2012-04-01 54 views




Constraints of anfis:
anfis is much more complex than the fuzzy inference systems discussed so far, and is not available for all of the fuzzy inference system options. Specifically, anfis only supports Sugeno-type systems, and these must have the following properties:
* Have no rule sharing. Different rules cannot share the same output membership function, namely the number of output membership functions must be equal to the number of rules.

的ANFIS模型的结构应该是这样的: enter image description here


/* output MF no. must be the same as rule no. */ 
if (fis->output[0]->mf_n != fis->rule_n) { 
    PRINTF("Number of output MF's is not equal to number of rules -->\n"); 
    fisError("Parameter sharing in FIS is not allowed!"); 

太好了!哟,通知thanx,我确实分享了Mf,导致错误!现已解决! – Rangesh 2012-04-02 04:09:46


如果实际需要共享参数(为每个组合创建不同的输出会对所产生的输出数量产生雪球/雪崩效应),该怎么办?在这种情况下是否有其他培训? – brbtsl 2016-09-18 17:29:11