2017-05-04 60 views

我有一个包含中文字符和其他亚洲语言的docx文件。我可以在我的笔记本电脑上完美地将docx文件转换为PDF文件,中文字符正确地嵌入到PDF中,但是当相同的代码作为Linux服务器上的可运行jar运行时,中文字符会被替换为#符号。 有人可以指导我解决这个问题吗? 感谢您提前给予帮助。 下面替换字符为Doc的Docx

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 

    try { 

     Docx4jProperties.getProperties().setProperty("docx4j.Log4j.Configurator.disabled", "true"); 

     System.out.println("Getting input Docx File"); 
     InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(
       "C:/Users/nithins/Documents/plugin docx to pdf/other documents/Contains Complex Fonts Verified.docx")); 
     WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(is); 
     wordMLPackage.setFontMapper(new IdentityPlusMapper()); 

     System.out.println("Setting File Encoding"); 
     System.setProperty("file.encoding", "Identity-H"); 
     System.out.println("Generating PDF file"); 

     org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.PdfConversion c = new org.docx4j.convert.out.pdf.viaXSLFO.Conversion(
     File outFile = new File(
       "C:/Users/nithins/Documents/plugin docx to pdf/other documents/Contains Complex Fonts Verified.pdf"); 
     OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outFile); 
     c.output(os, new PdfSettings()); 

     System.out.println("Output pdf file generated"); 
    } catch (Exception e) { 


public static String changeExtensionToPdf(String path) { 
    int markerIndex = path.lastIndexOf(".docx"); 
    String pdfFile = path.substring(0, markerIndex) + ".pdf"; 
    return pdfFile; 

您对该docx使用java解决方案进行pdf转换。这就是你告诉我们的。所以我们只能说在这个解决方案中你似乎做错了什么。 – mkl


对不起,我刚刚用我的java代码编辑了这个问题 –


好的,所以你使用[tag:docx4j]。我添加了该标签。不幸的是我根本不知道那个产品。只有一句话:'System.setProperty(“file.encoding”,“I​​dentity-H”)应该没有任何意义,** Identity-H **是PDF内部的东西;系统属性“file.encoding”通常指的是文本文件,因此,* not *为PDF,其毕竟是二进制文件,而不是文本文件。此外,即使您仍然遇到麻烦,您仍然可以将日志级别设置为关闭状态,这是奇怪的,毕竟可能会有日志输出可以帮助您。 – mkl




docx4j can only use fonts which are available to it. 

These fonts come from 2 sources: 
• those installed on the computer 
• those embedded in the document 

Note that Word silently performs font substitution. When you open an existing document in 
Word, and select text in a particular font, the actual font you see on the screen won't be 
the font reported in the ribbon if it is not installed on your computer or embedded in the 
document. To see whether Word 2007 is substituting a font, go into Word Options 
> Advanced > Show Document Content and press the "Font Substitution" button. 

Word's font substitution information is not available to docx4j. As a developer, you 3 
• ensure the font is installed or embedded 
• tell docx4j which font to use instead, or 
• allow docx4j to fallback to a default font 

To embed a font in a document, open it in Word on a computer which has the font installed 
(check no substitution is occuring), and go to Word Options > Save > Embed Fonts in File. 

If you want to tell docx4j to use a different font, you need to add a font mapping. The 
FontMapper interface is used to do this. 

On a Windows computer, font names for installed fonts are mapped 1:1 to the corresponding 
physical fonts via the IdentityPlusMapper. 

A font mapper contains Map<String, PhysicalFont>; to add a font mapping, as per the example in the ConvertOutPDF sample: 
    // Set up font mapper 
    Mapper fontMapper = new IdentityPlusMapper(); 

    // .. example of mapping font Times New Roman which doesn't have certain Arabic glyphs 
    // eg Glyph "ي" (0x64a, afii57450) not available in font "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT". 
    // eg Glyph "ج" (0x62c, afii57420) not available in font "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT". 
    // to a font which does 
    PhysicalFont font 
      = PhysicalFonts.get("Arial Unicode MS"); 
     // make sure this is in your regex (if any)!!! 
    if (font!=null) { 
     fontMapper.put("Times New Roman", font); 
     fontMapper.put("Arial", font); 

You'll see the font names if you configure log4j debug level logging for 
