2016-08-04 82 views

如何在无铅日期前2周发送电子邮件提醒? 下面是我查询的SQL代码。与上次发帖相同的帮助

SELECT CalibrationRecord.RecordID, CalibrationRecord.CalRequirement, CalibrationRecord.CalStatus, 
CalibrationRecord.CalLocation, Equipment.EquipmentType, Equipment.SerialNo, Equipment.ModelNo, 
Equipment.AssetNo, CalibrationRecord.EmpName, Employees.EmailAddress, CalibrationRecord.LastCalDate, 
CalibrationRecord.CalTimeInterval, CalibrationRecord.UOM, 
[CalTimeInterval],[LastCalDate]) AS CalUpcomingDate, CalibrationRecord.DateEmailSent, 
DateAdd(IIf([Equipment]![UOM]="weeks","ww"),-[LeadInterval],[CalUpcomingDate]) AS LeadDate 
FROM Equipment INNER JOIN (Employees INNER JOIN CalibrationRecord ON Employees.EmpID = CalibrationRecord.EmpName) 
ON Equipment.ItemID = CalibrationRecord.EquipItemID 
WHERE (((CalibrationRecord.CalStatus)="Not Started") 
AND ((Employees.EmailAddress) Is Not Null) 
AND ((CalibrationRecord.CalTimeInterval) Between 6 And 9) 
AND ((CalibrationRecord.UOM) Like "month") 
AND ((Employees.EmpName) Not Like "MFGUSER")) OR (((CalibrationRecord.UOM) Like "days")); 


Function GenerateEmail(MySQL As String) 
    On Error GoTo Exit_Function: 
    Dim oOutLook As Outlook.Application 
    Dim oEmailAddress As MailItem 
    Dim MyEmpName As String 
    Dim MyEquip As String 
    Dim MyModel As String 
    Dim MyAsset As String 
    Dim MySerial As String 
    Dim rs As Recordset 
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(MySQL) 
    If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then 
Do Until rs.EOF 

If Not IsNull(rs!EmailAddress) Then 

    ' Only Send Emails if never been sent before - or past 14 days since last one' 
    If (IsNull(rs!DateEmailSent)) Or DateDiff("d", rs!DateEmailSent, Date) >= 14 Then 

If rs!LeadDate - 2 * 7 <= Date Then **This is what i have so far for the 2 weeks prior to Lead Date** 

     If oOutLook Is Nothing Then 
      Set oOutLook = New Outlook.Application 
     End If 
     Set oEmailAddressItem = oOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem) 

     With oEmailAddressItem 

      'MyEmpName = DLookup("EmpName", "Employees", "[EmpID]= " & rs!EmpName) 
      MyEquip = rs!EquipmentType 
      MyModel = rs!ModelNo 
      MyAsset = rs!AssetNo 
      MySerial = rs!SerialNo 
      .To = "[email protected]" 
      .Subject = "Monthly Calibrations" 
      .Body = "Calibration ID: " & rs!RecordID & vbCr & _ 
        "Location: " & rs!CalLocation & vbCr & _ 
        "Requirement: " & rs!CalRequirement & vbCr & _ 
        "Name: " & MyEquip & vbCr & _ 
        "Serial No.: " & MySerial & vbCr & _ 
        "Model No.: " & MyModel & vbCr & _ 
        "Asset No.: " & MyAsset & vbCr & _ 
        "Upcoming Date: " & rs!CalUpcomingDate & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
        "This email is auto generated. Please Do Not Reply!" 


     ' Make sure to record that reminder was sent ' 
     rs!DateEmailSent = Date 
     rs!LeadDate = DateAdd("ww", -2, Now) 
     End With 
     ' Only do this if this has been set ' 
     Set oEmailAddressItem = Nothing 
    End If 
End If 
End If 

' Do this at end ' 
Set oOutLook = Nothing 
End If 
    Exit Function 
    End Function 

嘿@dbmitch我犯了一个新的问题相关的帖子。 – Unknown


上面的代码现在做什么?它做了你不想要的东西吗? – dbmitch


@dbmitch。上面的代码每两周发送一次邮件提醒 – Unknown




If DateDiff("d", Date, rs!LeadDate) Then **This is what i have so far for the 2 weeks prior to Lead Date** 


' Only Send Emails if never been sent before - or past 14 days since last one' 
If (IsNull(rs!DateEmailSent)) Or DateDiff("d", rs!DateEmailSent, Date) >= 14 Then 


' Only Send Emails if never been sent before 
' - or past 14 days since last one 
' - or with 14 days of LeadDate 
If (IsNull(rs!DateEmailSent)) Or DateDiff("d", rs!DateEmailSent, Date) >= 14 Or DateDiff("d", Date, rs!LeadDate) <= 14 Then 

如果你向下滚动到底部,我有这行代码'rs!LeadDate = DateAdd(“ww”,-2,Now)'。我应该摆脱一行代码还是保留它? – Unknown


我不确定 - 它应该做什么 – dbmitch


我不太确定。所以我打算把这行代码拿出来。 – Unknown