world.</p> 
     <A id="mentallink" HREF="mentalillness.docx">Mental Illness Cultural Lenses and Barriers</A> 
    <p id="p1"> \t Reflection: Writing this essay was easily one of my hardest assignments I have ever done. It involved levels of research that I hadn’t done before. I learned how to form an argument while drawing evidence from multiple sources. This has helped me in my research and writing skills. My favorite part of writing this paper was doing the research. On this assignment we were allowed to pull sources from almost anywhere as long as they were credible, I enjoyed being able to go as far as my mind could take me. The one risk I believe I took with this project was the structure and flow. The entire assignment was 9 pages long. This made my biggest problem getting it all to flow together and getting my ideas in the right order. If I could re-do this assignment I wish I would write a better conclusion to the paper. </p> 
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没有涉及其他的CSS。我觉得它必须是我的HTML文件的其他内容。我真的失去了哈哈。 – Mik3y



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