2013-01-19 69 views

我在关注Algorithms in Java, Part 5: Graph Algorithms, 3rd Edition书中的code,在第294页中,它描述了我们可以通过修改Prim的最小生成树(MST)算法来获得经典的Dijkstra算法工作正常):将优先级从P = e->wt()的边缘权重改为P = wt[v] + e->wt()从源到边缘目标的距离。问题是,当我进行更改时,以下的条件永远不会评估为true,这是可以理解的。 wt是一个初始化为例如Double.MAX_VALUE因此无论什么vw是,这种情况再也不会担任(假定非负权重):从Prim的MST到Dijkstra的Java算法SPT





  • 添加以下从其中一个答案反馈起始线wt[getSource().index] = 0.0;。源顶点属于距离为零的SPT。

    import java.util.*; 
    public class AdjacencyList { 
        // members 
        private static class Edge { 
         int source; 
         int target; 
         double weight; 
        private static class Vertex { 
         int index; 
         String name; 
         List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<Edge>(); 
         public Vertex(int index, String name) { 
          this.index = index; 
          this.name = name; 
        private static final int UNDEFINED = -1; 
        private int edgesCount = 0; 
        private final Vertex[] vertices; 
        private final boolean digraph; 
        private int orderCount; 
        // public 
        public AdjacencyList(int verticesCount, boolean digraph) { 
         this.vertices = new Vertex[verticesCount]; 
         this.digraph = digraph; 
        public Vertex createVertex(int index) { 
         return createVertex(index, String.valueOf(index)); 
        public Vertex createVertex(int index, String name) { 
         Vertex vertex = new Vertex(index, name); 
         vertex.index = index; 
         vertex.name = name; 
         vertices[index] = vertex; 
         return vertex; 
        public Edge addEdge(int begin, int end, double weight) { 
         return addEdge(vertices[begin], vertices[end], weight); 
        public Edge addEdge(Vertex begin, Vertex end, double weight) { 
         Edge edge = new Edge(); 
         edge.source = begin.index; 
         edge.target = end.index; 
         edge.weight = weight; 
         if (!digraph) { 
          Edge reverse = new Edge(); 
          reverse.source = end.index; 
          reverse.target = begin.index; 
          reverse.weight = edge.weight; 
         return edge; 
        // inefficient find edge O(V) 
        public Edge findEdge(int begin, int end) { 
         Edge result = null; 
         Vertex vertex = vertices[begin]; 
         List<Edge> adjacency = vertex.edges; 
         for (Edge edge : adjacency) { 
          if (edge.target == end) { 
           result = edge; 
         return result; 
        // inefficient remove edge O(V) 
        public void removeEdge(int begin, int end) { 
         removeOneEdge(begin, end); 
         if (!digraph) { 
          removeOneEdge(end, begin); 
        public final Vertex[] getVertices() { 
         return vertices; 
        public int getVerticesCount() { 
         return vertices.length; 
        public int getEdgesCount() { 
         return edgesCount; 
        public Vertex getSource() { 
         return vertices[0]; 
        public Vertex getSink() { 
         return vertices[vertices.length - 1]; 
        public void dijkstra() { 
         int verticesCount = getVerticesCount(); 
         double[] wt = new double[verticesCount]; 
         for (int i = 0; i < wt.length; i++) { 
          wt[i] = Double.MAX_VALUE; 
         wt[getSource().index] = 0.0; 
         Edge[] fr = new Edge[verticesCount]; 
         Edge[] mst = new Edge[verticesCount]; 
         int min = -1; 
         Edge edge = null; 
         for (int v = 0; min != 0; v = min) { 
          min = 0; 
          for (int w = 1; w < verticesCount; w++) { 
           if (mst[w] == null) { 
            double P = 0.0; 
            edge = findEdge(v, w); 
            if (edge != null) { 
             if ((P = wt[v] + edge.weight) < wt[w]) { 
              wt[w] = P; 
              fr[w] = edge; 
            if (wt[w] < wt[min]) { 
             min = w; 
          if (min != 0) { 
           mst[min] = fr[min]; 
         for (int v = 0; v < verticesCount; v++) { 
          if (mst[v] != null) { 
           System.out.print(mst[v].source + "->" + mst[v].target + " "); 
        public void pushRelabel() { 
         // TODO 
        // private 
        private void removeOneEdge(int begin, int end) { 
         Vertex beginVertex = vertices[begin]; 
         List<Edge> adjacency = beginVertex.edges; 
         int position = -1; 
         for (int i = 0; i < adjacency.size(); i++) { 
          if (adjacency.get(i).target == end) { 
           position = i; 
         if (position != -1) { 
        private static AdjacencyList createDijkstraGraph() { 
         int numberOfVertices = 6; 
         boolean directed = true; 
         AdjacencyList graph = new AdjacencyList(numberOfVertices, directed); 
         for (int i = 0; i < graph.getVerticesCount(); i++) { 
         graph.addEdge(0, 1, .41); 
         graph.addEdge(1, 2, .51); 
         graph.addEdge(2, 3, .50); 
         graph.addEdge(4, 3, .36); 
         graph.addEdge(3, 5, .38); 
         graph.addEdge(3, 0, .45); 
         graph.addEdge(0, 5, .29); 
         graph.addEdge(5, 4, .21); 
         graph.addEdge(1, 4, .32); 
         graph.addEdge(4, 2, .32); 
         graph.addEdge(5, 1, .29); 
         return graph; 
        * Test main 
        * @param args 
        public static void main(String[] args) { 
         // build the graph and test dijkstra shortest path 
         AdjacencyList directedDijkstra = createDijkstraGraph(); 
         // expected: 
         System.out.println("\n\n*** testing dijkstra shortest path"); 



你弄错了,因为V!= W,重量[V] + E->重量()可以比重量[W]小。实际的错误是你需要设置wt[source] = 0(dijkstra是单源最短路径,你需要一个源!)!关于该书:如果他们忘记了那部分,他们的不好:-P


谢谢。但是算法仍然不起作用:( –


OK我检查了会发生什么,条件'如果(wt [w]