2017-03-01 252 views


如果用户输入了一个不存在的文件的名称,那么程序应该给她尽可能多的尝试,以便输入一个有效的文件名。来自用户的有效文件名是一种常用操作,因此首先编写一个单独的可重复使用的函数,该函数会重复询问用户的文件名,直到她键入文件中的程序能够打开。 而且,我也没有启动方式(&现在我想知道如果用我的方式已经与它的结构“与/为”,有一个办法,甚至这样做,但现在我的问题越来越它去在抛出错误后回到代码的try部分(我错过了解释这个的类,所以我只读过这个,所以我知道我没有做正确的事情)。我可以让它工作很长时间因为它的存在,如果它不是一个文件名,不打印输出到屏幕下面是我的代码:

filename = input("please enter a file name to process:") 

lineCount = 0 
wordCount = 0 
charCount = 0 

    with open(filename, 'r') as file: 
     for line in file: 
      word = line.split() 
      lineCount = lineCount + 1 
      wordCount = wordCount + len(word) 
      charCount = charCount + len(line) 

    print("the number of lines in your file is:", lineCount) 
    print("the number of words in your file is", wordCount) 
    print("the number of characters in your file is:", charCount) 

except OSError: 

    print("That file doesn't exist") 
    filename = input("please enter a file name to process:") 

而且,我不知道我该怎么做 - 我是否应该放弃了这个整体思路简单的尝试:开放(文件名,“R”)/除外:它的功能= F有反正挽救这个


def inputAndRead(): 
"""prompts user for input, reads file & throws exception""" 
filename = None 
    while (filename is None): 
     inputFilename = input("please enter a file name to process") 
      filename = inputFilename 
      open(filename, 'r') 
     except OSError: 
      print("That file doesn't exist") 
    return filename 


lineCount = 0 
wordCount = 0 
charCount = 0 

with open(filename, 'r') as file: 
for line in file: 
    word = line.split() 
    lineCount = lineCount + 1 
    wordCount = wordCount + len(word) 
    charCount = charCount + len(line) 

print("the number of lines in your file is:", lineCount) 
print("the number of words in your file is", wordCount) 
print("the number of characters in your file is:", charCount) 

但是,我发现了错误:NameError: name 'file' is not defined


您需要一个外部'while'循环,以便在失败时重复代码。见http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23294658/asking-the-user-for-input-until-they-give-a-valid-response – roganjosh


可能的复制[如何使迭代中的脚本等到互联网连接重建?(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42344303/how-to-make-a-script-wait-within-an-iteration-until-the-internet-connection-is-r) –


为什么不使用os.path.exists()来检查文件是否存在,而不是依赖open所抛出的异常。 –



写一个无限循环while True。当文件名正确时,在try的末尾添加break




lineCount = 0 
wordCount = 0 
charCount = 0 

f = None 
while f is None: 
    filename = input("please enter a file name to process:") 
     f = open(filename) 
    except OSError: 
     print("That file doesn't exist") 

for line in file: 
    word = line.split() 
    lineCount = lineCount + 1 
    wordCount = wordCount + len(word) 
    charCount = charCount + len(line) 

print("the number of lines in your file is:", lineCount) 
print("the number of words in your file is", wordCount) 
print("the number of characters in your file is:", charCount) 

伟大的答案,你可以添加一个'break',这样用户就可以退出,但不知道这是否需要OP的作业 – WhatsThePoint


一个普通的'Ctrl + C'会让用户退出循环,编码一些常量的“停止”字符串将是烦恼不得不从用户的角度来记忆。 –


我想这就是真实的肯定 – WhatsThePoint