2016-08-01 153 views

在VBA中,我必须比较文本文件的两个版本并打印不匹配的行。但是,如果附加(用户指定的)行已添加到更新的文本文件中,则必须忽略此行,并且必须继续比较最近的文本文件中的下一行。文本文件非常大,我无法使用ReadAll属性。 到目前为止,我已经假定每个文本文件中的行数都相同,顺序保持不变,因此我只使用第一个文本文件循环遍历所有行。VBA如何使用StreamReader跳过一行

Dim JsonPrev, JsonCurr As String 'Names of the text files 
Dim strLinePrev , strLineCurr As String 'The file text 
Dim UserLineAdded As String 

LineAdded = MsgBox("Does the most recent JSON contain an additional input/output, which the first does not?", vbYesNo, "Alert!") 

    If LineAdded <> vbNo Then 
     UserLineAdded = InputBox("Please provide the line that was added" & vbNewLine & "E.g. INPUT AdjustToDate, or OUTPUT Surrender Charge Base") 
     If UserLineAdded = vbNullString Then 
      MsgBox ("Comparison cancelled.") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
    End If 

JsonPrev = Range("JSONPrevious").Value 'First Text File name 
JsonCurr = Range("JSONCurrent").Value 'Second Text File name 

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set objFilePrev = objFSO.OpenTextFile(JsonPrev, 1) 
Set objFileCurr = objFSO.OpenTextFile(JsonCurr, 1) 

DiffCount = 0 

Do Until objFilePrev.AtEndOfStream 
    strLinePrev = objFilePrev.ReadLine 
    StrLineCurr = objFileCurr.ReadLine 

    prevLineNumber = prevLineNumber + 1 
    currLineNumber = currLineNumber + 1 
    If prevLineNumber > 0 Or currLineNumber > 0 Then 
     'Check whether a Line was added 
     If InStr(1, UCase(StrLineCurr), UCase(UserLineAdded)) Then 
      currLineNumber = currLineNumber + 1 
      '*****Add code to update StrLineCurr to the next ReadLine***** 
     End If 

     If strLinePrev <> StrLineCurr Then 
       DiffCount = DiffCount + 1 
       'code to print both lines from different sources 
      End If 
     End If 
    End If 








Do Until objFilePrev.AtEndOfStream 
    strLinePrev = objFilePrev.ReadLine 
    StrLineCurr = objFileCurr.ReadLine 

    prevLineNumber = prevLineNumber + 1 
    currLineNumber = currLineNumber + 1 
' add the next line , and define the function user_specified 

if user_specified(strLinePrev) then Continue While ' ignore it 



function user_specified(line as string) As Boolean 
' define the logic of user specified string 
    ' return True ?false 

end function