2016-07-27 64 views


trait Node[P <: Node[_]] 

class RootNode extends Node[Null] { 
    val refB : NodeB[RootNode] = .... 

class NodeB[P <: Node[_]] extends Node[P] { 
    val refC : NodeC[NodeB[P]] = .... 

class NodeC[P <: Node[_]] extends Node[P] { 
    val refD : NodeD[NodeC[P]] = .... 


class NodeC[P <: Node[_]] extends Node[P] { 
    val refD : NodeD[NodeC[NodeB[NodeA[RootNode]]] = .... 








import shapeless._ 
import shapeless.ops.hlist._ 
import shapeless.:: 

class Node[P <: Hlist](hl: P) { 
    def append[T](obj: T): Node[P :: T] = new Node[P :: T](hl :: obj) 

    // Much like a normal List, HList will prepend by default. 
    // Meaning you need to reverse to get the input order. 
    def reverse[Out]()(
    implicit rev: Reverse.Aux[P, Out] 
    ): Out = rev(hl) 

    // you can enforce type restrictions with equality evidence. 
    // For instance you can use this to build a chain 
    // and then make sure the input type matches the user input type. 
    def equalsFancy[V1 <: Product, Rev, Out <: Product](v1: V1)(
    // We inverse the type of the HList to destructure it 
    // and get the initial order. 
    implicit rev: Reverse.Aux[P, Rev], 
    // then convert it to a tuple for example. 
    tp: Tupler.Aux[Rev, Out], 
    ev: V1 =:= Out 
    ): Boolean = tp(hl) == v1 
object Node { 
    def apply: Node[HNil] = new Node[HNil] 

    Node().append[String]("test").append[Int](5).equalsFancy("test" -> 5) 


class NodeList[HL <: HList](list: Node[_] :: HL)(implicit val c: LUBConstraint[HL, Node[_]) 

这意味着你不能再追加不在_ <:< Node[_]NodeList这可能给你一些细微Poly元素。

trait A 
trait B 
object printPoly extends Poly1 { 
    // Let's assume these are your A, B and Cs 
    // You can use Poly to define type specific behaviour. 
    implicit def caseNodeA[N <: Node[A]] = at[N](node => println("This is an A node")) 
    implicit def caseNodeB[N <: Node[B]] = at[N](node => println("This is a B node")) 
implicit def unknown[N <: Node[_]] = at[N](node => println("This is not known to us yet")) 
val nodeList: NodeList[..] = .. 



case class Node[A, F <: HList](value: A, children: F) { 
    def addChild[T, FF <: HList](
     child: Node[T, FF] 
    ): Node[A, HTree[T, FF] :: F] = { 
     new Node(value, child :: children) 

    def values = Node.Values(this) 

    object Node { 
    def apply[A](label: A) = new Node[A, HNil](label, HNil) 

    object Values extends Poly1 { 
     implicit def caseHTree[A, F <: HList, M <: HList](
     implicit fm: FlatMapper.Aux[getLabels.type, F, M], 
      prepend: Prepend[A :: HNil, M] 
     ): Case.Aux[HTree[A, F], prepend.Out] = 
      at[HTree[A, F]](tree => prepend(
      tree.value :: HNil, 

感谢您的建议。我已经想过做一个类似于一个包装器的东西,不像一个List,而是像一棵树(最后同样的东西),其中每个Node都是其他Tree条目的容器......但是然后你需要展开为了访问元素本身,并使用它听起来有点复杂。另外,我不得不承认,达到我父亲最初在我的帖子中所建议的水平对于需求来说是非常好的,但不是100%理想的,只是为了知道我希望找到一个更好的解决方案,而不需要任何进一步的包装。 – lqbweb