2011-10-07 64 views

User1的利息( '篮球', '曲棍球', '棒球')更快的方法来比较2 UserProfileValueCollection

用户2的利息( '拳击', '篮球')

using(SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url)){ 
    using(SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()){ 
     ServerContext oContext = ServerContext.GetContext(site); 
     UserProfileManager upManager = new UserProfileManager(oContext); 
     UserProfile User1Profile = upManager.GetUserProfile(user1.LoginName); // user1 is SPUser 
     UserProfile User2Profile = upManager.GetUserProfile(user2.LoginName); // user2 is SPUser 

     /// Faster way to check if the interest of User1 have something common in User2 
     /// In the interest list above user1 and user2 have a common interest on Basketball 
     /// How will I do this checking. I prefer a faster approach like the Array.IndexOf 
     /// but this can't be done on the UserProfileValueCollection. 



///Search common interest among the members of the group 
foreach(SPUser user in oweb.Groups[0].Users){ 
    if(CurrentlyLoggedInUser have common interest with user){ 
     ///do the necessary logic here 




bool CompareStringCollections(IEnumerable<string> a, IEnumerable<string> b) 
    // If you know they implement the Count instead of Count() 
    // use then the right type 
    if (a.Count() != b.Count()) 
     return false; 
    var hs = new HashSet(a); 
    return b.All(hs.Contains); 