2011-05-27 47 views

我开始在JS的动态分析工具上工作,并且希望不显眼地分析整个环境。我基本上遍历各种上下文,深入挖掘对象,并且每次我点击一个函数时,都会将它钩住。现在,这个工作相对较好,除了它与像图书馆打交道时打破了事实上的jQuery /原型等当递归挂钩时,Javascript丢失上下文


var __PROFILER_global_props = new Array(); // visited properties 

* Hook into a function 
* @name the name of the function 
* @fn the reference to the function 
* @parent the parent object 
function __PROFILER_hook(name, fn, parent) { 
    //console.log('hooking ' + name + ' ' + fn + ' ' + parent); 

    if (typeof parent == 'undefined') 
     parent = window; 

    for (var i in parent) { 
     // find the right function 
     if (parent[i] === fn) { 
      // hook into it 
      console.log('--> hooking ' + name); 
       parent[i] = function() { 
         console.log('called ' + name); 
         return fn.apply(parent, arguments); 

       //parent[i] = fn; // <-- this works (obviously) 

* Traverse object recursively, looking for functions or objects 
* @obj the object we're going into 
* @parent the parent (used for keeping a breadcrumb) 
function __PROFILER_traverse(obj, parent) { 
    for (i in obj) { 
     // get the toString object type 
     var oo = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[i]); 
     // if we're NOT an object Object or an object Function 
     if (oo != '[object Object]' && oo != '[object Function]') { 
      console.log("...skipping " + i); 
      // skip 
      // ... the reason we do this is because Functions can have sub-functions and sub-objects (just like Objects) 
     if (__PROFILER_global_props.indexOf(i) == -1 // first we want to make sure we haven't already visited this property 
      && (i != '__PROFILER_global_props'  // we want to make sure we're not descending infinitely 
      && i != '__PROFILER_traverse'   // or recusrively hooking into our own hooking functions 
      && i != '__PROFILER_hook'    // ... 
      && i != 'Event'    // Event tends to be called a lot, so just skip it 
      && i != 'log'    // using FireBug for debugging, so again, avoid hooking into the logging functions 
      && i != 'notifyFirebug')) {   // another firebug quirk, skip this as well 

      // log the element we're looking at 
      // push it.. it's going to end up looking like '__PROFILER_BASE_.something.somethingElse.foo' 
      try { 
       // traverse the property recursively 
       __PROFILER_traverse(obj[i], parent+'.'+i); 
       // hook into it (this function does nothing if obj[i] is not a function) 
       __PROFILER_hook(i, obj[i], obj); 
      } catch (err) { 
       // most likely a security exception. we don't care about this. 
     } else { 
      // some debugging 
      console.log(i + ' already visited'); 


// traverse the window 
__PROFILER_traverse(window, '__PROFILER_BASE_'); 

// testing this on jQuery.com 



notifyFirebug already visited 
...skipping firebug 
...skipping userObjects 
--> hooking loadFirebugConsole 
...skipping location 
--> hooking init 
...skipping selector 
...skipping jquery 
...skipping length 
--> hooking size 
--> hooking toArray 
--> hooking get 
--> hooking pushStack 
--> hooking each 
--> hooking ready 
--> hooking eq 
--> hooking first 
--> hooking last 
--> hooking slice 
--> hooking map 
--> hooking end 
--> hooking push 
--> hooking sort 
--> hooking splice 
--> hooking extend 
--> hooking data 
--> hooking removeData 

当我jQuery.com(通过萤火虫)执行$("p.neat").addClass("ohmy").show("slow");,我得到一个适当的调用堆栈,但我似乎失去了地方我的上下文一路上,因为什么也没有发生,我得到一个jQuery的错误e is undefined(显然,挂钩拧了一些东西)。

called init 
called init 
called find 
called find 
called pushStack 
called pushStack 
called init 
called init 
called isArray 
called isArray 
called merge 
called merge 
called addClass 
called addClass 
called isFunction 
called isFunction 
called show 
called show 
called each 
called each 
called isFunction 
called isFunction 
called animate 
called animate 
called speed 
called speed 
called isFunction 
called isFunction 
called isEmptyObject 
called isEmptyObject 
called queue 
called queue 
called each 
called each 
called each 
called each 
called isFunction 
called isFunction 


return fn.apply(parent, arguments); 


 // hook into it (this function does nothing if obj[i] is not a function) 
     __PROFILER_hook(i, obj[i], obj); 
     // traverse the property recursively 
     __PROFILER_traverse(obj[i], parent+'.'+i); 


called $ 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called setInterval 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called getComputedStyle 
called clearInterval 

..而不是animationshowmerge等眼下,所有的挂钩并是说called functionName但最终我想要做的堆栈跟踪和时间功能(通过Java小程序)。




相似的问题:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5033836/adding-console-log-to-every-function-automatically – 2011-05-31 20:02:39






var obj = { 
    fn : function() { 
     if(this == "monkeys") { 
     console.log("Monkeys are funny!"); 

     else { 
     console.log("There are no monkeys :("); 


var ref = obj.fn; 

//assuming parent here is obj 
obj.fn = function() { 
    console.log("hooking to obj.fn"); 
    return ref.apply(obj); 


这里,函数依赖于this值来打印文本Monkeys are funny!。正如你所看到的,使用你的hook算法,这个上下文丢失了。萤火显示:

Monkeys are funny! 
hooking to obj.fn 
There are no monkeys :(


obj.fn = function() { 
    console.log("hooking to obj.fn"); 
    return ref.apply(this); 


Monkeys are funny! 
hooking to obj.fn 
Monkeys are funny!


return fn.apply(this, arguments); 






var obj = function(element) { 
    this.element = element; 
    this.fn0 = function(arg) { 
     console.log(arg, element); 
     return this; 

    this.fn1 = function(arg) { 
     console.log(arg, arg, element); 
     return this; 

    if(this instanceof obj) { 
     return this.obj; 

    else { 
     return new obj(element); 

var objInst = obj("monkeys"); 

var ref0 = objInst.fn0; 

objInst.fn0 = function(arg) { 
    console.log("calling f0"); 
    return ref0.apply(this, [arg]); 

var ref1 = objInst.fn1; 

objInst.fn1 = function(arg) { 
    console.log("calling f1"); 
    return ref1.apply(this, [arg]); 




你完全理解,我以前曾尝试过'this',但如果我使用'this',看起来函数链断了(所以像'$('something')。addClass('asdfg')。show('slow')'停止工作)。具体来说,我得到'push()'是未定义的。 – 2011-05-27 22:27:20


@大卫我更新了我的答案。我不知道它是否回答你的问题,但我试过:p我已经在答案中提到了这一点,但我认为当你试图区分通过'apply调用的函数时,你会遇到困难'与通过链接或直接调用的方法相比。我很想知道这个解决方案,所以希望有人比我更懂事。 – 2011-05-27 23:34:24


尽管它在一般情况下可能无法解决问题,但我的直觉告诉我应该有可能我感谢你的洞察力。我认为当你在方法链接和静态方法之间进行区分时,你碰到了头。另外,做一些试验后,我发现有时会把自己的数组应用到自变量中,这很奇怪。 – 2011-05-28 00:09:04