2013-05-05 89 views

我使用pcntl为了加速一个相当沉重的CLI php脚本,它主要由一个类组成,它负责发送我的所有自动电子邮件应用。pcntl多次运行相同的代码,需要帮助

我的目标如下: 我想将每个进程分配给某个任务,在foreach循环中,我使用的实现是下面代码示例中显示的实现。

问题是,一旦你fork了一个进程,它会异步执行,并且还会获得父进程堆栈的副本。 在我的情况下,会发生什么是一个任务只是执行几次, 我的问题是我如何设计这个脚本更聪明,以避免这种行为?


@description this is the main procedure of this class, it iteratates over the relevant tasks and sends the emails using the SendGrid wrapper class 
@see SendGridWrapper 
@return void 
public function execute(){ 
     throw new exception("Please call getRelevantTasks() prior to trying to execute anything"); 
$proccesses = array(); 
foreach($this->tasks as $myTask){ 
    $pid = pcntl_fork(); 
     $proccesses[] = $pid; 
    else if($pid == -1){ 
     die('FORK FAILED, STATUS -1'); 

      $this->currentModel = $myTask['recipient_model']; 
      $lang = $myTask['lang']; 
      $classPath = self::$modelsDir . $myTask['recipient_model'] . '.php'; 
      $className = $myTask['recipient_model']; 
       require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . $classPath); 
      else if(isset($recipientFetcher)){ 
      $this->model = null; 
      $this->mailingList = null; 
      $this->substitutionList = null; 
      $this->model = new $className($myTask['lang']); 
      $addresses = $this->model->getMailRecipients(); 
      if(empty($addresses) || sizeof($addresses) == 0){ 
      $this->substitutionList = $this->model->getDynamicParams(); 

      throw new exception('No recipient model was found'); 

     foreach($addresses as $myMail){ 
      $this->mailingList[$myMail['personal_email']] = $myMail['contact_name']; 
     $templatePath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'; 
     $templatePath .= $lang ? self::$templatesDirEn . $myTask['html_email_path'] : self::$templatesDirHe . $myTask['html_email_path']; 
     $html = file_get_contents($templatePath); 
     $this->sendMail($html, $myTask['task_schedule_id']); 
     echo "model:" . $myTask['recipient_model']; 
     echo $this->log; 
     $this->log = ""; 
     die("\r\n Child proccess has been executed successfully\r\n"); 

    foreach($proccesses as $key => $val){ 
     pcntl_waitpid($val, $status, WUNTRACED); 


感谢, 奥列格。




我看你要发送的邮件$this->sendMail($html, $myTask['task_schedule_id']);,我认为这是一个非常糟糕的主意试图使用多个进程这一任务。您应该考虑使用消息队列执行此任务,因为电子邮件可能非常慢。






// Break Task to groups 
$tasks = array_chunk(range("A", "Z"), 10); 
foreach($tasks as $task) { 
    $pid = pcntl_fork(); 
    if ($pid == - 1) { 
     throw new ErrorException('FORK FAILED, STATUS -1'); 

    if ($pid == 0) { 
     execute_worker($task); // In Child 
     exit(); // In Child 



  • 一个易于使用,快速学习的PHP5.3线程API +
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  • 现成的同步收录,面向对PHP环境
  • 是的!Windows支持






// My Storage 
$s = new Storage(); 

// Threads Storage 
$ts = array(); 

// Total Threads same as total pages 
$pages = 100; 

// Porpulate Threads (Don't Start Yet) 
$i = 0; 
while($i ++ < $pages) { 
    $ts[] = new Process($s, $i); 

// Start the timer 
$start = microtime(true); 

// Lets start all our Threads 
foreach($ts as $t) { 

// Wait for all threads to compleate 
foreach($ts as $t) { 

printf("\n\nFound %s in %d pages", number_format($s->total), $pages); 
printf("\nFinished %0.3f sec", microtime(true) - $start); 


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3:01:39: 11908 #END    {"page":100,"byte":977,"count":7144} 

Found 14,075,927 in 100 pages 
Finished 1.489 sec 


Found 14,075,927 in 100 pages 
Finished 1.489 sec 


class Process extends Thread { 

    public function __construct($storage, $page) { 
     $this->storage = $storage; 
     $this->page = $page; 
     // $this->start(); 

    public function run() { 
     $format = "%s: %1u %s\t%s\n"; 
     $formatTime = "g:i:s"; 
     $sleep = mt_rand(0, 1); // Just for Demo 

     printf($format, date($formatTime), $this->getThreadId(), "#START", "{\"page\":$this->page}"); 

     // Do something useful 
     $data = file_get_contents(sprintf("http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1/tags?pagesize=100&page=%s", $this->page)); 

     // Decode the Data from API 
     $json = json_decode(gzdecode($data)); 

     // Lets Build A profile 
     $profile = array(); 
     $profile['page'] = $this->page; 
     $profile['byte'] = strlen($data); 

     // Do more work 
     $profile['count'] = array_sum(array_map(function ($v) { 
      return $v->count; 
     }, $json->tags)); 

     $this->storage->total = bcadd($this->storage->total, $profile['count']); 
     // Print Information 
     printf($format, date($formatTime), $this->getThreadId(), "#END\t", json_encode($profile)); 

class Storage extends Stackable { 
    public $total = 0; 

    public function run() { 


难道file_get_contents刚刚获得在短短1.489 sec100 pages我蹩脚的连接。它做到了。在我的实时服务器上测试了相同的代码,并花费了我不到0.939 sec来获取200页面。
