2014-11-06 199 views





  • 创建织物图像对象。请务必将crossOrigin指定为“匿名”,否则画布将受到安全违规的污染,然后像素数据将不可用。

  • 监听Fabric的'mouse:move'事件。当它触发时,获取当前鼠标位置并使用本地画布的context.getImageData来获取该像素的颜色数组。



// create a Fabric.Canvas 
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas"); 

// get a reference to <p id=results></p> 
// (used to report pixel color under mouse) 
var results = document.getElementById('results'); 

// get references to the html canvas element & its context 
var canvasElement = document.getElementById('canvas'); 
var ctx = canvasElement.getContext("2d"); 


// create a test Fabric.Image 

// listen for mouse:move events 
canvas.on('mouse:move', function(e) { 

    // get the current mouse position 
    var mouse = canvas.getPointer(e.e); 
    var x = parseInt(mouse.x); 
    var y = parseInt(mouse.y); 

    // get the color array for the pixel under the mouse 
    var px = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data; 

    // report that pixel data 
    results.innerHTML = 'At [' + x + '/' + y + ']: Red/Green/Blue/Alpha = [' + px[0] + '/' + px[1] + '/' + px[2] + '/' + px[3] + ']'; 




// create a Fabric.Image at x,y using a specified imgSrc 
function addFabricImage(imgSrc, x, y) { 

    // create a new javascript Image object using imgSrc 
    var img = new Image(); 

    // be sure to set crossOrigin or else 
    // cross-domain imgSrc's will taint the canvas 
    // and then we can't get the pixel data 
    // IMPORTANT!: the source domain must be properly configured 
    // to allow crossOrigin='anonymous' 
    img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; 

    // when the Image object is fully loaded, 
    // use it to create a new fabric.Image object 
    img.onload = function() { 

    var fabImg = new fabric.Image(this, { 
     left: 30, 
     top: 30 


    // use imgSrc as the image source 
    img.src = imgSrc; 

body { 
    background-color: ivory; 
canvas { 
    border: 1px solid red; 
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.4.0/fabric.min.js"></script> 
<p id="results">Move mouse over canvas</p> 
<canvas id=canvas width=300 height=300></canvas>


纽约答案。爱你 – 2014-11-18 11:19:07


@markE - 如何应用此方法获取整个画布中的像素细节?应该通过画布循环?怎么做? – Dissanayake 2016-03-25 08:52:34


@Dissanayake。您可以像这样获取所有像素的数据:var allPxArray = ctx.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height).data;'。他们排列如下:r0,g0,b0,a0,r1,g1,b1,a1 ... :-) ' – markE 2016-03-25 16:23:42