2013-03-07 66 views

在我们的数据库中,我们使用主键作为数字0到9以及字母表中所有不是誓言的字母的组合。包括字母Y. 我创建了这个表来组织它。在SQL Server中将Base 31的值转换为BigInt

CREATE Table Base31 
(ID varchar(1), 
NumberValue bigint) 


Insert into Base31 SELECT '0', '0' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '1', '1' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '2', '2' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '3', '3' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '4', '4' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '5', '5' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '6', '6' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '7', '7' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '8', '8' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT '9', '9' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'B', '10' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'C', '11' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'D', '12' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'F', '13' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'G', '14' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'H', '15' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'J', '16' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'K', '17' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'L', '18' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'M', '19' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'N', '20' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'P', '21' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'Q', '22' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'R', '23' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'S', '24' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'T', '25' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'V', '26' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'W', '27' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'X', '28' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'Y', '29' 
Insert into Base31 SELECT 'Z', '30' 

我想将这些主键转换为数字值,但我一直运行int int限制。我已经改变了所有使用大的int数据类型。我怎样才能让算法使用大的int数据类型?

CREATE Proc Base_31 @v varchar(8) 


DECLARE @Ai bigint 
DECLARE @Bi bigint 
DECLARE @Ci bigint 
DECLARE @Di bigint 
DECLARE @Ei bigint 
DECLARE @Fi bigint 
DECLARE @Gi bigint 
DECLARE @Hi bigint 

SELECT @Ai = NumberValue     from Base31 where  RIGHT(@v,1) = ID 
SELECT @Bi = (NumberValue * POWER(31,1)) from Base31 where LEFT(RIGHT(@v,2),1) = ID 
SELECT @Ci = (NumberValue * POWER(31,2)) from Base31 where LEFT(RIGHT(@v,3),1) = ID 
SELECT @Di = (NumberValue * POWER(31,3)) from Base31 where LEFT(RIGHT(@v,4),1) = ID 
SELECT @Ei = (NumberValue * POWER(31,4)) from Base31 where LEFT(RIGHT(@v,5),1) = ID 
SELECT @Fi = (NumberValue * POWER(31,5)) from Base31 where LEFT(RIGHT(@v,6),1) = ID 
SELECT @Gi = (NumberValue * POWER(31,6)) from Base31 where LEFT(RIGHT(@v,7),1) = ID 
SELECT @Hi = (NumberValue * POWER(31,7)) from Base31 where LEFT(  @v ,1) = ID 

SELECT @v  AS Original 
    , Cast(@Ai AS bigint) 
    + Cast(@Bi AS bigint) 
    + Cast(@Ci AS bigint) 
    + Cast(@Di AS bigint) 
    + Cast(@Ei AS bigint) 
    + Cast(@Fi AS bigint) 
    + Cast(@Gi AS bigint) 
    + Cast(@Hi AS bigint) 
    as [Base 31 converted] 

但是这个PK定义没有语义,它只是一个句柄。它可以被任何任意的句柄取代,例如单调递增的int。 – 2013-03-07 18:11:35





select power(31,7) 


select power(cast(31 as bigint),7) 


-- First convert a bigint to base-31 number string. 
DECLARE @number bigint 

SET @number = 123740194325432 

DECLARE @Base31 table 
(Digit varchar(1) NOT NULL, 

INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('0', '0') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('1', '1') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('2', '2') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('3', '3') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('4', '4') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('5', '5') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('6', '6') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('7', '7') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('8', '8') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('9', '9') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('B', '10') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('C', '11') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('D', '12') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('F', '13') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('G', '14') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('H', '15') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('J', '16') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('K', '17') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('L', '18') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('M', '19') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('N', '20') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('P', '21') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('Q', '22') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('R', '23') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('S', '24') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('T', '25') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('V', '26') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('W', '27') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('X', '28') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('Y', '29') 
INSERT into @Base31 (Digit, Value) VALUES ('Z', '30') 

DECLARE @base bigint 
DECLARE @power bigint 
DECLARE @divisor bigint 
DECLARE @output varchar(50) 
DECLARE @digit varchar(1) 
DECLARE @digitValue bigint 

SET @output = '' 
SET @base = 31 

IF @number < 0 
    SET @number = ABS(@number) 
    SET @output = '-' 

IF NOT @number = 0 
    /* Due to the fact that the LOG10 function in SQL yields a float which limits the 
    available precision of the logarithm, numbers above 147209586032873 may have some 
    artifacts, i.e. LOG10(147209586032874) = LOG10(147209586032873). In actual practice, 
    I've found that numbers above 31^10 - 5 may manifest a leading zero when they are 
    near a power of 31, i.e. numbers in the ranges 31^10 - 4 to 31^10 - 1 and 
    31^11 - 158 to 31^11 - 1. */ 

    SET @power = FLOOR(LOG10(@number)/LOG10(@base)) 

WHILE @power >= 0 AND @number > 0 
    SET @divisor = POWER(@base, @power) 
    SET @digitValue = @number/@divisor 
    SET @number = @number % @divisor 

    SELECT @digit = Digit 
    FROM @Base31 
    WHERE Value = @digitValue 

    SELECT @output = @output + @digit 
    SET @power = @power - 1 

SET @output = @output + COALESCE(REPLICATE('0', @power + 1), '0') 

SELECT @output 

-- Now convert the base-31 number string back to a bigint and see if we're right. 
DECLARE @position bigint 

SET @position = LEN(@output) 
SET @number = 0 

WHILE @position > 0 
    SET @digit = SUBSTRING(@output, @position, 1) 

    SELECT @digitValue = Value 
    FROM @base31 
    WHERE Digit = @digit 

    SET @power = LEN(@output) - @position 
    SET @number = @number + (@digitValue * POWER(@base, @power)) 
    SET @position = @position - 1 

SELECT @number