2017-07-04 138 views




Sub EscalaDinâmicaHTA() 

Dim NumHelis As Integer 
Dim DataInicio(1 To 15) As Date 
Dim DataFim As Date 
Dim ContData As Double 
Dim LinHeliInicial As Integer 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim k As Integer 
Dim a As Integer 
Dim b As Integer 


a = 1 

Do While LinHeliInicial <= LinTotal 

i = 2 
j = 3 
k = 4 

Do While i <= 14 And j <= 15 And k <= 16  '26,27,28 

DataInicio(a) = Worksheets(1).Cells(LinHeliInicial, i).Value 
ContData = DateValue(DataInicio(a)) 
ContData = Val(ContData) 

DataFim = Worksheets(1).Cells(LinHeliInicial, j).Value 
DataFim = DateValue(DataFim) 

Duracao = DataFim - DateValue(DataInicio(a)) 
Worksheets(1).Cells(LinHeliInicial, k).Value = Duracao + 1 
Duracao = ContData + Duracao 
Duracao = Val(Duracao) 

ContData = ContData - 43072   '43072 é a descontar as colunas A,B,C,D,etc até ao começo do calendário 
Duracao = Duracao - 43072 

Do While ContData <= Duracao 
Cells(LinHeliInicial, ContData).Interior.ColorIndex = 4 
ContData = ContData + 1 

k = k + 3 
j = j + 3 
i = i + 3 

a = a + 1 


LinHeliInicial = LinHeliInicial + 1 


End Sub 

你能告诉我们你是怎么都存储在您的Excel数据? –




Dim counter As Integer 
Dim varElement1 As Variant 
Dim varElement2 As Variant 

'get element within array 
For Each varElement1 In array 
    'reset counter 
    counter = 0 
    For Each varElement2 In array 
     'compare varElement1 with each element of array 
     If varElement2 = varElement1 Then 
      'increase counter if match was found (1 will alway be found -> the element itself) 
      counter = counter + 1 
     End If 
    Next varElement2 
    'output number if more than 1 (more than itself) was found 
    If counter > 1 Then 
     Debug.Print varElement1 & " occured " & counter " times" 
    End If 
Next varElement1 



我应该如何实现它?我把它放在最后一个循环之后,并将数组更改为DataInicio,但它什么都不做。 – MiguelLeal


您是否检查[立即窗口](https://www.excelcampus.com/vba/vba-immediate-window-excel/)输出?你是否实例化(暗淡)所有变量? –


是的......我现在有运行时错误1004,因为我退出了“接下来的错误恢复” – MiguelLeal